Code of Wasteland Survival

Chapter 906: Go around

? But in any case, approaching the Frost Dragon head-on is undoubtedly tantamount to suicide, and only getting around is the only chance.

Qi Lin took out a few more nuclear energy batteries. Unlike the one that was nearly exhausted before, they were all brand new batteries. He connected these batteries in series to make a simple loop. Through a circuit board the size of a fingernail and a thin wire, you can make a backward pulling action every 15 seconds and quickly reset. The pulling force is about four to five pounds, just enough to pull the trigger. Needs.

Then, Qi Lin fixed the large-caliber assault rifle to the ground with a bracket with bolts. The muzzle was aligned with the tunnel mouth, and then the output end of the battery pack was tied to the trigger. .

After doing all this, Qi Lin took a few deep breaths and focused his attention on the energy gathering vortex, using his mind to slowly slow down the speed of the energy gathering vortex. At the same time, he used a dagger to open the shell of the nuclear energy battery. .

This approach is very dangerous. Once improperly operated, it will cause an explosion. Even if there is no explosion, the nuclear fuel inside the battery will leak out, causing radiation pollution and greatly reducing the battery life.

But this is exactly what Qi Lin needs... He wants the radiation leaking from the nuclear energy battery to cover his whereabouts in the "half-feign death" state, and the large-caliber assault rifle fired every 15 seconds will also be exhausted. Possibly attract the attention of the Frost Dragon.

The magazine of the large-caliber assault rifle has been pulled out by Qi Lin, and a 60-round drum is inserted in the magazine well. If one round is fired every 15 seconds, Qi Lin has a full 15 minutes. Can be used to go around.

Opening the firearm’s insurance, accompanied by thunderous gunfire echoing in the tunnel, the first bullet drilled out of the barrel when the trigger was pulled by the thin line, and Qi Lin turned around and ran deep into the tunnel. .

The tunnels and corridors inside the Great Colosseum extend in all directions, and he can go behind the **** of the Frost Dragon without exposing himself.

The first fifteen seconds passed quickly. When the second gunshot sounded, Qi Lin had already ran to the top of the circular corridor. This was the "main road" of the entire Colosseum's internal buildings. Almost all The passages are connected to this circular corridor.

The Frost Dragon was still working hard as an excavator there, and it seemed that Qi Lin had not noticed that Qi Lin had shifted his position without knowing it.

After going around half a circle along the circular corridor, Qi Lin chose an aisle and got in. This is a staff aisle connecting the player lounge at the other end of the Colosseum. From this player lounge, Frost Right behind the dragon.

Qi Lin moved very carefully to the exit of the tunnel bit by bit. From his current angle, he could just see the back of the frost dragon. At this moment, this big guy has dug a big hole. , The smaller half of the body has fallen into the auditorium.

This is an opportunity!

The Frost Dragon hasn’t noticed that Qi Lin has completed its circumnavigation. Moreover, its current front paws are pulling on the steps in the middle of the auditorium, and its wings are contracted, clinging to its body. In this position, whether it is turning To take off, you must first exit from the big hole it dug out by itself!

Qi Lin's breathing became a little bit rapid, and the portable nuclear bomb was already in his hand... However, he did not rush out in a hurry. He was still waiting. When the Frost Dragon sinks deeper, the chance of success is also Will become a little higher.

Of course, this is a two-way floating data. With the loss of time, the Frost Dragon's injuries are gradually recovering. Qi Lin must find the most favorable middle point of the situation and act decisively...

"Don't worry...Don't worry..." Qi Lin kept muttering in his heart, watching the digging progress of the Frost Dragon at the other end of the Colosseum, while staring at the recovery rate of injuries that appeared before him...

It's now!

Most of the Frost Dragon's body has already fallen into the hole, and its wings are completely blocked by the walls on both sides, and its recovery progress has just reached 45%-

Qi Lin hugged the nuclear bomb and rushed out. His steps were very light, and he hardly made any sound when he stepped on the limestone arena arena. The focus of his eyes was placed on the ground, holding his breath and holding his breath. , Approaching behind the Frost Dragon at the fastest speed in the current state.

He did not dare to look at the Frost Dragon, not because he was afraid, but because his heart was full of uncontrollable killing intent and impulse now. With the blessing of this emotion, his eyes would become sharp. And Scorching, although this helps to concentrate on a high degree, it is also very easy to expose his whereabouts...

Yes, I know this sounds very mysterious, but you must have experienced the feeling of "like a thorn on your back". Sometimes, you don't need direct contact between the eyes of both sides, and even the corners of your eyes are not swept away. Next, people can also notice the gaze staring at oneself behind them...

This is not an illusion, but a biological instinct passed down from ancient times to the present.

This ability belongs to the category of people’s "sixth sense" just like people who have been on the battlefield for a long time can perceive danger in advance. Qi Lin has also been saved several times by this extremely mysterious sixth sense. .

As one of the most powerful creatures on earth (as for whether it is one of Lin himself is not sure), Qi Lin has every reason to believe that the other party has similar abilities. For this reason, he didn't even dare to use his mental power on the Frost Dragon.

Focusing his attention on the ground under his feet as much as possible, Qi Lin has ran to a distance of less than 30 meters from the Frost Dragon. At this time, he finally did not need to make any more cover, and suddenly accelerated the energy-gathering vortex. To the limit, and focused on the frost dragon-

At the same time, the beam saber came out of its sheath, and under the pressure of the energy gathering vortex, enough energy to overload the laser generator continuously poured into the beam saber, and the light blade that was only more than two meters long also broke through in an instant. The shackles of the restraint skyrocketed to more than ten meters in length, and the diameter was thicker to more than half a meter!

The size of this "super beam saber" is no less than the lightsaber used by Gundam, and what Qi Lin has to do is use this super lightsaber to cut away the scales of the frost dragon covering the chrysanthemum. !

The skin of the Frost Dragon has eight or nine defenses, but its scales can be destroyed!

Please remember the domain name of this book's first publication:. Nine Heavens God Emperor Mobile Edition Reading URL:

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