Code Zulu Alpha: Nerd in the Apocalypse!
54 It's not that easy. - Last House [2in1](Chapter preview)
The jolly atmosphere of taking down a herd by ourselves and Oscar losing his shit earlier immediately died down. My workers and Russel gave wary gazes and even if they knew I would always mess around with them, they knew that this time, I was fucking serious.
"You all keep saying you're doing good and we should've gone outside much, much earlier but answer me a few questions. What would you do if this ever happens to you? Would you even fight back? Just keep standing still? Or you know, kill? I know you could throw a punch but what would you do if a gun is already pointed at you?"
They were all solemnly looking at me but I suddenly pulled the trigger.
Russel fell on the ground as everyone flinched but all that I did was give him the shock of his life. The gun I was pointing at him was obviously empty though the one on my left torso was loaded and I still had four extra magazines. I just pressed the trigger fully just so he could hear the faint click and I just holstered when I got the message across.
I cut him off, "Just what? Made a fool out of yourselves? Think for once and don't act on impulse. If we went outside at that time, everyone would be mad at looting every place they laid their eyes on, and they would do everything just to get what they want. They would've fucking stabbed you just for a cup of rice!"
Russel clammed up as he looked angrily at the ground.
"Listen. When I went out on the 2nd fucking day just to pick up Allan, it's fucking worse than what I said earlier. Remember that fucking mob that was coming for me? I easily escaped them with my bike but what would you do when you're on your foot? Run? They'll just kill you if you didn't join them."
Oscar interjected, "Kid, I think that's enough. They're all just pumped up with adrenaline, they'll say whatever comes to mind even if they can't actually do it."
"No, no, hear me out. I'm not saying that they can't do it… Heck, I'm 100% sure all of you would eventually resort to it in the future. Well, you're right in saying that they'll just say whatever they want but be warned that it's not that easy. The first one is the worst of it all. Ask the old man or Tatiana if you doubt me. They've served, they're all too familiar with it."
Oscar chimed in as he scratched his head, "Yeah, the kid's right. It sounds harsh or maybe even belittling towards you but it's just the truth. Killing these things is easy… killing someone living with a face is another fucking ball game. My first kill was a no-rank just like me back then… I still remember his face when I close my eyes from time to time… How about you?"
The old man turned to Tatiana but she just simply responded with, 'That's more or less the same...'. However, Kaley's expression changed for a split second as she was looking at her while I had an inkling that there was more to that story. I didn't address it at that time because I offered my hand so Russel could stand up.
"S-Sorry bro. I just got a little too excited. I'll be taking it seriously next time."
"Don't worry but just a tip… if that time ever comes, don't fucking hesitate. Just make it quick so it'll be slightly easier… sometimes..."
Everyone just nodded silently and I started to walk ahead of them. They slowly followed behind me for a few seconds but Kaley ran and caught up with me. She was just walking by my side for a few seconds while I could hear Oscar reminding everyone of the last part of our plan.
I eventually loaded my empty Glock 19 and that was when Kaley nudged me with her shoulder.
"Hey… you okay?"
"Hmm? I'm good, I'm good..."
"You sure?"
"Yeah. I got worried at Oscar for a second there but as you see, he already bounced back. But… if you're talking about Russel and the rest, I just got pissed for a little~ bit. Don't worry, once I eat lunch, I'll be good as new. Oh! Good shooting by the way."
"Thanks. About them, let's just say you care for them like you care for Oscar, right?"
"Yeah, maybe~"
Kaley just chuckled as she bumped me with her shoulder but it didn't take long before we reached the first house at the last stretch before the canal system. With that said, we instantly saw a guy waving softly at us from the second floor. He seemed to be in his forties and there was nothing particularly standing out from him.
"H-Hellooooo~ Are you soldiers?! Umm- Nevermind that, thank god you're here~! We're stranded here for a few days already and we- oh my god~ How rude am I? Let me join you in a sec! I'll come down!"
'Oh... I think he's a… yup. Who's with him though?'
The guy disappeared instantly but we heard hurried footsteps as their front door swung open. He then ran up to their gate and opened it on their side and we were now face-to-face. As I suspected, he had a certain 'softness' with his movements and he was excited as he hurriedly shook our hands.
I briefly introduced my team and he went off again.
"Thank god! We can't thank you all enough! W-We've been meaning to- Oh! How rude of me- My name is Quinn~ my partner is still at the back, packing more stuff~ Wait, wait… umm- Where was I again? Oh! Leaving! Hah! Silly me~ Okay, We were just about to leave a few days ago but something terrible-terrible happened over in that area! There's lots of screaming~ crying~ and more~ We thought we'd stay here for longer but thanks to all of you we could finally leave!"
