Code of Wasteland Survival

Chapter 901: Comanche α (2 in 1 large

? Another strong earthquake came from under his feet. Qi Lin only felt a heat wave coming from behind. Looking back, the crimson lava had broken through the ground and poured into this space in the belly of the volcano!

The dense underground forest turned to ashes directly in front of the magma. As soon as the plants burned, they had been swallowed by a bright red color, and this hot fluid was quickly approaching Qi Lin——

"Fuck, this **** lizard..."

Qi Lin has rushed to the vertical passage opening, but when he looked up, he found that the ropes and anchors that he originally hung at the opening of the cave had all been destroyed by it when the frost dragon drilled out. Qi Lin must You have to climb up from this vertical cliff with a height of more than two hundred meters.

"To suffer...time is not enough!"

Qi Lin frantically greeted the eighteenth generation of the ancestor of the Frost Dragon in his heart. If it hadn't cut Qi Lin's retreat, he would give him a strong enough rope at the limit speed of Qi Lin's energy-gathering vortex. Qi Lin only needed a few You can climb to the top of the cave in seconds, and you can run out of the crater before the magma swallows him...

Although he knew that the time might be too late, Qi Lin jumped up vigorously, and then plunged into the rock wall with his dagger, and his whole person just hung on the vertical cave wall.

Stretching his body, Qi Lin bent up with his legs, then stomped **** the rock wall while pulling out the dagger. With the help of the reaction force, Qi Lin jumped directly to the other side of the rock wall.

This kind of leaping ascent is not slow, but the only problem is that all the rock walls are made of extremely hard volcanic rock. No matter how good the quality of the dagger in Qi Lin's hand is, it cannot last for long under such high-intensity use. Within a few jumps, the blade of the dagger was already cracked, and the spine of the blade was also obviously deformed.

The magma has already flooded directly below Qi Lin. Although Qi Lin is still safe for the time being before filling the entire underground cavity, at this time, as long as he misses his hand, he will immediately fall into the magma of thousands of degrees Celsius.

The unbearable high temperature has occupied the entire passage. Due to the overheated expansion of the air, the scene in Qi Lin's vision has also been distorted to a certain extent.

The temperature around him has risen to more than two hundred degrees, and this number is still growing. The plastic equipment on Qi Lin has begun to emit an unpleasant burnt odor, and the metal equipment is even worse. It becomes very hot.

There are the last fifty meters!

The magma has gradually filled the entire mountainside, and the fantastic and charming underground forest no longer exists. Soon, magma will gush up along this vertical channel...

At this moment, Qi Lin's vision suddenly became pitch black, and the feeling of burning heat disappeared in an instant... Not only that, but the magma, rock wall, etc. disappeared, and Qi Lin suddenly entered. In an empty world, this unexpected change made him feel a little dazed for a moment-is he dead? No, it's obvious that the magma is still more than ten meters away from you, how can it be so fast?

"You are not dead, it's just that I forcibly suspended the training program." The voice of the mastermind came from the darkness.

"What's the matter? Why stop? Maybe I can escape."

"There is a little situation in reality."

"Small situation? What situation?"

"I will let you withdraw from the virtual world first, and then explain to you in detail."

As soon as the voice fell, the surrounding darkness suddenly disappeared. Qi Lin only felt that he was like a drowning man and was suddenly picked up from the water. A large amount of fresh air poured into his lungs, making him violent. Coughed.

"In order to make the experience of the virtual world as real as possible, this machine uses a higher level of immersion technology, and there will indeed be some discomfort the first time it is used." The main brain explained to Qi Lin.

The hatch of the game cabin slowly opened, and Qi Lin shook his head, which was still a little dizzy, and crawled out of it.

Two advanced domestic robots that only the wealthy class can afford in the refuge have been waiting next to the game cabin. They have a huge tray on their heads, and a complete set of combat uniforms and accessories are neatly placed inside the tray. Of equipment.

