However, what made Mu Ziling both puzzled and entangled was that she waited and waited and couldn't wait for the old lady's attack on her.

I don't know if it's because she didn't go out all the time. There is not even a little news from the palace, and I don't know if Princess Anya is dead or alive now.

At first, Mu Ziling wondered, would this be the calm before the storm?

You know, this kind of tranquility will keep her heart restless all the time, if the Queen Mother suddenly catches her by surprise, it will be a disaster.

However, the longer the day-to-day delay, the more Mu Ziling thought about it, the more impossible it became.

Although she didn't have many fights with the old lady, she knew a little bit about the old lady. It was impossible for the queen mother to wait and see what happened.

Although the old queen was as vicious and ruthless as the queen, she was not as meticulous and careful in disguising as the queen.

You must know that for someone like the queen mother who occupies the highest position in the harem, the kind of forbearance to calm things down does not exist at all for her.

But since it was impossible, why did the Queen Mother stay silent for so long? This is not logical.

Thinking about it left and right, Mu Ziling was puzzled, logically speaking, the old queen hated her to death, and this time she refused to save Princess Anya, how could the old queen still sit still.

Moreover, the fact that Princess Anya was so angry that she fell ill must be directly blamed by those two maids. Why doesn't the old queen hate her even more?

Isn't Princess Anya the heart of the old lady? Something happened to Princess Anya, how could the old queen be so calm? Could it be that the old queen was fainted by fright like last time?

Mu Ziling couldn't understand why the empress dowager didn't move.


Several days passed in a row, and the days were still very peaceful.

And these days, Long Xiaoyu seems to be busy with other things, he disappeared for several days in a row, still elusive, the dragon never sees the end.

Long Xiaoyu was missing, but it seemed that he came back every night.

Because, what makes Mu Zispirit feel aggrieved, dizzy and depressed is——

She obviously slept soundly in her own bed every night, but when she woke up early the next morning, she was always lying on the ice jade bed in the inner hall.

Waking up for the first time, Mu Ziling was taken aback. She thought she was sleepwalking suddenly, so she ran to sleep on the ice jade bed in the inner hall in a daze.

But it has been like this for the next few days... I slept in my own bed, but woke up from the ice jade bed the next day.

Not only that, every time in the vague sleep, Mu Ziling would vaguely feel that someone was secretly kissing her and taking advantage of her.

The rich and fresh breath of Lengmei fills her long breathing in sleep...

Every time Mu Ziling wanted to open her eyes to have a look, but her head was so dizzy that she couldn't open her eyes anyway. It seemed that it was the familiar smell of greed that finally made her fall into a deep sleep.

From this we can see——

No need to think about it, Mu Ziling also knew who carried her in, and that bad guy carried her in without mentioning it, and even secretly kissed her to take advantage of her.

Thinking of being taken advantage of by someone every night, the complicated mood in Mu Ziling's heart can hardly be described in words.

And what surprised Mu Zi the most was——

During this period, except for a period of time when she could vaguely feel being taken advantage of by some bad guy, she didn't feel at all at other times.

During the period, the whole person slept soundly, and when he woke up until dawn, he seemed unshakable.

Not only that, when Mu Ziling wakes up every morning, her whole body is refreshed, her mind is clear, and she feels indescribably refreshed, her whole body seems to be full of strength.

However, after much deliberation, Mu Ziling couldn't understand that that black-bellied bad guy Long Xiaoyu wouldn't let her sleep on the warm and comfortable big bed, but let her sleep on the bone-chilling ice jade bed.

Why? Mu Ziling was so depressed that she almost scratched the wall, but she didn't want to understand the reason.

Although sleeping on the ice-cold jade bed was no different to sleeping on an ordinary bed for her, who knew if such a bone-chilling bed would cause any damage to her body if she slept for a long time?

At this point, Mu Ziling became more and more curious.

Finally, one night, Mu Ziling tried his best to keep his eyelids open until dawn, waiting for Long Xiaoyu to appear and ask for clarification.

But who knows, in the end, for some reason, she still fell into a deep sleep in a daze.

Then, when I woke up the next day, needless to say... I was on the ice jade bed again.

Forced to stay awake to wait for someone to appear, obviously, this plan cannot be implemented.

Later, in order not to be taken advantage of, Mu Ziling obediently went to sleep on the ice jade bed when she was sleeping at night.

I don't know if it's because of her self-consciousness... Sure enough, when she was sleeping at night, she really didn't have the feeling of being taken advantage of by someone.

But, who knows if Mu Ziling has been secretly taken advantage of? -

This day has been going on for half a month...

For the first half month, Mu Ziling could stay in the mansion for a few days at first, but she won't just stay in the mansion obediently and never go out.

Every day after that, apart from researching new medicines and refining poisons, Mu Ziling also occasionally went to Yeyulou to eat Bawang's meal.

