Cold King, the Doctor Fei Is Running Away

Chapter 2177: Star Stone Mirror

Biquge, the fastest update of Leng Wang, the medical concubine will elope the latest chapter!

After that, Rochin experienced the most humiliating moment in his life, watching the man undress and pamper his woman for him.

Qin Yuan also gave up his restraint and kept making rumblings, and he was much happier than when he was with him.

Luo Qin did not know when he was going out, he just remembered that he actually had to take the initiative to close the door for them to prevent more people from seeing it.

Neither of them was afraid of being seen, he was still scared alone.

At this moment, Luo Qin had realized how unbearable he was as a hegemon. A Ji Yun and a Luo Renjie all wanted his things.

What Luo Renjie wants is not just a Qin Hui, this time it is Qin Hui, the next step is his Luo Futian.

Luo Jie is even more terrible than Ji Yun, because his strategy is more thorough, he has Luo Yue in the royal family blood line in hand.

The first step was forcing Rochin to change Luo Yue into the prince, and the second step was forcing Rochin to give way to the prince.

If Luo Futian falls into the soft egg of Luo Yue, it is tantamount to being controlled by Luo Renjie.

There are wolves in front and tigers in back.

Luo Qin was in his palace. After sitting alone for a long time, he finally got smart again. In the evening, he went to the biggest star stealing ship and asked to meet the star stealing king Qin Molin.

Yes, tigers and wolves are terrible, but they are all afraid of the same person-Star Thief Qin Molin! More terrible men than tigers and wolves.

After thinking about this, Luo Qin felt that the whole person was more energetic, and he just waited for Star Thief Qin Molin to see him.

It's a pity that the King of Star Thieves is busy with his own affairs, and the attendants let him wait.

Luo Qin is anyway a hegemon and father in the name of Princess Shadow.

The attendant replied: "If luck is good, Star Thieves should be free half an hour later. If luck is bad, it will take an hour. Or, Lord Rochin, will you come back when the time comes?"

I do n’t know if it ’s a psychological effect. Luo Futian, the overlord, actually thinks that only this servant is respectful and courteous to him, and really treats him as a overlord.

Those dogs in his palace looked low at people, half of them were General Ji Yun's close relatives, and the other half saw the wind to make the rudder lean towards King Ning and Qin Yue, and did not take him as a hegemon at all.

Luo Qin shook his head: "No need, I'm fine, just wait for him here."

"I'm sorry, I have to wait for you a long time. No one can disturb me while the Star Thief is practicing. When he has time, I will inform you as soon as possible."

"it is good."

And the star thief Qin Molin, who was rumored to be practicing, was facing a huge star stone mirror at this time, but the mirror was the scene of the death forest.

At this moment, he was seeing Ye Gongzi teasing Huang Dora, and then he came to Luoshang.

Qin Molin couldn't help laughing and said, "She's still the same."

He couldn't help but reach out and touch the mirror lightly, as if through the mirror, he could touch the familiar face of the young boy.

It wasn't until he yawned that the worker went to sleep in the tent and watched her dormant appearance, and he reluctantly collected the star stone mirror.

What Feng Xingying doesn't know is that on her burning purple iris, there are also two hidden organs, one is used to automatically ask Qin Molin for help, and the other is a small probe that can pass everything she has. Into the corresponding star stone mirror.

And that star stone mirror is the side of Qin Molin.

Feng Xingying's scorching purple iris is good. Of course, she always wears the bracelet with the star armor at hand, so that Qin Molin can see her movements at any time, and will let her go to practice safely.

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