"Is this going to be actual combat?"

Qi Lin glanced at the combat uniform, which was exactly the one he had selected in the training program before, and even the other equipment was exactly the same model.

"Almost, there is someone who needs you to pick it up," the main brain said.

"A person, who?"


"Patherine?!" Qi Lin instantly widened his eyes, "Fa...what happened? What happened to her?"

"She had a relationship with you."

"Uh...I know that, but..."

"The organization learned about the relationship between the two of you. They tried to control Passerfani, but she resisted. After fighting with the guards, she escaped from the Lex Shield consortium with serious injuries. ."

"What then?" Qi Lin asked nervously...Unconsciously, in his heart, the status of this woman was almost the same as Song Xiaodie.

"She originally planned to go to the sixth district to find Qin's asylum, but now the situation in the underground world is very tense. All routes to the sixth district have been controlled by the organization. When she was desperate, I took the initiative to contact her."

"Where is she now?"

"Although Qin could not accommodate Passerfanie, Biochemical Man 0592 was working outside the sixth district at that time. I asked Qin to give this task to 0592. As one of Qin and Qin’s most satisfying cooperation works, 0592 is excellent. The ground completed the task and brought Passerphine to the surface."

"Huh...that's fine, is she badly injured?" Qi Lin took a breath, but then his nerves became tense again immediately after the housekeeping robot waited for Qi Lin to change clothes and outfits. , You brought the guns, and at the same time, there were several boxes of heavy ammunition.

Looking at the heavy machine gun with a 15mm caliber and a barrel as thick as a barrel, Qi Lin understood that Passefani must have not been out of danger at this moment...

"She was lucky and was not hit by a large-caliber rifle, but the bullet of a 9mm pistol was embedded in the gap between her liver and spleen. Since the shooting time has passed by more than ten When she was young, the wound was scabs, and the torn muscles were all stuck together. Under the conditions at that time, the operation could not be performed, so she could only stay in the body with the bullet. In addition, her left knee was also hit. Comminuted fracture of the kneecap and lost mobility."

"..." Qi Lin took a deep breath. Although the injury sounded serious, he knew that Pasifani's luck was already very good. You must know that there are more than two-thirds of the guards organized now. Soldiers are equipped with large-caliber full-power assault rifles. If they are shot by something like that, let alone hit directly, even if they just pass by, they can tear off a large piece of flesh...

"0592 brought Parsephine to the surface. It could be said that it was safe, but because of their wrong route choice, they happened to hit a group of jumping dragons in heat."

"Dragon jumping? What is that?" Although Qi Lin knew that this was a mutant creature, to be honest, he had never heard of this thing in the "Rules for Survival in the Wasteland".

"A mutated dinosaur with a gene reversion phenomenon. The upper limbs are atrophied and the lower limbs are extremely developed. It has the ability to run at high speed and excellent jumping ability. A similar species appeared in the Triassic period. Extremely bloodthirsty, the adult dragon jumping individual is probably around the elite level, and the dragon jumping leader can reach F level. During the estrus, the jumping dragon will become more violent, and extremely easy to be stimulated, and will attack any appearance In the field of vision, if the prey chooses to escape, they will keep chasing the prey until the prey is exhausted. After killing the prey, the male dragon will send the meat of the prey to the female individuals in the group. In exchange for mating rights."

"Elite level and F level... Fortunately, they are not very strong." After listening to the introduction of Dragon Jumping, Qi Lin's heart was slightly lowered. Parsephanie herself is a Level 2 evolutionary. People, and 0592 is an advanced biochemical person whose strength is comparable to a fifth-level evolutionary. Facing a group of elite mutant creatures with the highest leader but F-level, they should not be forced into desperation.

"The strength of the jumping dragons is indeed not strong... but the problem is that they ran into the largest group of jumping dragons on the Huaxia Plain."

"The largest... how many?"

"There are more than 3,000 elite-level jumping dragons, and there are dozens of F-level leaders."

