Cold King, the Doctor Fei Is Running Away

Chapter 1329: She is not qualified

Biquge, the fastest update of Leng Wang, the medical concubine will elope the latest chapter!

"Huh, kneel down, and deserve it? Do you think a fake badge can convince people? I just checked it in the temple database, and there is no sky-level scribe named Feng Xingying at all!"

"Hehe." Feng Xingying laughed with amused voice: "What position do you have in the temple? How do I remember that only the sages and elders in the temple are qualified to check the scribes' information. Dare to ask if you are a sage or an elder?"

"I, my grandmother is an elder, I asked her to check!" Ye Lanyu responded immediately.

"This is the funniest joke I've ever heard." Feng Xingying blinked and said, "So the temple can be so rigorous? Or, do you want to kill your grandmother?"

Ye Lanyu was afraid for a while after speaking, and the use of her grandmother's identity to check other people's information happened in several elder families, but this kind of thing did not meet the requirements of the temple and never got on the table.

They also bullied the maiden with a good temper, and several elders privately spoiled the family.

For example, Ye Lanyu, who clearly did not have the awakening of the blood of God, was recommended by the Presbyterian Church to the Virgin as the righteous lady, and she had a great intention to take the place of the Virgin.

No one would dare to do this if it was the previous saint.

Ye Lanyu was also favored from a young age. This time the family even said that she intended to put pressure on the maiden and forced Ye Nian to accept her as a disciple.

Feng Xingying and Ye Lanyu were deadlocked.

Feng Xingying's badge looks real, but Ye Lanyu has moved out of the temple elder.

So who is the two of them lying?

Qin Molin wanted to speak, but Feng Xingying grabbed his arm and shook his head.

Feng Xingying really didn't mind the trouble, and went to the temple to see how shameless Ye Lanyu's backstage was.

Unfortunately, Feng Xingying's wish is doomed.

When a woman in white suddenly appeared in front of them, she said softly: "I can testify about the identity of Feng Tianshi. Why, Yuer, do you even doubt my identity?"

"Sir!" Ye Lanyu stepped back in shock, kneeling respectfully: "Master, I was wrong."

"This master still forgets it. I never promised to accept you as a disciple. Even if you are my disciple, I will drive you out of the teacher so much because of the prestige of the temple."

"Master, I know I'm wrong." Ye Lanyu burst into tears, scratching her head like pounding garlic.

However, Ye Yenian shook her head and disappeared in front of everyone in an instant.

Jinghong glanced at it for a moment.

The maiden came fast, and walked fast.

After the maiden left, Ye Lanyu vented all her anger on Feng Xingying, and even rushed forward regardless of status:

"Feng Xingying, you poison woman, I will kill you."

"Well!" Qin Molin froze, kicking Ye Lanyu far away. Like a ball in the crowd.

The crowd consciously gave her a way to let her go further.

"But she hasn't kneeled down for me yet. It's boring to say nothing," Feng Xingying said with a pout.

"She doesn't deserve it." Qin Molin's answer was even harsher, with an explanation: "You are now a celestial master. There are many people who want to kneel on you.

What's more, many young people began to kneel to Feng Xingying on the spot: "Master, Master, please give me more instructions."

Er, it seems that what Qin Molin said is true.

The previous keynote was that Ye Lanyu did not want to kneel when he played and was told by Qin Molin that Ye Lanyu was no longer qualified to kneel Feng Xingying.

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