Biquge, the fastest update of Leng Wang, the medical concubine will elope the latest chapter!

How did they forget that Star Thief City is a lawless place, and it will not be balanced by the ten-party overlord's covenant.

Perhaps for the Star Thief King, breaking the rules formulated by the ten party overlords is also something he is willing to do.

"Did you think about it? Who will come? The king has limited patience. If you don't think well, let's go together. Anyway, the king's trivial orders are quite a lot."

Duanmu Song winked Duanmu Hong, and there was something helpless in his eyes.

Duanmuhong's heart was cold. Yeah, his uncle was a key member of the army, and he controlled the entire Duanmu family.

I really have to choose someone. For Duanmu family, he can only be Duanmuhong.

Moreover, in the final analysis, it was still Duan Muhong who was thinking too simple, and was confused by the woman's rhetoric, which caused trouble to the Duanmu family. Even if he is held accountable, it should be his responsibility.

Duanmuhong looked at Feng Yueyi with a bleak face, at this time Feng Yueyi's body had already appeared a large block of aura, gradually condensed into a phoenix shape, it seems that it will soon be pumped clean, it is difficult to survive .

Duanmu Hong took a deep breath and took a step forward: "Qi Xing Pirate King, is willing to accept punishment."

"Very well, I'm more optimistic about you, you have a good qualification, but unfortunately the shield is ruined." Qin Molin shook his head.

"I'm willing to donate the Starlight Shield." Duanmu Song was a very responsive person. He took out his own Starlight Shield on the spot, forcibly cut off the connection with the body, and threw it to Duanmuhong.

Duanmu Hong was unpretentious, so he picked it up and put it on.

His uncle is a seven-star warrior, with financial support from Duanmu family, and also wears top equipment.

And this star shield is originally a seven-star thing. Now, forcibly giving Duanmuhong, some attributes of the shield are removed, and a seven-star shield is forcibly reduced to five stars.

Such a heart-breaking thing would not have happened anywhere else.

It's a pity that this is the Star Stealer.

Duanmuhong finally knew the horror of Star Thief, but it was too late.

Rarely, the King of Star Thieves seems to be able to read the mind, and it seems that Duanmu Hong is reluctant to seal Yueyi, and actually tells him with conscience:

"I'm in no hurry, wait for your last farewell with your old lover. Oh, by the way, I haven't ruined her looks, she's like this, you can't stop talking."

"How is that possible?" Duan Muhong couldn't help himself.

"Junk account, shut up, what reason does Star Thief lie to you for life?" Duanmu Song snapped.

From then on, Duanmu family no longer Duanmu Hong.

Only Star Thief's servant Duan Muhong.

Duan Muhong was also scolded and awoke, staring at Feng Yueyi.

At this point, Ye Xiaonian finally finished the light of her rhinoceros, her star power was drained, and the whole person was paralyzed.

Fortunately, Ye Jingning hugged her in time, supporting her waist and shoulders, so that Ye Xiaonian would not be ashamed.

Ye Xiaonian leaned softly on Ye Jingning and slowly recovered. His consciousness was sober and satisfied.

Because of her efforts, the magic power of Fenghuangyi was finally completely stripped out, forming a ghost image, and Tuhuang Tuer was now wandering in that ghost image carefreely, and recovered her Ability.

Although this time around, it will consume about 30%, which is also a blessing for Tu Huang. At least it can have a solid body again, and can wander around like a normal spirit beast. .

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