"Why are there so many?" Qi Lin was startled. He thought it was like this kind of carnivorous mutant creatures, a group of more than a hundred would have reached the sky, but the main brain opened its mouth and there were three thousand...this number, It is too exaggerated.

"The reproductive ability of jumping dragons is very strong. After one mating, they can lay five to six nests of eggs. There are about ten eggs in a nest. Half of them can hatch successfully. A new born jumping dragon only takes six months. They can mature and have the ability to reproduce...This kind of creature is just like the extinct lemming. As long as there is sufficient food and no natural enemies, they can breed a huge population within a few years."

"Then Pasifani and the others are being chased by these three thousand jumping dragons?"

"Yes, 0592 snatched a nuclear-powered off-road vehicle from the organization. Jumping dragons are a bit like frost dragons. They can sense any object that can release radiant energy. The graphite shell of the nuclear-powered engine was crushed by the guards, so..."

"Then where are they now?"

"About this location." With a wave of the holographic projection arm of the main brain, a 3D map stretched out in front of Qi Lin, and a red dot that kept flashing was slowly moving on a plain—of course, this slowness refers to It looks slow from the map, but as long as you pay attention to the scale of this map, you can know that they are galloping at a high speed of more than 300 kilometers per hour.

The speed of jumping dragons is also very fast, but in front of nuclear-powered off-road vehicles, it can only be able to keep up, but the problem is that the next terrain is not all flat, right in front of their escape route. More than a hundred kilometers away, there is a hilly area that must be traversed. Once there, the speed of the off-road vehicle will definitely drop, but the dragon jumpers will not be affected much.

"If you don't pick them up, they will definitely die after being caught up by the dragon jumping. Don't think that abandoning the car can save your life. The dragon jumping in estrus will never let go of any prey, even if compared with nuclear-powered engines. The energy fluctuations they emit can only be regarded as the level of mosquito legs, but in front of three thousand jumping dragons, even mosquito legs will be divided into countless parts..."

"Can you provide any means of transportation?" Qi Lin had put all his equipment neatly on, and he held the heavy machine gun with a caliber very close to the cannon.

"The vehicle is in the basement, please follow the pointer."

After speaking, a green pointing cursor appeared at Qi Lin's feet by the holographic projection. Following the cursor, Qi Lin quickly found the way to the basement.

In this basement, which is even larger than a villa on the ground, there is actually a black helicopter parked!

This is a RAH-66 Comanche stealth helicopter with a sci-fi fuselage and tail. This is a new military helicopter developed by Boeing for the U.S. Air Force at the end of the 20th century. However, due to various reasons such as budget and competition , Comanche's production plan was eventually stranded, and Boeing only produced a few prototypes, which I did not expect to see here.

"This is the Comanche Alpha type, numbered RAH-α, which is a new model that has been modified and improved on the basis of RAH-66. It can be remotely controlled by unmanned vehicles, and it can also be driven by an intelligent operating system. Although it is not equipped with weapons, it has an optical camouflage coating and electromagnetic interference shield, which can achieve true stealth."

Those several ammunition masterminds also let the robots be transported to the basement together. Qi Lin first moved the ammunition into the cabin, and then he jumped up with the heavy machine gun in one breath.

"Sit firmly, and arrive at the designated area in five minutes." As soon as the main brain's voice fell, a circular exit was opened in the ceiling of the basement, and the wings of the Comanche α spun at high speed, and the powerful lift carried the plane. The helicopter gently raised about more than fifty meters into the air.

"In other words... won't this helicopter be attacked by mutant creatures?" Qi Lin was holding the machine gun, leaning on the side door, and looking at the zero stronghold directly below, and asked the main brain.

"No, it is invisible in the eyes of 99% of flying mutant creatures."

"What about the remaining one percent?"

"Just avoid it."

Please remember the domain name of this book's first publication:. Nine Heavens God Emperor Mobile Edition Reading URL:

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