Cold King, the Doctor Fei Is Running Away

Chapter 1706: True and false Ye Lingxin 4

Biquge, the fastest update of Leng Wang, the medical concubine will elope the latest chapter!

"Yes, that's right. Master, is he really with you?"

"Of course." Feng Xingying looked provocatively at Ye Lingxin: "Sister Qi, you secretly fell in love with an ordinary person, and you are planning to leave recently. The master has known for a long time that you just open your eyes and close your eyes, everything is up to you. . "

"Master, the master once kept a **** for you."

"Brother Three, you are the least honest, and you have confessed to the master! You also requested to join the master's holy guard group, and then the leg was interrupted by the master, oh, interrupted three times." Feng Xingying continued.

"Oh, it turned out that your leg was interrupted so much, that every time I bone you, you deserve it." The second teacher and sister who is most good at medical treatment looked at the third child with a stunned look.

This looks is definitely a beautiful man, but Ye Ling had principles in the past. How could he harm his apprentice, no matter how handsome he is and then take the initiative, every time he confesses to the master, the answer is "Can beat me and come again, otherwise I Just break your leg. "

"Little sister, don't say it, I recognize, I recognize!" The three brothers looked awkward, and by the way, helped Feng Xingying say:

"Little Shimei is right, one's memory can be forgotten, but the feelings will not change. I admit that I like our master, crazy infatuation and worship, and cannot be extricated, but this woman, I have no feeling of heart at all.

She may be really a fake. "

"Your ungrateful things, just want to embarrass her master while your master is injured? To put it bluntly, I don't want to usurp the position, the human heart, it is the most terrible thing!" At this time, Yun Yuntian came forward, with great momentum, Good-looking.

At this time, Yun Yuntian really had the charm to attract girls. No wonder Ye Lingxin tried everything to get him over.

But they are not worthy. They are not worthy of occupying her master's identity and reputation. In the final analysis, the current false Ye Lingxin and Yun Yuntian are thieves who stole other people's things.

"Xin Er, don't be afraid, I will protect you." Yun Yuntian approached Ye Lingxin step by step. He also held an odd thing in his hand.

Others don't know, but Feng Xingying recognizes that it is a detonator! He was so distraught that he loaded a bomb on Shenhuang Island?

"Ice coffin!" Feng Xingying shot suddenly, no matter Ye Lingxin or Yun Yuntian, they were caught by surprise.

But even if Yun Yuntian is clever and has a mind, he has a fatal weakness-too poor!

Feng Xingying's ice coffin fell on Yun Yuntian, instantly freezing his blood and bone marrow.

Feng Xingying did not take any action against Yun Yuntian.

one move. Jin Yuntian was decisive.

The enemy is too powerful, Feng Xingying has not given the room for maneuver at all.

At this time, Yun Yuntian was just an ordinary person. After being starred by Feng Xingying's extreme ice coffin, his body could not bear the cold.

At this moment, Ye Ling was anxious, and quickly attacked with fire, trying to melt the ice and snow.

Feng Xingying didn't stop her, just looked at her quietly and compassionately.

Until the ice and snow melted two layers, and the red liquid in the snow water flowed out together, Ye Lingxin suddenly realized that he was afraid to move any more.

"You cruel demon girl, what have you done to him?"

"Return your body to my master, and I'll tell you." Feng Xingying blinked.

"you swear!"

Feng Xingying immediately swears in cooperation: "I swear, if you are willing to return your body to my master, I will remove the ice and snow from Yun Yuntian."

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