Code of Wasteland Survival

Chapter 899: replace

"Why did you suddenly change your mind?" Lei Yun seemed to be very happy to see Qin eating flat, and a smile appeared in the corner of her eyes.

"The other suppliers tore up the agreement." Qin did not intend to conceal, but directly told Lei Yun the reason.

"It turned out to be like this... Then, can I monopolize this batch of orders?"

"It can be said that I am willing to purchase goods from Lei's family at 150% of the original price, and the logistics office will also pay for you. What do you think of Miss Lei?" Qin said calmly. He said that he didn't seem anxious about it at all.

"One hundred and fifty percent? Does it seem too low for a monopoly business?" Lei Yun said with a smile.

"One hundred and seventy percent, this is already my bottom line. If Miss Lei can't accept it, I can only find a way from another place." Qin replied.

"Just kidding, one hundred and fifty is one hundred and fifty. The profit in this is already very high."

"Well, this is the list of goods." After Qin finished speaking, he took out a list from the drawer and pushed it to Lei Yun.

Lei Yun took the list, turned a few pages casually, and her eyebrows wrinkled together...

"You...what do you want so many parts for? enough to arm 300,000 people? And...military standard MK002 graphite shell...that's used to make individual nuclear ...You will not really want to rebel, will you?"

The more you see this list, the more shocking Lei Yun feels... If this is an arms order from the frontline, she still feels acceptable, but if it's just the "factional struggle" Qin said, then It's abnormal!

The munitions produced by these materials can already destroy dozens of refuges, as well as all the equipment and humans in the refuges!

Generally speaking, if assassinations, kidnappings and other means are used in factional struggles within the same camp, the nature can be regarded as very bad... But looking at the posture in the sixth district, it is clear that they are preparing for a scale no less than organization and The war between the Revolutionary League!

Do it yourself... is that right? If you sell these things to Qin... what are the consequences?

Lei Yun began to hesitate, and for a moment, even a thought flashed through her head-if she had listened to her uncle before and stopped participating in this matter, would it be the most correct decision? ?

"What the **** are you doing?"

"I said it before……"

"Don't use excuses to prevaricate me, I am not a little girl who knows nothing, do you really think I will be naive enough to believe that individual nuclear warheads and modified anthrax bacteria will be used in factional struggles?!" Lei Yun couldn't help but improve. Own tone.

"Believe it or not, it's really just factional struggle."

It's just that the two parties involved in this faction struggle are the founders of the other eight organizations and I-this is a word Qin did not say.

"Are you really reluctant to tell me?" Lei Yun's tone was full of disappointment.

"Then what do you want me to tell you? Tell you that I plan to launch a rebellion? But the problem is that I have never thought of a rebellion. Miss Lei, are you planning to bend it into a move?" Qin did not show any anger or Impatient, he still spoke in a declarative tone, which made people feel like a robot without emotion.

"..." Lei Yun was speechless, and after several seconds, he exhaled a long breath, and said, "I don't have the raw materials for biological and chemical weapons and nuclear weapons. Lei Family can't sell this kind of things. I can only sell them to The spare parts of your conventional firearms, besides, the price is based on what you said just now, 170%."

"This is enough. In fact, nuclear weapons and biological and chemical weapons, etc., I just write for fun, even if I want to use them, I can't use them underground." Qin said lightly, standing up from behind the desk. , With a finger snap, the Bingshan female assistant who was wearing a bulletproof vest outside the suit and skirt immediately handed over a contract.

"If there are no problems, it's so decided... Besides, you don't have to come here in person next time you deliver the goods. The situation here is very chaotic now, and it is impossible for my men to take care of you all the time." Qin Zai He signed his name at the bottom of the contract, and then forwarded it to Lei Yun.

"I don't need your protection either." Lei Yun said angrily. At the same time, his eyes quickly scanned the content of the contract. After confirming that there was no problem, he also signed his name underneath.



Holding a copy of the contract, Lei Yun boarded the train to return... This trip to District 6 can’t be said to have gained nothing. At least, the contract in hand can bring Lei’s family profits enough for her. The status in the family has risen by more than two levels, and the extra 70% premium alone can almost equal the income of the business for half a year.

It's just that Lei Yun's mood is still very bad. She feels that Qin seems to be a different person, full of strangeness from head to toe...Although his face still has a little bit of cynicalism, it seems to be a thousand miles away. He smiled outside, but compared to the young man who often came to Lei Ting to drink tea, he was completely two people.

"What happened to this guy during this period... By the way, the wanted man who was released by him..." Lei Yun took the PDA out of her bag and put it on her knees as if suddenly thinking of something. The above began to look down and search for the wanted order posted on the organization's intranet at the front end.

"The most wanted order? Former Lei Falcon team member...Shadow Agent...Qi Lin? Unsuccessful attempting to murder the Senator by hacking with hostile forces?...Still on the run? Extremely dangerous..."

Qi Lin’s wanted order was not a secret, and Lei Yun soon found it. The consortium was even accompanied by many photos of Qi Lin taken from various angles, including Qi Lin joining Lei Fal’s team. The photo taken during the medical examination with only a pair of shorts.

"Is this guy Qin Fang ran away?... He is also a fifth-level evolutionary? Is the fifth-level evolutionary now so worthless?"

Just as Lei Yun was staring at the PDA screen intently, a woman wearing black clothes and a baseball cap with a low brim sat down opposite her.

The corner of Lei Yun's eyes swept over the woman, and a familiar feeling made her raise her head—"Why are you here?!"

