Cold King, the Doctor Fei Is Running Away

Chapter 1566: Is it Qiongze again?

Biquge, the fastest update of Leng Wang, the medical concubine will elope the latest chapter!

"Mother ... you don't have to do this." Knowing the news, Feng Xingying was particularly uncomfortable.

She couldn't find any words to describe her feelings at the moment. Perhaps it was self-blame, but also a little helpless.

She can make herself stronger to face all the enemies, and she can endure various tortures to cultivate.

But she just couldn't see Ye Nian suffering.

It was her mother, the woman she wanted to protect by heart.

How come, now it ’s like this?

"Stupid child." Ye Nian gently stroked Feng Xingying's head: "I have been very satisfied with you, Wen Xuan is already an extra gift from heaven to me, I can't ask for more.

If you are afraid of my sadness, you must live well. I often see you and remember you in my heart, which is the best for me.

As for Wen Xuan, he has his own choice, and I believe he will return. "

"Mother, I promise you, we must find Wen Xuan back." Feng Xingying also began to regret a little bit, she was too **** Murong Wen Xuan.

She wanted to force Murong Wenxuan to become mature and talented, but the road was full of thorns and dangers, and if she was not careful, she would lose her life.

Ye Nian has only two children, Feng Xingying and Murong Wenxuan. If Murong Wenxuan really has three long and two short, Feng Xingying does not know if his mother can accept it.

"Mother, I'll go to Yunxi Continent and get your brother back for you."

"No." Ye Nian shook her head. "My fate is broken, and this child, let him be free.

The young eagle always soars in the sky. I'm not the mother who dragged my children. Both you and Wenxuan have your own way. Go ahead. Although I am incompetent, I can keep the house for you. "

"Okay." Feng Xingying nodded.

She used to think her mother, Ye Nian, was too weak, but now she wants to come, it's just that they are doing things differently.

Before she Feng Xingying came to Shenhuang Realm, did Ye Nian take care of Shenhuang Realm well?

Now, she is going to go and accompany her man to face more terrible enemies. She believes that Ye Nian can manage Shenhuang Realm well.

Because here is their home.

For this reason, before leaving, Feng Xingying also talked to several trusted elders and used their succession as a bait to help them read Ye Nian.

It is much easier to support Ye Nian than to assist the star shadow! This must be done.

Anyway, these elders can't kill the maiden, they can only hold their mother and daughter, why bother to make trouble.

In this way, the entire Shenhuang domain became clear in Feng Xingying's hands, and Feng Xingying could finally leave safely.

She left alone, and only needed a drop of blood to pierce the void, and she could return to the Yunxi continent.


This time, the place where Feng Xingying appeared was Dali, the country where she was born, right next to the terrible dome.

Qiongze is still terrible, but Feng Xingying's heart flashed some inexplicable thoughts.

This time, she used a random exit of Shenhuang Realm, and did not know where she would be transmitted.

Is this really a space node?

That day Ye Nian jumped into the sky and returned to Shenhuang Realm.

That space node may not correspond to only one phoenix domain, is there any other space?

In this way, her father may not be dead, is it possible that he went to another space?

Although the hope is slim, Feng Xingying couldn't help but want this possibility to become a reality.

However, Qiongze was too dangerous, and no one dared to try it.

How big is Qiongze? Where is the other side of Qiongze?

These problems are also unknown, because Qiongze is too mysterious.

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