Cold King, the Doctor Fei Is Running Away

Chapter 1170: Prophecy and Decree

Biquge, the fastest update of Leng Wang, the medical concubine will elope the latest chapter!

Ji absolutely wanted to stop Feng Xingying, but found that at this time the sword light in Feng Xingying's hands had a light golden halo to separate Feng Xingying from everyone.

Ji definitely wanted to get closer to that layer of halo, but was bounced out fiercely.

If Ji had not responded quickly, I'm afraid he would really be hit and fly away.

"My blood can't wake up your sacred gun, because I'm not the blood of the Canglong Protoss. You don't even know the basic common sense, what protoss are you playing?" Feng Xingying's voice was ethereal, without a trace of temperature, and even a trace mercy.

The uncontrolled situation at this time made Ji extremely annoyed.

He didn't like this unknown feeling, but he was very patient with Feng Xingying.

Between power and Feng Xingying, he always chose Feng Xingying. Just because he felt powerless in his heart, he could not defend love.

Ji looked at Feng Xingying absolutely, and suddenly asked, "How long have you been preparing?"

"Four days," Feng Xingying replied.

It has been exactly four days since Qin Molin disappeared.

It turned out that she had prepared it from the beginning.

And Feng Xingying said to Ji Jue: "My talent is supernatural. As my last gift to sever the worship relationship with you, my prediction is: Canglongshan will become a wangyang within three years."

After all, Feng Xingying shook his hand and threw Jiulong Pei back to Ji Jue.

Ji absolutely wanted to say something, but saw Feng Xingying lift her sword again, which should not be called Li Huangjian now.

Lihuang Sword is the real name of this sword, just to hide people's eyes and eyes and change a name.

Feng Xingying Sword refers to the sky:

"The Ji family deceived the world, and even tried to imprison the blood of God. It is my sinner in the continent of Yunxi. I named Xingying in the name of the **** phoenix.

The Canglong Mountain is uneven, and the Protoss will never return to the Yunxi continent. "

Feng Xingying said, the sword pointed at herself.

"Xingying, what are you going to do? I admit that it was me that was wrong, and you put your sword down."

Ji was desperate, and Tong Tong knelt down before Feng Xingying:

"When you become a god, I'll be your most faithful priest. You must level the Canglong Mountain, and I will sweep for you. If you want my life, I will give it to you.

I just ask you, don't hurt yourself. "

Feng Xingying did not look at him any more, but stabbed Li Huangjian fiercely to his chest.

Her body gradually became illusory, like a bubble phantom, under the mighty power of Lihuang Sword, inspired by the blood of Feng Xingying.


Her final voice still sounded in everyone's ears:

"The Canglong Mountain is immortal, the Protoss will never come to the Yunxi continent!"

What a stark Feng Xingying!

What an overbearing divine order.

According to the ancient protoss records of the Yunxi continent, the blood awakened protoss can give their orders to the entire continent at the cost of their own deities.

Only when God's order is fulfilled will the corresponding blood of God be passed on.

Many people used to think this statement was ridiculous, but with fewer and fewer protoss until they die, people have to face every detail sensitively.

Who would dare not obey the order of God of Feng Xingying?

According to legend, the Protoss can open a channel for the mainland to the Paradise of God, and only the Protoss can give Yunxi mainland hope.

For this reason, Canglong Mountain has long been the target of public criticism.

What made Ji unexpected was that this time, the host of other gods of the mountain even brought the elite team in person.

Still Ji Yuelan told Ji Jue why: "We wrote a sentence on all the leaves of the house four days ago: Feng Xingying is the blood of God."

Ji opened his mouth and could not speak again.

He claimed to be clever and intelligent, but he forgot Feng Xingying's opponent. Feng Xingying, whose heart is filled with hatred, is even more crazy than Ji.

"One more thing." Ji Yuelan's eyebrows tightened. "I've seen it at the Qin Family Ancestral Hall. Qin Molin's life card is still there."

"What? He's not dead? Isn't that star shadow dead?

Life card, yes, life card!

Where is Feng Xingying's life card? She must have eloped with Qin Molin, right? Ji grasped Ji Yuelan's arm ecstatically.

Ji Yuelan shook her head, leaving only one sentence: "This is the last time I have sent a message to the Ji family. Since the Ji family has driven me out of the house, I will not surname Ji anymore. The Qin family will obey the order of God, Before coming, I'm afraid Hao Feng and the other two people had a plan. You should take care of yourself. Canglong Mountain, you can't keep it, you still have a plan. "

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