Code of Wasteland Survival

Chapter 935: Follow-up offensive

Jiange fortress, headquarters.

Genie was still immersed in the joy of having just wiped out a total of 3,000 "Liberation Wings". When thinking about how to report this "great military merit", the frontline observation post immediately heard a new emergency. Report——

Two reorganizers from the Revolutionary League are quickly approaching the Jiange Fortress! There are a total of 20,000 full-armed Gemini soldiers, as well as a large number of power armors and combat mechas... Compared with the previous 3,000 Wings of Liberation, this wave of offensive is obviously more violent.

"These guys... are they crazy?!" Jenier looked at the Gemini soldiers on the screen and the tall mechas that were particularly conspicuous in the crowd, and he couldn't help but feel his scalp tingling...

"Continue to shelling! Their formation is so dense, they killed them with shells!" Genie's breathing was a bit short, although the number of opponents only increased by less than ten times, but the visual impact increased by far Ten times more, this made Genie, who had never experienced a real war, suddenly became nervous.

"Sir... Our artillery has just gone through more than a dozen rounds of firing. Now the barrel has not cooled down. If we continue to fire, it is likely to be in danger of exploding..." the adjutant said.

"What?! Are all the artillery overheated? Didn't you leave a part of the artillery for emergency?"

"The sir... is your order... the one that requires all the artillery to fire..." the adjutant whispered.

"When did I give such an order?! Are you all idiots?"

"..." The adjutant wanted to tell Jenier that he had persuaded him before, and asked him to beware of the follow-up attack that may be launched by the Revolutionary League. However, thinking of Jenier's character and temper, he felt it better not to speak...

"What should we do now? Can the fortress wall be able to withstand the attack of 20,000 people?" Genier's command experience was basically zero. When this situation was encountered, the two sides had not formally engaged. He has already lost his position first.

"Uh... logically speaking, with the current defensive capabilities of the fortress, there is still room for blocking 20,000 people, but..." the adjutant replied.

"Just what?"

"It's just that if the opponent has a follow-up offensive, the energy shield will withstand too many attacks in a short time, it is very likely that the energy supply will not be available, and the fortress will be very dangerous at that time."

"Didn't you have installed three new reactors? Why can't energy be supplied?" Genier was puzzled.

"It's not that the output power of the reactor is not enough, but the conversion device of the energy shield has reached the upper limit..."

"What kind of **** is this!" Genier said angrily. In these minutes, the Revolutionary League troops of the two divisions had approached to a distance of less than 1,200 meters from the fortress wall. The firepower The support type combat mech has opened the support frame, fixed itself on the ground, and began to bombard the energy shield of the Jiange Fortress indiscriminately.

Countless shells, bullets, and laser beams poured on the energy shield that seemed to be as thin as a bullet shell, stirring up a circle of ripples, and the ripples overlapped each other, looking extremely beautiful.

However, this beauty is very fatal...

The energy shield is still in a very strong state, but from the screen in the fortress command, you can see that the load progress bar of the energy shield is continuously climbing, and it has soon exceeded 30%. Point, and it is still rising.

"How long will the artillery cool down?" Genier asked the adjutant.

"The artillery equipped with a water cooling system will take about one to two minutes. If there is no built-in or external cooling system, the artillery may not be fired again within ten minutes, unless the barrel is replaced..."

"How many guns are equipped with a water cooling system?" Genier asked again.

"Less than ten percent..."

"Change! Let them quickly change the gun barrel! Fire me immediately after changing it! Also! The machine guns on the city wall will also be fired at me. You must not let the enemy approach the fortress!"

Genie’s heartbeat has become much faster, and until then did he really feel the tension on the battlefield. This feeling is absolutely impossible to experience in a video game... because here, if you fail , Only death awaits him...

While giving orders to the adjutant, Genier put a hand behind him to give his guard a secret gesture. When the cronies saw this gesture, they quietly withdrew from the command post-the meaning of the gesture was only Genier and this. The famous confidant understands that it is very simple, there are only four: "prepare to retreat."

Genier didn’t want to fight to death in this fortress. Even if the guilt of losing the fortress was enough to send him to the organized military court, he had to find a way to save his life first. As for what to do later, Then you can only go one step at a time.



Nuclear explosion zone, safety well.

"The Revolutionary League has launched another attack?"

"To be precise, it should be the second time. Ten minutes ago, the first wave of the Revolutionary Revolutionary Army that attacked the fortress had been wiped out, and none of the 3,000'Liberation Wings' survived."

"None of the three thousand Liberation Wings survived?!" Qi Lin repeated the words of the mastermind with some surprise. As a member of the former Thunder Falcon team, he had heard of Qi Lin, the ace of the Revolutionary Federation. When he heard that three thousand "Liberation Wings" had been wiped out, his first reaction was whether there would be any problems with the intelligence...

Any commander... Attention, any commander, even a person like Genier who knows nothing, knows that this elite troop should not be the first to invest in the same attack as a meat grinder. In the city battle, this will make the trump card death meaningless. The survival rate of the attacking vanguard troops is very low, especially this kind of frontal The ones who rushed to the front are basically those who have played too much. The doping cannon fodder troops, their only role is to consume the defending side's ammunition and soldiers' physical strength.

How can this be the reason why the trump card troops should be sent directly to death at the beginning of the attack?

It's like playing poker. Before the opponent has played a card, you have already thrown out the bombs in your hand.

Is this going to blow the other side into doubting life?

Trouble figure it out... This is a war, not a joke!

"According to the images sent by the surveillance satellites, this is indeed the case, but I doubt that these three thousand Liberation Wings should have a lot of water?"


"From the point of view of the army mobilization orders within the Revolutionary League, there are indeed Wings of Liberation among the army that attacked the Jiange Fortress this time, but there are only 1,000 troops."

Please remember the domain name of this book's first publication:. Nine Heavens God Emperor Mobile Edition Reading URL:

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