Biquge, the fastest update of Leng Wang, the medical concubine will elope the latest chapter!

The moment the lid was opened, Luo Yue bent over and vomited regardless of the image.

There was a child under five in the pot! It is already dead today, but the facial features are still clear.

"You, you ... why are you so cruel." Luo Yue pointed at Luo Yunjin palely.

What kind of femme fatale woman actually cooks a living person!

Luo Yunjin smiled and pointed at the children in the pot: "Fu Jun take a closer look, do you think they are familiar?"

Luo Yueqiang endured nausea, looked in the direction of Luo Yunjin's fingers, and immediately sat down softly. He didn't care about the filth he had vomited on the ground.

He is now completely broken. The three children are his three sons!

"My mother used to be the first poison doctor of Star Thief City. In the notes she left, the blood between the father and the child is linked by stars. Pill washing elixir.

Husband, for you, I have worked hard to find these two herbs. Why don't you take them? "

Luo Yuecai didn't care what Luo Yunjin said. At this moment, he was close to the edge of collapse, and rushed out when he fell.

He also seemed to have heard Luo Yunjin's instructions to the court ladies: "It's a shame, such a good thing was wasted. Since he doesn't eat it, he can feed it to the dog."

Luo Yue rushed to the backyard for the first time. He has three sons and two daughters, both of whom are under five years old. Now that his three sons have been cooked, how about two daughters?

When he rushed over, there was anyone else in the room, but only the nursing mother knelt down on the ground and tremblingly told Luo Yue:

"Mrs. sent the two little princesses back to Star Thief City. They said that they were beautiful, and they must be big beauties in the future. She would be sent to her father's camp for training."

On that day, King Ning opened the red candle and his past in Frost Valley. The red candle also revealed King Ning's nausea. At the time, Luo Yue was also there, just listening to it as a joke.

Now suddenly I knew how his daughter would fall into the hands of the old Yin stick.

But what can he do? Going to tear his face with Luo Yunjin, everything is still irreparable, and he will lose more.

Luo Yue could only red-eyed, took out his sword, and killed several children's grandmothers one by one.

"Since the child is gone, what use is there for you? My Luo Yue's family affairs, no one can say a word!"

Luo Yue, carrying the **** sword, returned to his room and locked himself for a day, before going to his mother for help in the evening.

He was really scared. Luo Yunjin was so beautiful, his character was too terrible, and he became more and more like a ghost.

But when he pushed open the door of his mother's palace, he heard the mother moaning happily, and saw two people who were entangled in red fruit.

That man is obviously not his father!

Don't you even close the gate?

Luo Yue neither entered nor retreated. Of course, the two knew that he had entered.

Still the man said:

"Yueer, go out and wait for a while. I'll call you in later."

The familiar voice made Luo Yue's head explode.

He didn't know how he went out, anyway, he went out obediently, and closed the door for them, obediently at the door.

I don't know how long it took before Qin Yue told him to go in.

At this time, the two did not shy away from each other, and Qin Yue was still lying in the arms of King Ning without any care, except that the two had more bed brocades and were ashamed.

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