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"Soul Academy, it's been less lively for a long time."

In the study not far away, several old men raised their clear old eyes and looked through the wooden windows to the quiet but lively campus under the moonlight in the distance.

"Young people, you should be a bit hardworking, and you, the old one, will always embarrass others.

In my opinion, these children are all very good. What about leaving them Xingying and Qin Molin? "Luo Lao couldn't help voicing.

Dean Tao shook his head: "Academies are colleges across the continent. Now that rules are established, they should be allowed to follow the rules of nature. Otherwise, it is an injustice to them and to others.

Who grows up does not need to endure pain, sweat, or even life.

Just like these trees in the college, every year people are planted and every year there is death, but the trees on our empty island are getting denser and denser. "

"What the **** is this old thing talking about?"

Dean Tao smiled, listened to the song, and couldn't help saying: "Young, that's good. I want to be hundreds of years younger."

Dirt! Want to find a girl at a young age?


Besides, after the ensemble of the piano and flute, the people of the Star Shadow Legion even settled inexplicably in their hearts.

Looking at the approaching Fuqin people, Feng Xingying could only see it!

Qin Molin, what else can he not?

When he said that he was Yaozun, Feng Xingying already felt that the evildoer would be fine!

It doesn't seem to be an accident to play the piano, right? Is it more terrifying than a spiritual respect suddenly saying that he also hides the identity of the drug respect?

However, you are superior, can you stop playing the piano at this time? !!

The atmosphere Feng Xingying wanted to create was all broken by Qin Molin. Fortunately, Feng Xingying's own field control ability was strong enough.

And at this time, Feng Xingying is not completely in the attitude, but let his true feelings be released.

Only those who can attract the sincerity can do so.

Feng Xingying was just a cowardly girl. She quietly looked up at the moon and sighed:

"You know, now I have no parents love, no brothers and sisters, and even the only loved ones grandmother and second uncle, also use and calculate me.

No matter what my strength, I am Feng Xingying and I am always personal. I also hope that my friends will accompany me.

I know, this time I am selfish, and leave you by my side, because you call me boss, I thought I could be your sister.

Only by constantly improving our strength can we maintain our youth and longevity. I do n’t want to see my loved ones one by one, it ’s easy for you to get old and run out of life.

This time, can you just stick to me and stay with me, please? "

Feng Xingying didn't say how the demons, the mainland, and the heroes were. Those who were too far away from them, even Feng Xingying himself, had no concept of the demons.

She just said that they grew up together.

Although Feng Xingying's approach is pretentious, every sentence comes from the heart.

She grew up quickly, but was also tired and lonely.

Feng Xingying's eyes turned out to be full of loneliness:

"I want to keep strong and protect the people around me. But I'm also scared. After my strength keeps getting stronger, there is no one around me.

In front of others, I must pretend to be strong so that I won't be harmed. "

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