Code Zero Nine

Chapter 166: Skywind City Travel Guide

Tianfeng City.


The flow of people around has been disbanded by law enforcement officials.

Han Feng's few words have already represented the will of law enforcement officials.

"well said."

Lan Ting sneered.

In fact, such things often happen in small cities.

The law enforcers can only make adjustments as much as possible in the big city who caused trouble here, and how to get revenge here.


Because sometimes people are really too strong...

He has seen C-level, B-level, and even A-level...


After a long time, everyone has become accustomed to it. When encountering this kind of inability to cope, deal with it as low-key as possible. This is also the way of dealing with the world in a small city.

These people are probably used to it.


In Tianfeng City, they will do whatever they want.

He has seen this attitude of facing outsiders many times. Some things are often handled softly. After a long time, his knees may not feel hard.

Lan Ting was also very angry.


What can he do if the environment is like this?


He also planned to give in just now.

Never thought about it.

Facing them, Han Feng, who had always been peaceful, was so strong when faced with this kind of problem. At this time, they remembered Han Feng's previous record.


This is the person who once saved Hongye City!

This is the person who has faced the B-level Red Leaf Guru!

No wonder the pattern is so big!


Brushing sound.

The law enforcement officers all stood up, with awe-inspiring expressions.

"Do you know what you are doing?"

The other party said lightly.

In his opinion, this person is very problematic. He just asked the other party to check it out. The other party was so dynamic, so sinking...


This is just his opinion.

In the eyes of the law enforcement officials, Shen He is not a thing, and these people are obviously not. They deliberately targeted Han Feng in order to avenge Shen He!

"Do you know what you are doing again?!"

Han Feng sneered.


"If you want to avenge Shen He, just say it!"

Han Feng sneered, "I knew it from when I killed Shen He. Sooner or later, Shen He's brothers, masters, seven aunts and eight aunts will come over!"

"Ha ha."

"Isn't it the backstage?"

"Only you have?"

"Since I broke his arm, I won't regret it!"

Han Feng is indifferent.


The opponent frowned.

Although they were looking for the younger brother in the eyes of outsiders, only they knew that they came this time to destroy Shen He.

This Han Feng should be Shen He's deadly opponent.


Does he still have the breath of Shen He?

If there is……

Those people were lost in thought.


They are also a little confused about whether to investigate Han Feng.

after all.

The C-rank superman said, "You are too rich in aura, it doesn't look like a hand bone remains...Anyway, I want to check with you."

"Do you want to check me?"

Han Feng narrowed his eyes.


The superpower sneered, "I am a person with some obsessive-compulsive disorder, and I don't allow myself to have unanswered doubts, so...I will insert you!!!"


He stepped out.


The powerful breath oscillated.

"You are too arrogant..."

Han Feng sighed.


Too arrogant.

In the past, even if the killers came here, in this city center, they only dared to linger like a mouse, assassinating in the dark streets...

But these people...

"Is it the same for the people before?"

Han Feng suddenly looked at Lan Ting.


Lan Ting nodded slightly, a little helpless, "Our city's strongest people are generally D-level, and beyond this stage, we ask that it is best not to offend."


Han Feng sighed, "No wonder they are so arrogant!"


Lan Ting was a little ashamed.

"Before taking the shot, I want to ask one thing."

Han Feng smiled slightly, "If I accidentally kill you, will your teacher take action?"


Those people were stunned.

Kill them?

Just him?

It's ridiculous.

With their strength, how could they be in this city...


at this time.

Someone wisely inquired about the name of Han Feng, and then was horrified to discover that Han Feng's battle in Hongye City and Han Feng's backstage! ! !


They glanced at each other, their faces slightly changed.

Red Leaf City...



There is also God of War! !

This little Tianfeng City is actually a crouching tiger, hiding a dragon!

"Han Feng..."

The man's eyes narrowed.


at this time.

Some C-level powerhouses, D-level powerhouses, and even B-level bosses who came to Tianfeng City to visit the King of War God Building Materials, came here at this time.

"What's the trouble?!"

Some elders looked unhappy, "I heard you say that some physiological organs were open and closed without inserting them from afar. Don’t you know what a public place is? If you want to play, go to a nearby hotel to play, and you don’t care how you open a room. you!"

"that is……"

Another old man sighed, "Are young people nowadays so upright?"



The old man shook his head, "We were still living in the rental house back then, shaking it with our mobile phone..."


