Cold King, the Doctor Fei Is Running Away

Chapter 1531: Magic of All Souls

Biquge, the fastest update of Leng Wang, the medical concubine will elope the latest chapter!

Even such protoss are trapped by the mystery, let alone their demigods?

But what Qin Molin wanted to do, Feng Xingying didn't ask why, and thought he could do it somehow.

"Come for me? I promise not to use the blood of God and let you see my new abilities." Feng Xingying was proud.

"OK." Qin Molin nodded.

"All spirits, driven by me, keep!" Feng Xingying ordered, all the illusions of spirit beasts that had attacked them all turned into guardian puppets, guarding them silently.

When new monsters emerged and attacked, the two waves began to fight each other. Without sealing Feng Xingying about them, Feng Xingying still sat happily watching the show.

Of course, the whole process seems easy. Just using that trick to drive so many spirit beasts at the same time also used all the spiritual power of Feng Xingying.

When she is not afraid, she has Qin Molin to guard her, and Qin Molin will naturally protect her.

And to give her some time, with her spiritual power, she can quickly recover her spiritual power.

Even if she is in an unpredictable danger, she still has the power of God and the power of stars to do a trick.

"In terms of spiritual power, I'm willing to worship the wind." Qin Molin exaggerated Feng Xingying's sentence.

"I'm here?" Feng Xingying blinked, his face proud, really like a simple girl.

Oh yes, Feng Xingying has experienced Nirvana, and she has to be counted again after she is resurrected, so she is only 16 years old now!

Qin Molin nodded.

Feng Xingying used another trick she learned from Nirvana after her nirvana, using spiritual power as a clue, and turned all the spirit beasts into her own use.

"Hee hee, they are recovering too slowly, much slower than I can recover spiritual power." Feng Xingying proudly invited Qin Molin for his contribution.

Come on.

Qin Molin's kiss between her eyebrows was a reward.

Feng Xingying blushed and ignored him.

As for what Qin Molin wanted to do, Feng Xingying didn't ask.

She used the Mastery of Magic twice to control this attack formation.

As long as Feng Xingying is willing, let alone the seventy-seven forty-nine days of the formation, she can block for forty-nine years.

Of course, this is only a theoretical situation. According to Feng Xingying's observations, these beasts are fierce and attack twice as fast. At night, Feng Xingying added another magical power, which exhausted all spiritual power Can control this wave of attacks.

Feng Xingying can only control most of the illusions and let them fight each other.

But in the next wave, she will take another shot.

The time interval between each wave is getting shorter and shorter, but the strength of the spirit beast in each wave is getting stronger and stronger, which makes people crazy.

I believe they will die in a matter of days.

But Feng Xingying believed in Qin Molin.

Sure enough, at night, when the moon stars were thin, Qin Molin forced a drop of blood.

Feng Xingying had forgotten that Qin Molin also had the blood of God and he could break the battle himself. At that time, Feng Xingying's heart blood was bright pure gold, while Qin Molin's deep black gold was mixed with a hint of red.

Qin Molin's blood broke his illusion, and they returned to the empty Concentric Island, still in the midst of mystery.

"Star Stone!" Qin Molin and Feng Xingying summoned the Star Stone almost simultaneously.

Their star stone, in the years of Shenhuang Realm, except for the time of amnesiac each other, every night will practice.

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