Cold King, the Doctor Fei Is Running Away

Chapter 1833: Jian Jian Xian Jian Ren

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It ’s a pity that Wu Yaozi was really upright, and he actually pierced him: "Don't say so nice, please ask me for an identification. You obviously asked your master. He didn't think of me until he was away?"

Duan Gu failed to worship under the name of Feng Xingying, but finally worshiped Wen Jianzun as a teacher. It's just that the cursed land has been flourishing in recent years, and Duan Guping used to call Mr. Wen Jianzun Wei.

Duan Gu smiled awkwardly: "This potion, I think you should have a chance. The freshman in our academy, Xiao Du, made a pot of medicine in one breath."

Duan Gu really was a little afraid of Wu Yaozi's bad temper. He said go and leave. First, he opened Feng Xingying's medicine stove and let Wu Yaozi look at the stove. How spectacular it is!

"Twenty bottles?" Wu Yaozi's face was also dignified.

He is also an expert in refining alchemy, but refining medicine is a new subject for everyone and must be re-researched. Even if Wu Yaozi is devoted to research and outstanding strength, he can complete the thirty or forty refining, and the effect is not very satisfactory.

Why did some students complete the Twenties? And it could be the best?

A person like Wu Yaozi is a drug maniac. When he sees such a thing, he cannot move his leg at all!

Now no one asked him at all, and these drugs attracted him to identify. If Duan Gu now does not allow Wu Yaozi to identify, it is estimated that it will not be.

However, Wu Yaozi resisted and chose not to read the medicine first.

He looked straight at Feng Xingying and asked Feng Xingying: "What do you think?"

"Xuanjie, top grade, twenty bottles." Feng Xingying gave his judgment result frankly. She does the medicine herself, and she doesn't need any medicine bottle to know the size.

Wu Yaozi nodded with satisfaction, and asked Feng Xingying's second question: "I heard that you are betting on someone and your opponent is scared away. What should you do?"

"Of course I forgive her." Feng Xingying responded frankly, and then added: "I can only control myself, I will be willing to gamble to lose, because I cherish my feathers. Regardless of others, I will not control, nor did I Obligation. "

"Very good. Your character, I like it. Your medicine, I look forward to it." Wu Yaozi said, and began to enter the process.

Wu Yaozi does not need Duangu's medicine bottle, he has a complete set of equipment, a translucent crystal bottle with blue light, a thin point stick, and a few strange papers.

These equipment can be more professional than Duan Gu.

He did not use the medicine that Duan Gu took out, but he took two drops carefully.

There are really only two drops. Do n’t dare to take more, for fear of affecting the quantity of medicine for others.

One of the two drops of medicine was put into a medicine bottle, and other things were added for testing. The other drop was actually dropped on his finger. After observing and sniffing, he ate it.

Really dedicated pharmacists do not fully trust the instrument, they instead trust their eyes, nose and tongue.

Only taste what you have tasted before you can make a final conclusion.

Wu Yaozi squinted his eyes and tasted for a while, then suddenly opened his eyes and came to a conclusion:

"Xuanjie top grade, blood burning potion."

"Not the best?" Duan Gu was a little disappointed.

"It's a little worse. It's a pity." Wu Yaozi shook his head: "I believe that if the refiner can concentrate a little more or only make one bottle at a time, it will definitely reach the top. Such talents are good, really good."

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