I faintly smiled and asked, "Y-You're welcome… Anyway, can we talk to your partner? It's nothing serious but I think we need to have a little talk if you're really leaving or not. I won't hold you hostage but I just need to make sure you're serious about going out. We won't be able to help you in any way once you're out of our reach because you see… we're trying to build something here… Can I ask where you're going?"
Quinn pursed his lips as he turned around, "John! Hon~! Can you come out for a sec? They need to talk to us! Don't worry! They're good guys and gals!"
Kaley smiled as she chimed in, "So his name's John? How long have you been together?"
Quinn instantly smiled brightly, "I thought you wouldn't ask! I think~ Hmm~ almost 20 years? Oh, fudge! I just revealed how old am I but whatever~ We're friends~ Oh! John! You're here! They are..."
We got briefly introduced and we finally met his partner. John seemed to be a stand-up guy and he looked more athletic than his partner. He seemed to be armed due to the bulge near his pockets though I just kept it in mind just in case.
John shook our hands with a solemn expression, "Is there something wrong? Are you telling us we couldn't leave?"
I replied, "Not exactly, you're well aware of what's happening outside, right? It's not just here in that squatter area, you two would encounter more herds if you turn at the wrong side of the road. Are you sure you're heading out?"
John turned to Quinn, "Did you tell them yet?"
Quinn replied, "N-No… not yet. Y-You do it..."
I asked, "Tell what?"
John scratched his head as he sighed, "Okay, we really appreciate your concern but we really need to go. We're going to Bulacan to where Quinn's family is."
Kaley chimed in, "Bulacan? Are you sure that they're still there?"
John nodded, "They will never abandon their poultry farm but we recently just lost contact. It's only been a couple of days but we're banking on the chance that their batteries just died. If worse comes to worst, we'd just drive to the nearest DDR Camp or take our chances in the provinces. I have a few guns with me but we'll use them sparingly."
I proposed an idea, "Or you could just drive back here? We're still accepting people and we've actually recruited a few to join us. Once we clear this area, we'll close it up so we'd have a huge space for ourselves. That's when we'll continue to build this place up and we'll go from there."
John wanted to say yes but he just looked at Quinn before he sighed, "Thank you, honestly. But we really need to take our chances. However, we will seriously think about your offer once we're there. They're family so we shouldn't just… you know."
I just looked at them for a brief moment and we shook hands for one last time.
"Okay then, my group just built a fence by the 3rd road so just tell them that you've already met me. I'll also give them a call just in case but think of what I said before you pass those fences. As I said, you're welcome to stay here and even keep your house."
"Thank you, we'll really think about it. We really have to go though..."
"Alright, stay safe..."
"You too! Thanks again! Bye~~~"
The two eventually drove away with their car packed with their luggage and I made sure to call Allan to let them through. They really did drove away so after waiting for a few minutes, I picked their lock and we uncovered some of the items they've left. There wasn't any food or any medical supplies but gallons of clean water and a couple tanks of propane gas among others was plenty.
Furthermore, they left working appliances, electronics, clothes, sheets, blankets, and etc. though we just marked the place for looting later. We still had a few more houses to check so secured the door with our own locks and went forward with the plan.
Walking forward, we started to encounter more stray deadheads but most of them were just located inside the abandoned houses. A few were stuck in some rooms, garages, and even in their bathrooms. We continued checking and clearing each house until we come across a two-story house enveloped by concrete walls. It was one of the houses that left their lights on and I checked the writing on the gate and it said, 'Santino Family'.
Kaley nudged me, "You think they're still there?"
"We'll see."
There seemed to be no movement from inside the house but I pressed their doorbell a few times. We waited for a while as I continued to press on it over and over but then their curtain moved. I was about to yell out our intentions but I stopped myself when the curtains were yanked down. Two discolored figures just came into view and they started to stain the glass windows with their crooked hands.
'Too late...'
I signaled my group, "I'll go in first while the rest watch the road. Same procedure as the other houses, okay?"
The walls were just a few feet tall so I lifted myself up slightly before I looked over to check for any surprises. Dried-up blood trails were present on the ground and there was a darkened smear by the door handles but there weren't any deadheads roaming outside their enclosure. Once I confirmed the dead were only inside the house, I vaulted over the gate and opened it for the rest of us.
"Okay, one run-through around the perimeter before we breach the door."
Walking at the other side of the house, we discovered a small garage with a parked minivan. A few random objects were present among the mechanical tools on the tables and most of the blood trails we've found were located by the driver's seat. With that said, we already surmised that the father must've gone home with a bite and he immediately turned soon after, eventually causing his family to turn as well.
