Code of Wasteland Survival

Chapter 983: The situation reversed

At this moment, Sophia rushed in, "The security door is about to be breached! How is your progress?"

"The work of collecting mental energy has been completed, and debugging is in progress -" Ella said, inputting a series of instructions into the console, and the big iron ball suddenly began to spin slowly. Mobile terminal

"I will open a window for you, but the duration will not be very long. You have to seize the opportunity to shoot yourself." Ella said to Aya.

"The enemy is using the'Hellfire' to cut the security door! eta30send!" The soldiers guarding outside shouted loudly. In this case, they could not attack the enemy outside the door. They could only watch the security door be cut little by little. open.

"Hellfire" breakthrough flame equipment is a device similar to a large welding torch, which can eject chemical flames of up to thousands of degrees and concentrate the flames on one point-as long as there is enough time and fuel, this thing Almost any kind of physical fortification shell can be cut.

The soldiers of the inner city army outside the door have used "hellfire" to cut half a circle along the door frame of the security gate. After the two ends of the circle overlap, the door panel that loses support in the circle will lose its support and collapse directly.

The welding hole on the safety door continues to extend, while the wall on the side of the small room where Ella and the others are located has sunk into the ground, and the huge iron ball is exposed from behind the wall, aiming for hundreds of meters. Open the security door outside.

"Clear the shooting path! Let all the soldiers on this straight line retreat—" Ella said to Sophia, and Sophia passed this order to Lu Qian Zhongming’s adjutant-after Lu Qian Zhongming died in battle. , His adjutant has become the highest-ranking officer in this elite force.

After receiving the order, the soldiers who hid behind the bunker and set up the security gate with their guns abandoned their original positions and withdrew to the last line of defense.

"The first test shot was used at such a critical time..." Qi Lin glanced at Aya Kwai, who was on standby with his eyes closed, and he couldn't help but beat some drums in his heart. Regarding this mental weapon that is still in the conceptual stage, Qi Lin's heart can be said to be completely unreliable-although he has seen the destructive power of the clone's mental power, but using this power as a weapon, it feels extremely unreal.

Ella had also held her breath, her hands firmly propped on the edge of the console, and Sophia walked behind her and gently grabbed her arm.

If they fail, they will have no retreat.

The last ten seconds passed quickly. It was not as long as in some close-up shots of movies and TV series. The heavy security door suddenly fell inward, exposing the external passage crowded with enemies.


Ella immediately shouted that she did not perform any additional operations, but gave all the control rights to Ayakui's hands.

The high-speed spinning iron ball stopped immediately, and at this moment, Qi Lin definitely felt a powerful force that could not be caught by the naked eye but was shot out from the inside of the iron ball towards the direction of the safety gate. !

This is Aya's power, but it is dozens of times stronger than her original power!

The obstacles and bunkers on the firing path instantly turned into dust without a sound, and then, there were those breakthrough power armors that blocked the door and held heavy shields...

The heavy shield that can block the 25mm caliber cannon is torn to pieces like a fragile piece of paper, and the power armor behind the shield turns into a dazzling fire at the same moment. The soldiers waiting to charge behind the power armor, although Qi Lin could not see their fate, he was able to paint the scene of flesh and blood in his mind based on his imagination alone.

The several idea beacons he released to spy on the enemy's situation had been shattered when the materialized mental shock wave approached, and the explosive power armor completely blocked their sight.

They could only hear the deafening blast sound constantly echoing in the passage, and it spread out to the distance at an extremely exaggerated speed.

This blast sound is not directly caused by the shock wave, but the air in the channel is highly compressed after it is highly compressed, and the power of this gun is far more than that!

"Can the effect of the attack be observed?" Ella raised her head and asked Ayoi, who had already opened her eyes.

"I can't do it." Aya Kui shook her head. "The mental power that was a'cannonball' cut off the connection with me after being'launched', and now the residual mental power storm in the passage is raging wildly. It's like a huge whirlpool, and my mental power tentacles can't penetrate it at all."

"Me too, let alone entering the passage, the Mind Beacon will be shredded by a terrifying force if it gets closer." Qi Lin nodded in agreement.

"It seems that we can only wait until the aftermath of the bombardment has completely dissipated... But judging from the existing data, the power of this shot is at least 30% higher than the budgeted data. If it is directly above If you shoot it, it may even penetrate directly above the surface." Ella said with lingering fear. Although this terrifying effect was caused by her own side, just like the first atomic bomb test explosion, any one witnessed the mushroom cloud. People who are born will have a huge shock in their hearts.

This should not be the power that humans can possess, but it is now completely in the hands of humans.

The ravages of the shock wave are gradually coming to an end. From Qi Lin’s perspective, the diameter of the entire passage has been enlarged several times. The original metal walls, floors and ceilings have disappeared, revealing black. As for the rock formations, as for the enemies who were originally squeezed in the passage, there was not even a broken corpse left. Only a layer of paste-like meat covered on the rock could prove their existence.

This is like inserting an extra-large meat grinder in, and the substantial mental storm is equivalent to the sharp blade of the meat grinder rotating at high speed.

"No remaining signs of life were found in the passage..." Ella said softly, staring at the screen in front of him.

"No one can survive this level of attack, even if it is us, the outcome is the same." Qi Lin said.

"Compared with nuclear weapons, the substantive mental impact can strike the target more accurately without causing any pollution or excessive damage. If nuclear weapons are equivalent to a heavy warhammer, then this thing is like a precise operation. A knife, but the power that can erupt from the blade of this scalpel is no less than a heavy hammer that is rounded and smashed down." Sophia looked at the passage swept by the shock wave and commented.

If you use tactical nuclear bombs, if you want to achieve the same killing effect, I am afraid that even this clone factory will be destroyed, but the mental shockwave concentrates its power in a completely controllable range. Precision strike like a scalpel.

As for the diameter of the passage that has been enlarged several times, it is caused by the wrong estimation of the power. After correcting the actual data, Ira and Aya are fully capable of destroying the inside of the passage without destroying the structure of the passage. Everything.

In this case...

"Sophia, Ella, do you know where the core headquarters of the Yukon base is located? Maybe we can..."

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