Biquge, the fastest update of Leng Wang, the medical concubine will elope the latest chapter!

On the other side, the emperor of Dali broke his heart.

Seeing that the Lingshan Swordsmen also withdrew, leaving a sentence: "Take care of your family affairs, we wait for your explanation!"

He was left with a son whose life and death were unknown and a demon doctor.

"Come, drag this woman out! Ling Chi's execution!" The Emperor can think of such a demon.

"My poor son."

"Your son was broken by Qin Molin's heart, what did he do with me?" Qin Molin was gone, and Su Lingsu finally dared to refute:

"If you want him to wake up, believe me once."

"Okay, then you try."

Su Lingsu's medical treatment is really nothing to say. After several stabbing tortures, Nangongjing was really awakened by her.

Su Lingsu said proudly, "No one can cure him except me."

Except Feng Xingying, but you have offended Feng Xingying, so don't even think about that selfish woman doing it.

Su Ling always thought that with medical skills, she could still call the wind and rain.

Who knows that the Nangong, the emperor of the Dali calendar, was a demigod for a long time, not that ordinary people could be emperors at that time.

I saw that Nangong suddenly burst out of the sword, and the blood was dripping on the ground. Su Lingsu fainted to the ground instantly. Before fainting, she saw her two legs and left her body.

"Come here, stop her bleeding and tie her to a wheelchair!" Nangong deserves to be the emperor for a long time.

He also taught his son: "Stupid, you would be fiddled with by a witch doctor, and really lost our Nangong family's face."

"Father, it's not her, it's that."

"Shut up!" Nangong's majestic gaze made the Prince's throat sobbing and speechless: "Jinger, come with me."

The father and son arrived at the emperor's study room, and Nangong opened his heart heartily:

"Nine children, I know you are wronged, and I also know that Dr. Su did not control you, otherwise I would have killed her.

But today, because of her uncle, you will make such a big mistake. Your princehood, let it out. "

Nangong Jing was anxious: "Father Emperor, don't you love children anymore? Have you promised my mother-in-law, do you want to abandon your vow? The child's health is not good, if he can't even keep the crown prince, he will wait for his brothers to inherit the throne Who cares about my sick seedling? "

"You can't blame me for being cruel, and I want to protect you, but the price to protect you is the entire Dali country. Do you know that the woman you want to grab is the sister of Emperor Ji Yun!"

With this news, Nangong Jing was also struck by lightning.

"The Dr. Kosu said she was the only medicine for children."

"Stupid! Su Shenyi has a personal grudge with that girl, don't you see that? She just wants to kill someone with a knife. If you want to use a woman to detoxify, there are so many women around you, and Su Lingsu can do it, but she's only one little girl? "

Nangongjing's face changed and changed. He was not stupid, but he was blinded by the disease only when he was blinded by the disease and dazzled.

Now if you think about it carefully, Father Emperor is right, what Su Lingsu said is not credible at all. His father is the blood of God. The blood of his father has no effect on him. Can an ordinary girl save him?

"Su Lingsu! Father Emperor rest assured, I will tune her up." Nangong Jing crazed:

"But the kid is really grieved today. I was conspired by that person. That person is too powerful. He broke my heart."


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