'Family of three… just basing it on the sticker...'
After a short moment, we went back to the front door and I just kicked the door open.
"Step back. We'll wait for them."
We just heard guttural growls for a moment but the smell told us that they were really close. Once they stepped outside, we easily dispatched two of them then I asked my workers to drag them to the side. At the same time, I banged at their door a few more times to lure out anything that was still inside but there was nary a response. After a minute or so had passed, I led my group inside and we turned our flashlights on despite the ample lighting.
"There's probably one more inside, their kid. However, don't let your guard down if ever we take it down because I'm just basing it off on what I saw. Make sure to check every nook and cranny before you lower your guard so we won't be going home with one less member. You guys check the first floor while we check the second floor."
"Alright, kid. Just shout if you need any help."
"Yeah, yeah..."
The second floor only had four rooms: the master's bedroom, their kid's bedroom, a communal bathroom, and their little storage area. We worked our way up until the kid's bedroom and we discovered nothing besides lootable items. Even from Oscar's group, they only found more supplies on the first floor so the dead kid should probably be in his own domain.
However, once I picked the door and entered… still nothing.
'Where could it be? Is it outside perhaps?'
I was about to peek through the window but I heard a small creak from the large cabinet. I already checked it once I entered but what I failed to notice was a little trapdoor hidden neatly on the back. Despite that, I still readied my blade once I lifted it abruptly but I saw a small boy that was probably a few years old. He was sleeping peacefully but several wrappers of food and bottled waters were with him.
I gently tapped him with my scabbard and he flinched when he saw me.
"Hey, don't worry. You're safe now."
"Umm… Can you hear me?"
He just nodded.
"Have you been here all this time?"
He just nodded once more.
"Oh, can you speak?"
He shook his head.
"I see… You hungry?"
He shook his head once more but he offered me a candy bar.
"Thanks, but no thanks. I have more, see? Want to get out of-"
Kaley found me talking to the kid, "Who're you talking to- Oh! Hi~! He's alive! Are you okay? Oh… he can't..."
Kaley immediately recognized his condition and we just talked to him calmly while he would respond by either nodding or shaking his head. I tried signing for a bit but it seemed that he doesn't know how to do that yet. With that said, I tried explaining to him that his parents were away but he already knew. I was just surprised he was so calm about it especially at his age.
We eventually got him out of the trap door and checked him thoroughly but I suddenly had an idea.
"I think the best place we could take him is at Andrew's house. They'll be able to take care of him there..."
"I agree, they could teach him ASL but I think he's just in shock..."
"Want to go now? We could leave the rest of the houses for Oscar?"
Kaley's face immediately changed, "Let's just ask someone to do it... I'm kinda annoyed with Esther..."
I faintly chuckled and replied, "Yeah... she's a bit too… assertive... When I taught them how to use firearms, she asked if I was seeing someone. When I said that I was with you, she said she's 'okay' with it. Do you know what I mean? Jonathan dragged her to their house before she said anything more."
"What?! She said that?! That little… I knew she was a little-"
Oscar suddenly barged in, "I know, right?"
"The fuck? Are you snooping around the whole time?"
"Huh? I have no idea what you're talking about. I just came up. What are you talking about?"
"Andrew's daughter, Esther."
"Don't tell Andrew this but I think Esther's looking for an open relationship..."
"Hah! That quiet one?! Just smack her for a bit and she'll learn!"
"Be serious, old man!"
"Eh~ We just need to introduce that girl to someone ASAP. With that said, Andrew is a good man but let's be honest, he's a little too strict with his girls. It's not our business to meddle with that but they're the right age. Keeping them on a tight leash might make it worse in the long run. WHAT THE HECK?! IS THAT KID THERE ALL THIS TIME?! WHAT THE FUCK, KID?! TELL ME THESE THINGS!!! IT ALMOST SCARED THE CRAP OUT OF ME!!!"
"Really? Can you check your pants now? You might have a few streaks already..."
"I'm telling you! I really didn't notice!"
Kaley shook her head, "Unbelievable..."
"What?! He's just sitting over there without a sound! I almost shot him, you know?!"
As time passed, I asked Unc Zardon and Arnel to take the kid to Andrew's house while we continued to clear the remaining houses. Everything became normal procedure and a little anticlimactic. With that said, the other houses with their lights left on were more cases of leaving them like that though we found some great fishing gear from the last house. High-end rods were on display from this little workshop but what caught our eyes were a set of harpoon guns.
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