Code of Wasteland Survival

Chapter 903: Air emergency surgery (2 in 1 large

? Opening the skylight, Qi Lin got directly into the off-road vehicle.

0592 The burly body was retracted in the driving position, while driving the car, while filling the barrel of the shotgun with ammunition, while Pasifani was lying on the back seat, and the blood leaking from the wound completely The seats were all dyed dark red.

Passerfani had fallen into a deep coma. Qi Lin reached out and touched her forehead and found that she was in a high fever at the moment, and her temperature was more than 41 or 2 degrees... Her body temperature has long been belching, and it was thanks to her evolutionary physique that she has persisted until now.

On Pasifani's flanks, there were several bandages wrapped in hastily. Now the white bandage has been completely dyed blood, and the foamy dark red blood is still oozing out of the bandage.

"Why is her wound so bad?" Qi Lin used a dagger to cut the bandage and lifted up the broken clothes. Not only did the wound not heal, but there were signs of severe suppuration.

"After she was shot, she has been evading the organization's pursuit. There was nothing to clean and suture the wound. A serious infection occurred. Coupled with the bumps along the way, the scabs broke apart as soon as she formed... She kept bleeding. And you can see, in this case, I can't separate a hand to take care of her." 0592 said.

Qi Lin just noticed that the **** smell in the car of the off-road vehicle was so strong that it was terrifying, and there was also a slimy feeling under the boots. Looking down, the floor of the car was full of blood in a semi-solidified state.

"Blood loss is so serious?!"

Passerfani's face was as pale as paper, and her pulse was so weak that she could barely notice it. It would be no exaggeration to say that she was in a dying moment.

"You can't operate on her here, the shock absorption system of this car was broken!" 0592 Qilin said.

"I know!" Qi Lin can feel the violent bumps of the off-road vehicle at high speed. Thanks to 0592's superb driving skills, otherwise I am afraid that the car will be destroyed before Qi Lin arrives...

"I'll take her to the plane first, and I'll pick you up later!" Qi Lin used a bandage to temporarily cover Parsefenni's wound, then tied her to his body, and then said to 0592.

"No need to!"


"You don't need to pick me up, I have a way to get out, and I have other tasks to perform." 0592 replied loudly.

"Well, good luck then!"

Qi Lin took Pathephani and stood up from the back seat, grabbed the cable, and let the mastermind pull them onto Comanche α.

"By the way, can he get away with that guy?" Qi Lin hugged Pasephani and got into the cabin, then glanced back at the off-road vehicle below. "Yes." The answer was the mastermind, "There are so many things you don't know about this advanced biochemical person."

As soon as the main brain’s voice fell, 0592 suddenly jumped out of the off-road vehicle that was driving at high speed. After landing, it rolled out for several tens of meters to offset the impact of inertia, and then he began to move towards another Running wildly in the direction, its speed is not much slower than a nuclear-powered off-road vehicle driving at full speed.

What surprised Qi Lin even more was that none of the jumping dragons described by the master as "will not let go of any prey" chased him, and all rushed towards the off-road vehicle.

"How is this going?"

"The camouflage system that the biochemical man comes with is specifically designed to target mutant creatures. It is also a safety guarantee for them when performing tasks on the surface. He can release a pheromone that makes the dragon jumper mistake him for the same kind. Won't chase him."

After losing control of the off-road vehicle, it quickly rolled over, and then exploded violently. The hot metal fragments splashing around shredded the jumping dragons that were eagerly chasing them, but nonetheless, these are fierce. The carnivorous animals still rushed to the wreckage of the off-road vehicle one after another, and began to fight over the wreckage of the vehicle.

As for 0592, it has already run far away.

"If you can release the disguised pheromone, why not use it early..." Qi Lin asked in a puzzled manner.

"The coverage of the pheromone is very small, let alone the entire off-road vehicle, even the people standing with him cannot share this disguise. If the disguise was turned on by 0592 before, the dragon jumpers will take Parsefenni Identified it as 0592's prey, and fight with him, the ending will not be much better."