This woman is the Lei family executor who booked the ticket for Lei Yun before!

"Miss,, goodbye." The woman in black suddenly whispered, her right hand stretched out abruptly, and reached Lei Yun's ribs. Lei Yun hadn't realized what had happened before, a strong electric current rushed. After passing through her body, she had lost consciousness before she even made a scream, and collapsed on the seat.

The PDA on her knees slowly slipped, and the woman in black bent down, reached out to catch the PDA that was about to hit the ground, glanced at it, and then stuffed the PDA into her backpack.



When Lei Yun's consciousness regained her consciousness, she found herself tied to a metal chair, with her hands tied behind the chair, and the thin steel cables used as ropes were deeply embedded in the delicate skin. , The legs are separated to the sides, and are also tied to the two chair legs by thin steel cables.

This is a small room with concrete walls. From the angle Lei Yun can see, no doors or windows are found. A bright incandescent lamp hangs above her head, emitting a dazzling light.

Lei Yun tried to struggle, but found that she couldn't exert any strength all over her body. According to her own judgment, the kidnapper had been injected with some kind of anesthetic.

Her mouth was not gagged, but Lei Yun did not choose to yell, because she knew that yelling was useless, the room must have been emptied by the kidnappers, yelling and yelling not only couldn’t help herself. , But it will also attract the attention of the kidnappers.

Lei Yun forced herself to calm down, her brain turning quickly, trying to think of a way to get out...

"Are you awake?" A female voice she was familiar with came from behind, and Lei Yun was agitated. Even if she turned her head and looked behind her, the back of her chair was high, completely blocking Lei Yun's vision. I couldn't see the woman talking behind me at all.

But... the voice of the other party really made Lei Yun feel very familiar, but the problem was that she couldn't remember whose voice it was.

"Who are you? Why do you want to tie...?!" Since the other party has discovered that she is awake, Lei Yun has no need to pretend, but when she speaks, she discovers something that shocks her...

The voice that makes Lei Yun feel very familiar but can't remember it... is her own voice!

"Surprised, isn't it?"

The woman slowly walked around in front of Lei Yun, walked out of the shadows, and walked under the light.

Lei Yun's eyes widened in an instant-the other person's appearance, figure, and clothes were exactly the same as her own, and even the humble butterfly tattoo on the back of the neck was indistinguishable. The two people were simply carved out of the same mold. The same!

"who are you?!"

"I'm you, I'm Lei Yun~" The woman bent down and raised Lei Yun's chin.

"What the **** do you want to do?" Lei Yun's heart was completely filled with fear, she didn't dare to think about what would happen next...Although she had already expected...

"We want to ask you something, a little trivial matter that is related to you, and hope you can cooperate with us well, so that it will be good to all of us." said the woman who looks exactly like Lei Yun.

"What's the matter?" Lei Yun forced herself to calm down... However, the large amount of cold sweat oozing from her back exposed her inner tension. Originally, she thought that as long as the Lei family paid enough ransom, perhaps the kidnappers would kill herself. Let go, but obviously the purpose of the kidnappers is not for ransom...

That woman who is exactly the same as herself... the person who kidnapped herself wants to make that woman become herself, so as to "replace" herself...

Why... what do these people do... what is their purpose...

Lei Yun's brain was in a mess. At this time, the other party had already begun to ask the first question——

"When you are eating, do you get used to eating dishes close to you first, or eating dishes you like first?"

"Wh...what?!" Lei Yun was stunned for a moment, and then she reacted - the other party asked these detailed questions to bring the "substitute" closer to her!

"I'll ask again, when you are eating, do you get used to eating dishes close to you first, or eating dishes you like first?" The woman repeated.

Lei Yun did not answer. She knew that if the woman in front of her really became "self", then to these kidnappers, she would probably lose her value, and what kind of ending would be waiting for her. Lei Yun knew everything well.

"Don't tell me? Then... we can only be rude..." The woman squinted her eyes and beckoned. Two burly men with masks on their faces came out from the shadows, and they both caught them. Holds Lei Yun's arm, and then took out a small and exquisite metal box from her trouser pocket... When the box was opened, Lei Yun only glanced at her, and her body trembled violently—the box contained a whole set Something similar to a surgical instrument, but she knew that it was a torture instrument specially used to torture and extract a confession!

"Eat what you like first." Lei Yun immediately replied.

"Very well, you have to understand that only by cooperating with us can you avoid the suffering of flesh and skin. The second question is, when you are having a good time with the opposite sex, do you have any special habits or habitual actions?"

"..." Lei Yun's face flushed slightly, and he hesitated for a few seconds before saying: "I don't have any experience in this As a young lady who has received elite education from a young age, let alone having **** with men. It's a relationship. Lei Yun hasn't even been in a relationship until now. In this respect, she is as pure as a blank paper.

The woman and the two burly men in masks looked at each other for a moment, and then said, "Well, skip this question... But you will soon know what the answer to this question means."

"You...what do you mean?!" Lei Yun was startled, and just about to struggle, his body was pressed tightly on the chair by two big men.

"Next question..."

Most of the questions raised by women are some very inconspicuous little details and habits in Lei Yun’s daily life. These things are so subtle that Lei Yun doesn’t usually pay attention to them. There are some problems that she even has to remember. In order to be able to answer.

The woman asked dozens of questions in a row, and she stood up after Lei Yun answered them all, and said to the two brawny men: "Okay, I'll leave it to you, but remember to clean up after playing. , Don't leave any traces, understand?"

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