Why can you eat the king's meal? Because Ye Zimu has been missing during this period, he seems to have disappeared, and no one knows his whereabouts.

But Mu Ziling has never forgotten the fact that she was tricked and played by Ye Zimu many times before.

Ye Zimu's cunning guy is not good at cheating, but Ye Yulou's shopkeeper Ye is cheating, to Mu Ziling, that's five words: that's nothing.

Therefore, Mu Ziling, who has always been "revenge", naturally took advantage of Ye Zimu's absence, so she cheated the shopkeeper Ye and had a few sumptuous overlord meals.

Therefore, the shopkeeper Ye, who is so pitiful, saw Mu Ziling's overlord's attitude in his eyes, and burst into tears silently in his heart, but there was nothing he could do!

Who told them that their boss had confessed a long time ago that Boss Mu, the little ancestor, was absolutely untouchable, and he couldn't say a word.

So much so that in the next few days, when shopkeeper Ye saw Mu Ziling, it was the same as seeing a creditor who came to collect debts. Apart from hiding, he still hid.

As for the rest of the time, Mu Ziling almost always dressed up as a man to take care of her Lingshan Hall.

In the past, she just changed into men's clothing, and did not do other makeup on the makeup. At that time, she was just a "newcomer" and didn't think about it so much.

But now the Lingshan Hall is full of people coming and going, and there are more people dealing with people in the palace. If it is the face of Princess Qi, it will be easy to be recognized by others.

That's why Mu Ziling now changes clothes and makeup in one step, and every time he goes out, he turns into a very ordinary looking boy.

Her men's clothing looks ordinary, it is the kind that will be drowned in the crowd, and it is difficult to be found again.

So when she went to Lingshantang, except for the shopkeeper and a few employees who knew she was the boss, everyone else thought she was a new employee at Lingshantang, which brought her great convenience.

Since the opening of Lingshantang, the business has been in full swing and smooth sailing.

But Mu Ziling didn't know that soon, Lingshantang, which had been going smoothly, was about to face a big trouble.

Although it had been half a month, there was still no movement from the Queen Mother's side, but Mu Ziling didn't feel at all that things would end like this.

But even though she had gone out, she still hadn't heard any rumors from the palace.

In the end, Mu Ziling couldn't bear the doubts in her heart after all, so she called Guimei directly.

"Ghost, go find out what's going on in the palace recently." Mu Ziling ordered quietly, and whispered a few words: "See if the old queen is well."

"Yes." Ghost clasped his fists to accept the order, and quickly disappeared in place.

Mu Ziling looked at the disappearing afterimage, and a smile flashed in his eyes.

Since the last time she was repeatedly assassinated, Long Xiaoyu has directly left the ghost to protect her overtly and covertly.

It's more like surveillance than protection.

How could Mu Ziling not understand that even though Long Xiaoyu had agreed to her, he would no longer restrict her from going out.

You can go out whenever you want, but there is always a price to pay.

He was followed wherever he went, although he couldn't be seen in the dark, but Mu Ziling was still very upset.

But then she figured it out, it would be a good thing to have an expert bodyguard following her when she went out.

Although the assassination was led by the queen, even if one queen is eliminated now, her enemies will not be reduced because of this, so be careful when you should be careful.

And the ghost has indeed helped her a lot in the past few days. Mu Ziling is very calm, and she follows when she is followed. She didn't go out to do something bad, so why would she be afraid of being followed?

On this day, Mu Ziling and Xiaohan leisurely picked and sorted the ripe medicinal materials in the backyard of Yuhan Hall.

Soon, the ghost brought back news from the palace.

As everyone knows, the news this time made Mu Ziling dumbfounded.

This time, Princess Anya's illness was very serious, and it was even more irritating than being stimulated by His Royal Highness Qi's phrase "what cats and dogs are barking everywhere" many years ago.

It's more than that.

So a large group of imperial doctors in the palace held their heads up, trembling with fear, and stayed awake for three consecutive days and nights, finally rescued Princess Anya from the gate of hell.

Mu Ziling came out of the medicine field, stretched his waist for a long time, and smiled disdainfully: "What a fate."

She just said, how could a sick child die so easily? To be able to survive like that is simply a fate!

"What about the queen mother? What's the situation with the queen mother?" Mu Ziling casually swept the dirt from his hands, and asked the ghost.

The ghost continued to explain.

It turns out that from the day when Princess Anya's accident happened to this day, the old queen in the palace has not stopped at all.

In the beginning, the Empress Dowager made several orders to blame Mu Ziling.

But for some reason, those who delivered the decree either stumbled and fell to death, or encountered a landslide and were directly crushed to death by rocks, or encountered robbers halfway, and were robbed from top to bottom without even the crotch left.

All in all, since this period of time, as long as there are people who come out of the palace, no matter who they are, as long as they walk in the direction of Qi Wang's mansion, they will always encounter very sad and tragic accidents.

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