Qi Lin glanced at the jumping dragons who were snatching the "trophies" directly below. These guys could also be said to be merciless to their own people. In the fight, several dragon jumping have fallen in a pool of blood.

"Let's go, leave here, and go back to base zero." Qi Lin said.

"It's too late."

"What's too late?"

"She can't hold it." The main brain pointed to Passefani, who was lying in Qi Lin's arms. "You must perform an emergency operation here and stop the bleeding from the wound. Otherwise, she will wait until the number zero stronghold. It's already a corpse."

"Damn, I see, hold the helicopter as steady as possible!" Qi Lin said, dragging out a white first aid kit with a red cross sticker on the surface from under the seat.

"Take care of the wound in the abdomen first, there is the fatal place." The mastermind said, Pasifani has two wounds on her body, one is on the abdomen and the other is on the knees. Comparing the two, the abdomen wound The priority is naturally the highest.

"I know I know." Qi Lin opened the first aid kit, took out a piece of sterile cloth, tore the package, opened it and laid it under Parsefani's body, and then put the scissors and scalpel together again. , Hemostatic forceps and other instruments are poured on the sterile cloth.

Carefully cutting off the bandage and the blood-sucked clothes, Qi Lin fully exposed the wound, but a large amount of red and black blood clots were condensed around the wound, mixed with pus, making him totally invisible Clean up the details of the wound.

"Water! I need water!"

"On top of your head."

Qi Lin stretched out his hand and found several bags of distilled water from the locker on the top of the cabin. He tore one of the packets with his teeth and poured the water on his hands that had been disinfected with medical alcohol. Qi Lin started Cleaned up the wound in Pasifani's abdomen.

The flesh on the edge of the wound has been necrotic, Qi Lin can only choose to cut them off, because Parsefanie’s current condition is very bad, he cannot easily use anesthetics, every cut is cut, Parsefanie is in a deep coma The body in it quivered due to the instinctive reaction of the nerve...

" will be done soon...forbearance..."

Qi Lin said as he speeded up his movements as much as possible.

After cutting off the necrotic skin and flesh, the red blood came out again, Qi Lin immediately tore a pack of hemostatic powder and poured it on the cut wound.

After three packets of hemostatic powder were used, and the major broken blood vessels were clamped with hemostatic forceps, the blood in Pasifani’s wound was finally stopped temporarily.

But this just stopped the blood.

"The bullet is still in it, you have to take it out."

"In that part? I can't see it!" As soon as Qi Lin's voice fell, the projector above his head was suddenly activated, and a three-dimensional perspective projection of the abdominal cavity appeared in front of his eyes. Through this projection, he It can be clearly seen that the bullet of a Parabellum pistol with a diameter of nine millimeters is right in the gap between the liver and the spleen.

Because the warhead stayed in it for too long, a thick layer of blood crust had coagulated around the warhead, and there were signs of local necrosis in the area where the liver and spleen contacted the warhead.

Referring to the position marked on the holographic projection, Qi Lin held the tweezers in his right hand and slowly plunged into Parsefenni's abdomen.

Qi Lin blocked his breath, while staring at the holographic projection acting as an endoscope, while carefully moving the angle of the tweezers...Finally, the tip of the tweezers touched a hard object. Qi Lin knew that it was The bullet embedded in Pasifani.

It's just that the bullet, blood scab and internal organs are all stuck together, and it takes a while to take it out.

He tried to open the wound with his left hand, but when he did so, a large amount of blood immediately poured out from the depths of Passerfani’s wound. There was no way, he could only use the tweezers to transfer the touch to the fingertips. Scrape off the clotted blood scab on the bullet little by little.

In addition to the blood scab, there is also a part of the hyperplastic tissue. These things need to use a scalpel... It took a full ten minutes before Qi Lin successfully delivered the slightly deformed warhead from Pasifani’s body. Take it out.