After all, the times are different.

Those people: →_→

Han Feng and others: →_→

They are obviously fighting, so where is it?


Because of the intervention of these seniors, those people finally retreated.

"There are so many big guys here..."

They are a little confused.

How can a small Tianfeng city be so crouching tiger, hidden dragon!

"Perhaps because of Wang Building Materials..."


They finally left.


Before he left, the C-rank superpower took a deep look at Han Feng, "No matter where Shen He is, whether it is alive or dead, I will definitely find him..."


He left in a cold voice.


A battle that is about to erupt, due to the relationship of the "War God King Building Materials", finally stopped.



Shen He wiped his sweat, "Dad is scared to death."

"Are you embarrassed to say?"

Han Feng's face darkened, "If it wasn't for you, I would fight against the C-level?"


Shen He was moved, "Han Feng, I know you love me..."


Han Feng just kicked up.


The dust settled.


The other party was obviously suspicious.


Shen He had an idea and thought of a good way. In the dead of night, it quietly contaminated many things with its own breath...


The next day.

Just when the other party officially launched the investigation of'Shenhe Breath', it was a little crazy.


The wall of the public toilet has the breath of Shenhe.

On the pink street near a certain association, there is an atmosphere of Shenhe.

A certain nightclub has the breath of Shenhe.

On a small card, there is a breath of Shenhe.


Even the person called by the little card had the breath of Shenhe.


The other party was completely lost.

Shen He...

How can it be? !

Damn it!

Fortunately, they did not clashed with Han Feng yesterday. They are not afraid to offend the local law enforcement officers, but if they are offended because of an unnecessary one...

Why bother?


What is going on with Shen He's breath? !


What they don't know is.


Things about them have begun to circulate in Tianfeng City.

Some people stayed up in the middle of the night and took pictures of yesterday with a telephoto lens. Some speakers even translated their conversations and added subtitles.


People saw a steel-like Enforcer of Skywind City!

"Ah...I'm so touched!"

"Woo, this is the enforcer we want!"

"That is, the last time an outsider lost his wallet, they all promoted and took a group photo. I lost my wallet and couldn't even open a case!!!"

"As expected of Han Feng!"


People are full of emotions.


After this night, all the people in Tianfeng City knew how hard Han Feng was! ! !


What's more interesting is that because of this incident, everyone knows the foreign population, and there are people staring at them no matter where they go.


People quickly discovered signs of these people's activities.


Nightclubs, clubs, hotels, small cards to call people...

? ? ?

"Are these to avenge Shen He or to have fun?"

"It's so outrageous!"

"Could it be that you came to travel at public expense in a holiday?"

"Shen Hequanxia knows, do these friends like you specialize in finding themselves in this kind of place?"

People are very happy.


In some clubs, in order to earn money for these people, they also specially hung photos of Shen He on the wall, and wrote-"Warmly welcome Shen He friends to come and guide!"


The service is in place.

Fully reflects the civilized level of a city.


And this time.

Those brothers of Shen He:? ? ?

this city……

It's so weird! ! !

From top to bottom!

Just forget about Wang Jiancai and others, and Han How come these ordinary people are so weird one by one, and they are welcome to come and give guidance?


In any case, they still have to investigate, right?


They searched for the breath of Shen He again.

Big hotel, no, small bed and breakfast, yes.

Big restaurant, no, fly restaurant, yes.

Regular scenic spots, no, streets after 11 o'clock in the morning, yes.


Under the guide of the pointer, they started a tour of Tianfeng City and embarked on a path of magical experience exactly like the online strategy...

The next day, they went viral on the Internet.

Some people even compared the "Wild Road Must-Play for Old Drivers to Tianfeng City" guide, which is exactly the same as these people's routes! ! !

"Are they really here to travel?"

"Look where they have been 23333"

"Too real."

People are very happy.


Under the hashtag #帮师弟 Revenge is actually公费旅游#, these people started to become popular on the Internet, and their popularity continued to rise.

When those people saw it, they were all stupid.


What's the situation?

They just follow the breath of Shenhe to search, why are they on the hot search? Because of this, they were even called to warn them once!

Let them control and pay attention to their bodies...

Temper a ghost!

Watch out for a ghost!

They didn't do anything at all!

They are not here to find people, but to kill people!


They calmed down, temporarily stopped tracing Shen He, but re-discussed what they had encountered these days, and finally came to a conclusion——

There is a problem with this city! ! !

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