Cold King, the Doctor Fei Is Running Away

Chapter 2016: Exploring Hankong Island

Biquge, the fastest update of Leng Wang, the medical concubine will elope the latest chapter!

Feng Xingying, hated by the people, really left this way.

She just asked her flamingo to take her to the edge of the cursed land, and joined forces with Qin Molin to open a passage for the cursed land, in turn, to meet the orc.

Ye Xiaonian came to the cursed land after receiving the Indus Tree.

Ye Xiaonian is a half-tree person. She has inherited the terrible power of the Indus God Tree and can instantly become a big tree that can accommodate millions of people.

Feng Xingying and Ye Xiaonian went straight to Hankong Island with the Shenhuang Legion of the Shenhuang Tribe and the Crystal Orcs of the Orcs.

Before the war began, they were enough.

The situation on Hankong Island can already be described as terrible.

The original Hankong Island was a bustling city, rich greenery, beautiful colleges, and busy people.

At present, there is only a piece of ruins in Hankong Island. There were only lumps of black gas on the face and one by one the walking dead.

Those who did not evacuate in time were eventually possessed by the demons and became the "body shells" of the demons.

Ye Lanyu chose one of the most beautiful girls to make a body shell, and sat in the air with satisfaction, enjoying all this in front of her eyes, and made great aspirations:

"My people, applications for war on the plane have already opened, as long as we occupy more than half of the land on this continent.

This continent will become our new habitat, the people here will become our slaves, I will not kill them, I will raise them like pigs, let them continue to create green for us, and constantly create the body .

Don't talk to me about glory and dignity. We demons can't live anymore. This is our last hope. We only fight for survival. "

Feng Xingying heard the mobilization of Ye Lanyu across the enchantment.

The residents of the Demon Clan knelt together at the feet of Ye Lanyu Devil.

After that, a lot of magical energy hit the enchantment in the simplest and roughest way.

With each shock, at least tens of thousands of low-level demons are destroyed, and the enchantment just shakes.

But they will not stop, after one wave, the next wave.

The orc and half-eagle chief Yang Fei said with emotion: "According to the records of our ancestors, when we half-orcs ruled this continent, the human race once resisted so desperately.

It turned out to be for survival. Without a retreat, there would be only a battle between life and death. "

Qin Molin looked at everything in front of him and suddenly looked at Feng Xingying: "If I die one day, you must go to the spirit world. I will be born there again."

"You won't die. Although the demons are terrible, we human races, half-orcs and demons will fight, in order to protect this land." Feng Xingying shook her head, she did not dare to look at Qin Molin's eyes.

She was afraid that if she looked into Qin Molin's eyes, her divine pre-operation would open automatically, and she would see something bad.

"Yeah, I just said if." Qin Molin smiled.

"I heard that the Shenhuang clan is good at predicting. I wonder if someone in the queen family has inherited this technique?" Huang Shi, the head of the half-lion clan, suddenly asked Feng Xingying.

The Half Lion is the most powerful of the Orcs and the leader of all Orcs. Many orc materials were collected in the half-lion family, and they knew this was normal.

Feng Xingying smiled: "I am the one who started the pre-surgery in the Shenhuang tribe."

"Also ask the queen to foretell this war for us."

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