Biquge, the fastest update of Leng Wang, the medical concubine will elope the latest chapter!

After all, bystanders were clear, the deficiencies they saw in Lei Huan could be improved next time.

Not all those who can't be selected are not of good character. They are more of lack of stamina, lack of confidence, lack of potential and cooperation.

These problems can be changed in the future, and it is not entirely without opportunities.

After the new members of the Star Shadow Corps joined, Feng Xingying still sent them a replacement bone to upgrade their qualifications in accordance with the previous practice, and the Star Shadow Corps was also sent to the Thousand Spider Cave by Feng Xingying, joining the thousands of scrapes that have been scrapped across the continent Spider-hole adventure.

"But I'm exhausted. People are going to buy, buy, Xingying, do you want me to buy something for you?"

"Help my mother buy a fashionable set of makeup and satin. Oh, yes, if you see black gold, remember to buy it for me."

"I definitely bought you a man."

Feng Xingying laughed without saying a word, and then thought about it, simply pulling Ruta, and went to the market with the queen.

What Feng Xingying said before was true. She was still Su Jing and Su Lan were friends. This time when she went shopping, she also pulled Su Lan as a guide.

Nowadays, with the continuous expansion of Xiuling College, Han Kong Island has been unable to meet the needs of the college. After Xiuling College occupied the entire site of Hankong Island, the spiritual department of the Earth Department was asked to artificially build a sub-island beside Hankong Island. The original residential industries of Hankong Island were transferred to the Vice Island.

Since the secondary island is larger than Hankong Island, it can also accommodate more people to join.

Many students who join the spiritual college and have a simple family structure will choose to arrange their families to live on the Vice Island.

Today, this pair of islands is really lively, and its prosperous level catches up with Kowloon City, the largest city in Yunxi mainland.

"On enjoyment, our God Phoenix domain is still not as good as the Yunxi continent." The queen beekeeper looked at the assortment of cloths, jewelry, and cosmetics, and couldn't help expressing her emotions.

"Yeah, we have limited supplies. These things can only be enjoyed online."

"Master ~~" ​​The queen queen abruptly began to speak.

"Speak well!" Feng Xingying was helpless. The queen queen has been with Feng Xingying all these years, more like her sister. This spirit beast is the queen who dominates the bee. Feng Xingying dare not treat her as an accessory. .

The queen queen has a habit, usually the queen of Aojiao, and every time she asks for the star shadow, she can become a cute girl every minute.

"Master, you see how much space you have, and my people have collected a lot of spiritual honey for your hard work."

"The Queen's Palace is not allowed to build, a place can be sliced ​​for you."

"I knew that Xingying was the best for me!" After the Queen Queen threw a word of excitement, she started the crazy buying and buying mode.

"Miss, I'm going to buy some ingredients ~~~ Don't you think I'll abandon my place, right?"

"Well! Remember to buy some for my mother and Auntie."

"I'll go then! ~"

Ruta started a crazy buy buy buy model.

They are really rich now.

That is to say, after the honeybees of the queen beekeepers accumulated thousands of years, the honey that was taken down by Qin Molin was uniformly deployed halfway out, and the returning Lingjing let the queen bewilder.

Neither Qin Molin nor Feng Xingying are good men and women, and they have to pay a lot of money to get things from them, not to mention Lingmei, a side-effect-free Pokémon.

So the richest woman on the mainland is not Feng Xingying, but the queen!

Even Feng Xingying was raised by the queen.

That was Feng Xingying's opinion that the invasion of the Demon Race had not heated up, and her medicine could not bear it, otherwise she would not be worse than the queen.

Feng Xingying later called out watermelon, sesame and Xiaoding, and the family also started a crazy buying and buying model.

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