Cold King, the Doctor Fei Is Running Away

Chapter 1523: Mysterious Battle 4

Biquge, the fastest update of Leng Wang, the medical concubine will elope the latest chapter!

"Beautiful lady, can I ask you to dance?" The familiar voice suddenly appeared in Feng Xingying's ear.

Feng Xingying looked at the man who was constantly approaching her. The feeling of being so excited was definitely not because he was really more handsome than the star.

She looked at him as if she had known her for thousands of years.

"Do we know each other?" Feng Xingying's eye socket was a little bit sour. She was stubbornly holding back, only to hold back the tears that were about to fall.

She is obviously happy, why is she crying?

"Of course I know, we have been in love for thousands of years. Feng Xingying, don't you remember me?"

Feng Xingying's eyes were at a loss.

"Then let's meet again, my name is Qin Molin."

Why do you feel so familiar? It seemed that in a large forest, someone had talked to her like this, Feng Xingying almost answered subconsciously:

"Hello, meet again. My name is Feng Xingying. This is my pet, Sesame."

Feng Xingying didn't know why, she had a cute little black rabbit in her arms, and she knew that little black rabbit's name was sesame.

"Let's do a dance."

"But I won't."

"I can teach you."


When they stepped onto the dance floor, she was led by him, and with the gorgeous piano sounds flying, his movements became faster and faster, and she could even keep up.

I don't know if it is an illusion. She feels that they are flying into the air, spinning and spinning like birds in the air. Is this a human action?

Why can he do it? And she wants to be able to do it subconsciously?

This dance became the focus of the dance.

He whispered in her ear when he was in the highest mood: "Feng Xingying, wake up."

Feng Xingying looked at him with a daze.

The next day, the Qin family proposed to the Feng family, and Feng Xingying agreed shamefully.

I don't know if the two are in order to marry, or if they are too attractive to each other and love each other until one day.

The wedding was actually held a week later.

He accompanied her to see the sea, accompanied her to climb the mountains, watched the sunrise, accompanied her to shopping, accompanied her to choose clothes, and accompanied her to take wedding photos.

In her world, every little bit is him, and is about to replace her parents' place.

When she opened her eyes, she saw Qin Molin, and when she closed her eyes, she thought about Qin Molin.

Until the wedding day, everything was dreamy, and she became his most beautiful bride.

He didn't drink, but hurriedly hugged her into the cave.

Their sweetness and love have long gone deep into the bone marrow, and everything is so natural whether it's kissing or intimacy. Not only was there no resistance and shyness in her heart, but there was a hint of expectation.

When he penetrated her body, he whispered in her ear again: "Feng Xingying, wake up soon, you wake up, I will stay with you."

"Husband." Feng Xingying lazily stretched his limbs to embrace him, enjoying the tenderness of the newly married.

He reluctantly gave up, and could only send her into the clouds with familiar strength and posture, trying to remind her of a little past.

After a night of madness, Feng Xingying looked at the white sheets and walked away, wasn't she the first time? Why is there no blood?

Yeah, she's not.

There are thousands of poses in her mind, in different places, and there is only one man, Qin Molin.

But why, how could those past lives and dreams be so real in her mind?

"Xiaoying, have breakfast." Qin Molin's voice was husky and tired.

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