At this time, the helicopter had landed in the yard of Stronghold Zero.

"Huh..." With a long breath, Qi Lin wiped the sweat from his forehead with his sleeve, but when he recovered, he found that the sterile cloth spread underneath was also full of blood. And Pasifani's face was pale to the extreme.

"Damn, why forgot about this! Mastermind! Mastermind! She needs a blood transfusion!"

"I haven't forgotten it, it's already ready."

The two housekeeping robots were moved out of Stronghold Zero. They brought plasma and blood transfusion equipment. In addition, there were some surgical instruments and medicines that were not in the first aid kit.

"The robot will deal with the wound in the abdomen. You can deal with her knee. Although it is not fatal, if you want her not to suffer from a disability, it is better to solve it as soon as possible." The main brain said.

The two housekeepers... Uh, no, they should be called medical robots at this time. They erected an infusion stand, which was full when several packets of plasma and various liquid medicines were hung on the shelf. After piercing the needles for transfusion and blood transfusion into Passerphane's body, they began to work around the wound in Passerfanie's abdomen.

Compared with Qi Lin, an amateur who has only learned battlefield first aid, their operations are much more delicate. They will remove the necrotic flesh and internal organs that Qi Lin cannot see inside the wound, and use one A suture made of a kind of collagen will sew broken blood vessels and wounds together.

After breathing a little, Qi Lin took the scissors and scalpel around to the other side of Pasifani's body. She was also shot in the knee, but luckily it didn't hit the artery in the leg and the bullet was straight. It runs through the past, so the bleeding from the wound is not as severe as the abdomen.

The black silk pantyhose was soaked in blood plasma, and it was tightly attached to Pasifani’s long legs. Qi Lin had to use scissors to cut the pantyhose bit by bit, so as not to pull it to the knees. Wounds.

Soon, Parsephani’s entire leg was exposed to Qi Lin’s eyes. Although her white skin was stained with blood, she still looked very sexy, but Qi Lin had no time to care about that kind of thing. , He gently lifted her calf, and then fixed her calf and thigh with a splint.

Passefani's femur and tibia were not injured, the bullet only cracked the patella, other than that, the cartilage at the joint was bruised.

After cleaning the wound, Qi Lin closed the three-piece patella and sprinkled a powder provided by the master brain, which is said to have an excellent effect on skeletal growth. Only a pale yellow powder was seen in the body. After the blood and water were mixed, it quickly penetrated into the cracks of the bones. Although the effect will not be visible for a while, at least the broken bones have been temporarily bonded...The next step is to stop bleeding, bandaging, and use. Final measures such as fixing the splint have been implemented.

When Qi Lin finished the work, the robot also ended the operation on the other side and bandaged the wound.

"Okay, take her to the recovery cabin." The main brain said, and the two robots had taken the stretcher from the side. Qi Lin gently picked up Parsefenni and put her on the stretcher.

The so-called recovery cabin looks similar to the game cabin from the outside, except that in addition to injecting nutrient solution and exporting human excrement, there are hundreds of small spouts in the recovery this one. It will spray out a mist of medicinal liquid heated to the temperature of the human body. These mist medicinal liquids can be quickly absorbed by the wounded through the skin of the human body, thereby promoting wound healing and body recovery.

Of course, there is a higher-level recovery chamber, which requires the whole person to be immersed in the liquid medicine, but Pasifani's condition is not as bad as that.

All the clothes on her body have been removed. Qi Lin looked at this almost perfect carcass through the brown transparent resin hatch, as well as the two extremely eye-catching wounds, and couldn't help but regret...

Indeed, when he left that underground world, he forgot about Passerfani... He once thought that the relationship between the two was only in "mutual need", but until after he learned that Passerfani was seriously injured , He discovered that this enchanting woman had actually occupied a very important position in his heart without knowing it.

"I knew... it's better not to get to know you. This time I almost killed you." Sitting next to the recovery cabin, Qi Lin said in a very low voice.

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