Cold King, the Doctor Fei Is Running Away

Chapter 996: Dome 6: Assassination

Biquge, the fastest update of Leng Wang, the medical concubine will elope the latest chapter!

"I heard that Feng Xingying has an identity, and is the master of Tongtian Pavilion." Ling Chuxue looked at Tongtian Pavilion, with an uneasy emotion in his eyes.

Qin Molin is the owner of the Tongtian Pavilion. Except for those around him, only Ling Chuxue knows that she does not want to betray Qin Molin, but faintly expects the Qin family to capture Qin Molin back.

In that case, does she have hope that Grandpa will save him?

He could not say that Qin Molin was the master of the Heavenly Pavilion, but if Qin day went to Feng Xingying and met Qin Molin.

I don't know how strong Qin Molin is now.

Who knew Qin Tian, ​​who had always listened to her the most, shook her head: "No, Tongtian Pavilion is a mainland sacred place. Even if she hides in Tongtian Pavilion, we can't bother and just wait outside.

I don't believe it, this Feng Xingying will not be able to go out of Tongtian Pavilion for a lifetime.

I don't believe that the third brother is willing to be a turtle with a small head. "

Ling Chuxue bowed her head and didn't say more.

"Xuemei, I'll take you to see Danhui. Maybe I can find some alchemists for my Qin family."

"Good." For alchemy, Ling Chuxue lacked interest, but still nodded.


On the other side, Feng Xingying still maintains the daily routine of watching in Qiongze.

Ji will often look at her from time to time, but not much to say, at most she accompanied her to stare at Qiongze.

He was quick enough, and three days later brought Feng Xingying's message: "Although there is no clue about the disappearance of Shenhuang Island, some people say that Ye Qing, the dean of the Star Academy, may have come from Shenhuang Island."

"Ye Qing?"

"That's the teacher." Ji said with an awkward smile: "You should know that our brothers and sisters went to the Spiritual Academy this time to follow the command of you."

This, Feng Xingying guessed 60%, but couldn't believe it.

"The teacher seems to have a good opinion of you." Ji said again, "I heard that the teacher was wearing a bracelet on my body when I debuted, and I saw it in Fengyueyi's hands."

"Feng Yueyi?" It wasn't Ji Jue who mentioned that Feng Xingying had forgotten the name.

Her four geniuses, the real genius and pride of Feng Family, have been admitted to Xiuling College with her eight-star qualification since childhood.

Feng Yueyi and Feng Xingying have no intersection, so Feng Xingying knew that Feng had such a person, but never touched it. Some things may break at the touch.

After Ji Jue left, Feng Xingying was facing the dome alone, and he persisted in trying to open the secret of the dome in various ways.

Night, heavy.

That night, it was destined not to be peaceful.

Feng Xingying heard footsteps near him.

To avoid this hunt, it is easy for Feng Xingying to just plunge into space.

Because the opponent may not know that Yuying has a space spirit treasure, nor will he bring restraint charms.

But she didn't want to hide. Since these people came to die, why didn't she use them to test the dome?

"Want my life? Then see if you have the ability!" Feng Xingying's words had just fallen, and he was the first to attack.

Feng Xingying's approach is clean and easy, without any slight tricks.

Perhaps the only change is to turn the phoenix bird that comes with the Fire Spirit into a fire lotus.

One dazzling fire lotus, straight into the clouds, cut through the night's silence.

Fire lotus swept across the sky, relentlessly like swallowing the land.

The killers, who had been hiding in the dark, rushed towards Feng Xingying at the same time.

Most of their spiritual strength is Lingzong.

Can send a group of Lingzong to assassinate her, the other party is also good at writing.

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