Biquge, the fastest update of Leng Wang, the medical concubine will elope the latest chapter!

The sudden appearance of Feng Xingying made Qin Keyun excited and pointed at Feng Xingying:

"It's her, it's she who pits me, and it's she who advanced into Prison Dragon Cave that we followed. You opened the door, and grab her if you want to catch it."

"Nervous!" The Canglongshan people simply spotted Qin Keyun's dumb acupoint. But also politely asked Feng Xingying:

"Fengzhangmen came to prison the Dragon Cave, I don't know what?"

"Tonight the moon is rare and the style is faint. When it is a good time to see the scenery, I have nothing to do, I wander around, I did not expect a lot of gain." Feng Xingying answered casually.

Her answer, she heard Qin Yuhui's soreness for a while, this girl can really flicker! Landscape, does it mean that their brother and sister were pitted?

She really did not shy away at all, apparently acknowledging the fact that the brothers and sisters of the Qin family had been pitted.

Even the law enforcement elders of Canglong Mountain reluctantly opened their eyes wide. They expected Feng Xingying to say something accidentally, and then let her go. This girl is the distinguished VIP to be treated.

But Feng Xingying's answer was so unavoidable that it was really helpless.

The law enforcement elders can only continue to ask Feng Xingying: "I think the girl just came, shouldn't I see what happened just now?"

The steps are ready, and hurry to climb down the steps!

Who knows Feng Xingying is not!

She responded with a straight face: "I've been here for a long time, but I was blocked by this slate. You didn't notice me. They want to go to the prison dragon cave to find treasure and save people, I can see clearly."


The people of Canglong Mountain are very embarrassed.

"Since the little girl is so afraid of things, how about going back with us to get a certificate?"

Feng Xingying immediately followed quickly: "Okay, it should be. I am the one who can't see chickens and dogs in peace, rest assured. I just recorded the shadowstone in the previous situation, and I will testify to you!"

Even Shadowstone is ready!

This is not a conspiracy. I tell your last name!

Poor Qin Keyunqi shivered, but he could not say a word when he was sealed up. In addition, I was injured by a lightning attack just now, but now I was stunned.

Feng Xingying pointed to Qin Keyun, who was wearing a black dress and a mask, and commented:

"This gangster's determination is too bad. I knew that I had evidence of her crime and I was fainted. Is such a person really a spiritual person? I don't know which martial arts is so poor, our Tai Chi Temple Definitely not, will you Canglong Mountain collect it? "

"of course not!"

The answer to Feng Xingying was a few law enforcement disciples on the side. They did not know who the offender was. They only knew their loyalty. How could they let their own deeds be ignored?

"Shut up!"

The two law enforcement elders knew the people. They had guessed the identities of the two people they had just caught from the spirit breath and the characteristics of the people under their command. Because the identity of these two people is too sensitive, the law enforcement elders dare not lift their masks!

The young disciples were still aggrieved, and dared not to speak.

They are right, they are just to protect the reputation of Canglong Mountain.

They didn't dare to say this, but Feng Xingying dared, Feng Xingying was so scared.

Feng Xingying not only pleaded guilty for the young disciples, but also added fuel and vinegar: "Do you have any treasure in this prison dragon cave? Is this treasure related to Kowloon Pei?"

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