Cold King, the Doctor Fei Is Running Away

Chapter 757: Woman buying a prince 3

Biquge, the fastest update of Leng Wang, the medical concubine will elope the latest chapter!

Feng Xingying really lost the face of Tianyuguo Alchemist Association. Any alchemy boy, as long as he has a little brain, knows that he wants to shamelessly occupy the sister flowers.

But he is a high-ranking third-order alchemist.

But the director of Zuoyueju laughed and gave a round:

"Xia Ying was honored to pay him for such money. Unfortunately, she is now a prince."

But it stood sideways, alas, and just dropped two Lingjings:

"Isn't that too little money? Is that enough? People like you will put gold on your face, and the prince will just point you a few times, watch you a few songs and dances, you think you are a prince?

I bother! If the prince sees you, why doesn't he redeem you?

Still obediently go back with Grandpa, Grandpa will hurt you. "

Xia Ying was immediately angry, mixed things, what kind of thing did he dare to denigrate the Prince's friendship for her?

If he was an ordinary gold master, he would not even bother to perform, but this person is a third-order alchemist and has a transcendental status in the city of heaven.

But what about that, the alchemy association belongs to his prince, and the alchemists are not all prince's dogs?

Xia Ying stood up with a cold face and glanced at Xingye: "Only you, do you deserve it?"

Afterwards, she turned and left proudly.

Feng Xingying looked at her leaving back, her fingers held three ingots of gold, and a treacherous smile appeared on her face.


In the early morning the next day, the Alchemy Association became messy.


Because the third-order Alchemist Xingye, who just arrived, disappeared.

He originally came by himself. He had no relatives but he suddenly disappeared, as if he had evaporated in the city of Heaven.

Xia Changming couldn't sit still, and Yu Wenqinghong couldn't sit still either. They both passed on the message to the Prince's House, explaining the situation, and also made a particularly vague suggestion:

Xia Ying, who is drunk in the moon, seems to have a holiday with the third-order alchemist, will it?

On the second day, another big event happened in the Alchemy Association of Tianshi City.

The prince Yu Wenxi was so fierce that he even tied his new darling Xia Yinggirl to the door of the Alchemist Association and tied him up while beating him.

"What kind of thing do you dare to run against the third-order alchemist? You are kneeling here today. I can't see your master alchemist, so I will pick your skin!"

"Master, forgive the little ones." Xia Yingnian's face was pink and beautiful, her voice was pitiful and pitiful.

Unfortunately, Prince Yu Wenxi's face was as cold as iron, and he whipped it down.

But that star master seemed to evaporate, without showing up.

Instead, Feng Xingying used her own identity to bring her daughter-in-law and the six guardians of Tai Chi Temple who were not allowed to enter, to look at the excitement in a high profile.

"Feng Xingying, I heard that this person is from your Dali country, aren't you going to plead for her?" The prince suddenly spoke, pointing his finger directly at Feng Xingying.

Xia Ying also saw Feng Xingying, and he quickly crawled over and wanted to grab Feng Xingying's feet: "Miss, I'm Xia Ying, save me."

Unfortunately, Feng Xingying's face was as cold as iron, and she didn't even look at her at all, and then she draped a Frozen Spirit Mask in front of herself.

Xia Ying couldn't climb the enchantment at this time, and could only pitifully stretch out a bruised arm on the spot, and miserably asked Feng Xingying for help:

"Miss, for the sake of slaves who have served you and are also from the Dali calendar, save me."

People around also started to give pointers, most of them were not good words.

Yu Wenxilie looked at it leisurely.

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