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Feng Xingying didn't say much. Although Luo Yunjin was vicious in heart, after all, she was Bai Shuang's favorite sister's daughter, which meant different things to Bai Shuang. Bai Shuang might want to keep Luo Yunjin to teach herself.

This is Bai Shuang's private affairs, and outsiders can't say much. Feng Xingying could only keep an eye out for the little princess of the femme fatale.

Feng Xingying now always has a visitor, so she can't always stay in the other hospital. She just stayed in the palace, arranged the hoarfrost into the palace, and found a quiet room to treat her.

As for Luo Yunjin, Feng Xingying remembered someone who could deal with her.


The Queen Qin suddenly heard that Feng Xingying was going to live in the thief's palace. She was anxious to send someone to clean it, and was suddenly summoned by Feng Xingying.

This star shadow was originally a wise man and had a very strong personality. At Luofutian that day, she forced her to rely on the queen's honor. Today, it is normal for Feng Xingying to become the queen of Star Thief City and want to revenge her prisoner.

Fortunately, she is calling publicly, and she should always take care of her mother and daughter. Even if she is just a mother-in-law, she should not do too much?

After seeing Feng Xingying, Queen Qin did not bow down, but gave her respectfully:

"Sin woman Qin Yue, met the queen."

"The mother-in-law doesn't have to be so restrained. Please come here, just to confirm something with the mother-in-law. The princess Jin said that it was the mother-in-law who said that I came from a place of fireworks? I wonder if this could happen?"

Feng Xingying looked down at Qin Yuan and performed just right. Outsiders couldn't pick out her etiquette mistakes, and she could clearly feel her distance from Qin Yue.

"There is no such thing! How can I Qin Yan accept fireworks as a righteous woman? This is not only an insult to the queen, but also an insult to our Luo Futian. Which ignorant person dares to say such a thing?"

Although Qin Yue answered resolutely, she knew in her heart that the words came from her eldest daughter-in-law Qin Hongyun.

Fortunately, she locked up Qin Hongyun, otherwise I don't know how much trouble can be caused.

Feng Xingying did not investigate whether this was what Qin Yue said, but pointed to Luo Yunjin around him:

"Princess Jin said it personally, it turned out to be a rumor. No wonder King Ning personally said that Princess Jin had no mother education since childhood, and developed a rude and unruly personality.

I think the mother-in-law is the most noble queen of Luo Futian, and she has always been loved by all peoples. She should be able to discipline her, and I will give Princess Jin to her mother-in-law.

No matter what method the mother-in-law uses, as long as it doesn't hurt her life, I hope that in ten days, I can see a well-known princess Jin. "

"Ten days? It's too short, too." Qin Yue immediately worried.

Not ten days is too short, this task cannot be accepted!

No one knows in this Star Thief City, Star Thief Boss, King Ning.

The king of Star Thieves is the favorite of the queen, and the king of Ning is his daughter, Princess Jin.

So when Qin Yue entered the city of star theft, he explored the news and listed the two women as the type that can only please and not offend.

Now Feng Xingying wants her to train Luo Yunjin? Didn't this kill her?

"Since you are my mother-in-law, I was born by my side. Do you think you can pedal two boats?" Feng Xingying reminded vaguely.

Qin Hui is a smart man. Without saying a word, he immediately replied: "The queen is assured. As soon as I recognize you as a righteous daughter, I treat you as my biological daughter. Of course, a daughter's headaches must be resolved for you. "

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