Cold King, the Doctor Fei Is Running Away

Chapter 1121: Star Shadow Legion 3

Biquge, the fastest update of Leng Wang, the medical concubine will elope the latest chapter!

Although Qin Day didn't say anything, the people under Qin Day praised Feng Xingying as a god, and the Grand Duke selflessly taught such things as avoiding poison in the acupuncture point and sharing the detoxification prescription.

Even more old people from Linshan came to Feng Xingying's conclusion: "If this trip had not been closed, I am afraid we would all have become bones. No, there is no bones left."

So these ten people were held by Qin Zhou to apologize to Feng Xingying. They were very convinced and obediently bowed to Feng Xingying.

But what convinced them was Feng Xingying, not the 300 people behind Feng Xingying.

The clues can be seen in their eyes.

Feng Xingying chuckled and said, "I accept your apology. I won't care about this matter anymore. As for your engagement with the Xingying Army, please don't keep your hand since the contract has been established. Otherwise, you just look down. I'm Feng Xingying. "

"for sure!"

What I want is Feng Xingying.

Since Feng Xingying refuses to cover her people, they don't have to keep their hands.

The more they respect Feng Xingying, the more they can't stand being dragged by Feng Xingying. The three hundred or so people in the Star Shadow Corps are regarded as a burden on Feng Xingying.

Now that you have the opportunity, teach them well and let them retreat when they are difficult. Don't drag Feng Xingying down because of the old love.

The quality of Linshan's people is okay, at least they didn't say what they thought was disgusting.

But their proud eyes had long betrayed their ideas.

Fortunately, everyone in the Star Shadow Corps, at this time also tempered. The look of contempt for them no longer cares.

I used to care because they were not strong enough to win.

I don't care anymore, I have enough confidence to support.

In the absence of a fighting platform, Ye Lao and Qin Molin can personally referee, and they can also ensure their safety.

"Come on, Feng Xingying is our idol, so we will listen to the idol and try our best to defeat you!" Said the head of the Qin family.

"Just do your best, and we won't stay in the slightest." Xiao Jiu's temper was really convergent.

The dried-up Nanming Lake has already become the most boring place but can't leave. The people here have long been restless.

At this time, there was excitement, naturally it was surrounded by people.

Just looking at the strength gap between the two sides, no one will be optimistic about the Star Shadow Army.

Don't look at them as three hundred to ten.

But there were only two spirit kings among the ten people, and the remaining eight were spirit schools.

In contrast, there are only six spirit kings in the three hundred Star Shadow Corps. The rest of the team are mainly spiritual masters and black spiritual masters.

Such a disparate confrontation can only be described in two words-looking for abuse!

And Feng Xingying's attitude that resolutely kept everyone away from Linshan caused much speculation.

Did Feng Xingying also abandon her Staring Legion and wanted to cross the river to tear down the bridge and let the guys at the end of the crane leave her automatically?

What is righteousness and morality is deceiving, and it is eternal truth that man does not perish for himself.

Compared to Taiji Temple's powerful and anti-sky lineup, the 300 members of the Star Shadow Army are indeed very difficult to help Feng Xingying.

Xiao Jiu and others have long been accustomed to this skeptical look. As Feng Xingying said, how to bear and resist pressure together is also one of the significance of their existence.

"Everyone, please." Qin Jianzhi swiftly made a gesture of please, but rushed forward without feeling at all.

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