The outstretched hand fell to nothing, and Mu Ziling's loss can be imagined, but then she thought about it, an angry woman needs to be coaxed, and an angry man also needs to be coaxed, and she needs to be coaxed more patiently.

If one hug can't be coaxed, then two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight... If hugs still don't work, then kiss until he can't breathe...

Just when Mu Ziling was thinking wildly, thinking about how to coax this angry man in her family, suddenly, a cold palm was attached to her forehead, interrupting her messy thoughts.

When Mu Ziling raised her eyes and looked at Long Xiaoyu suspiciously, his hand had already been withdrawn from her forehead, and then a water bag and several wild fruits that had been washed clean and translucent appeared in front of her eyes.

"I had a fever before, but it's better now. Come on, eat something to pad your stomach." Long Xiaoyu's eyes were cold, and his voice was so abnormal that there was no warmth at all.

Seeing that he was angry, he was angry, and now he even cared about himself with such a cold and indifferent tone. Just now, Mu Ziling, who was still trying to figure out how to coax her man, had an inexplicable reversal in her heart, and she felt wronged instead.

He was angry before, no matter how angry he was, but he had never kept his face cold like this, and even looked at her as if he was looking at a stranger, indifferent and alienated.

Mu Ziling pursed the corners of her lips, quietly watching the water and food that Long Xiaoyu handed over in front of her, without saying a word or moving.

Long Xiaoyu waited patiently for quite a while, seeing that she was still silent, he squatted down halfway, opened the water bag, and fed water to her mouth: "If you don't want to eat, how about some water?"

Perhaps because of having a fever, Mu Ziling, who really felt a bit parched, didn't feel wronged anymore, took Long Xiaoyu's hand, and poured a few sips of water into his mouth emotionally, but in the end, he choked because he poured too hard.

After Mu Ziling subconsciously coughed twice, out of the corner of her eye, she caught a glimpse of the man in front of her still with that icy look on her face. While patting her chest, she coughed heavily again.

Long Xiaoyu stretched out his hand and patted her on the back to help her relax.

She was coughing like this, but he just patted her on the back without saying a word of distress or concern. That's fine, but he still had a cold face, and he still cared about being angry?

The more she looked at Long Xiaoyu's icy and indifferent face, the more uncomfortable Mu Ziling felt. Because of excessive force, she coughed until her face became red and her neck was thick, and she angrily swept away Long Xiaoyu's big hand that was still patting her back, then took off the overcoat that was still half covering her body, got up and walked towards the entrance of the cave.

It's just that before she took two steps, Long Xiaoyu grabbed her wrist: "Where are you going?"

Mu Ziling turned around, and faced his cold face again.

For no reason, she felt a fire in her heart and shook off his hand directly: "It's too cold here, I don't feel well, I want to go back."

Long Xiaoyu clasped Mu Ziling's wrist tightly again, preventing her from moving half a minute towards the entrance of the cave, then he glanced at the fire that was almost burned aside, and said, "Stay well, don't run around, I'll add some firewood, the fire won't be cold when it burns."

As he said that, he half-bent down to pick up the robe that Mu Ziling threw on the ground, shook it off twice, shook off the dust on the clothes, and then put it on her body.

Seeing that everything was like this, Long Xiaoyu's expression and attitude still didn't change at all, Mu Ziling tore off the robe from his body, and threw it away willfully: "Who wants to wear it? The colder it is, I don't want to stay here, I want to go back!"

At the moment when the robe was about to be thrown to the ground again, Long Xiaoyu quickly picked up the robe in his hands, and once again put it on Mu Ziling who was about to walk away.

Afraid that she would pull it again, he directly picked up the two sleeves of the robe, tied a knot in front of her, and wrapped her thin body tightly inside.

Without waiting for Mu Ziling to resist, Long Xiaoyu directly picked her up and placed her on the grass bed.

He put his hands on both sides of her body, locked her under him, and said in a cold tone, "It's late outside, the mountain road is shady and it's not easy to walk, your fever hasn't completely subsided, you have to wait until dawn before returning."

Mu Ziling struggled desperately, and his tone became more willful and willful: "I don't care, I'm going back, whether it's raining or windy outside, I'm going back!"


"I won't listen, I won't listen..." Mu Ziling, who was trapped and unable to struggle all the time, because of anger and grievance, her eyes turned red and red unconsciously, and she complained about the grievance in her heart to the end.

"Do you know that if Xiaoxing hadn't said that you were bounced by her strength, I wouldn't have been pushed off the cliff because I was worried about you and was eager to find you. Do you know that when I fell off the cliff, I thought I was going to be thrown to death, and I thought I would never see you again."

"It's all right now. I was in danger, and I was saved by you. Although I don't know how you saved me, and I haven't been hurt a little, but these are not important. The important thing is that I found you, and I saw that you are all right. This is something I should be happy about, but what about you? Why do you keep showing me a cold, stinking face? Where did I provoke you?"

"I didn't find Ouyang Feiyu, and I didn't want him to come. Seeing that his hands are going to be crippled, it's only natural for me to order some medicine for him... If you are really upset because of this, then I also wanted to coax you, but you just ignored me."

"If you say you ignore it, then ignore it, but you clearly know that I have a fever, and I have always been so cold and indifferent... No matter how hot the fire is, and no matter how thick the clothes are, I will still be cold, from head to toe, even my hair is cold, so cold that I don't want to stay here for a moment."

"Finished?" Long Xiaoyu's icy face remained unchanged, but if you look closely, you can see that there are traces of strange and dazzling light shining in his dark and deep pupils.

At this moment, Mu Ziling was on fire, and didn't notice the subtle emotional changes under his always indifferent expression.

She complained so much, but he only answered her with three cold words?

What do you mean it's over? Does he think she talks too much?

Mu Ziling suddenly felt that his passionate grievances had been smashed on a piece of icy thorns, and there was no room for recovery.

It's cold, her heart is really cold.

Mu Ziling's chest heaved and heaved, her heart was cold and irritable, she was so annoyed that she didn't want to say a word anymore.

Long Xiaoyu stared at her without changing his expression for a moment, then pressed down on her body, then he moved his face closer to her, brushed past her side face, and finally stopped by her ear, his cool lips rubbed against her earlobe as if nothing: "Mumu, you are really spoiled."

Sensitive acupoints were touched, Mu Ziling shuddered suddenly, she turned her head away, and replied arrogantly and arrogantly: "That's what you dote on too."

Long Xiaoyu's expression remained unchanged, but the shimmering light in the depths of his eyes was still brightened a little by her coquettish and unreasonable words. He suppressed his voice, and breathed softly like a feather against her ear: "Yes, the ancestor I spoiled deserves it, so I will continue to spoil it."

His cold and dull voice has dropped several tunes, as if the ice and snow in the mountains and rivers are slowly melting, it is light and soft, and there is an indescribable desire mixed between the lines.

Mu Ziling's body was shaken again, her ears felt hot unknowingly, she subconsciously turned her head to the side, trying to avoid him.

Long Xiaoyu reluctantly pressed against her ear again: "Turn around and look at me."

"Don't look!" Mu Ziling snorted, and turned his head even further.

The cold expression on Long Xiaoyu's face remained unchanged, but his patience remained the same: "Aren't you worried? If you don't turn around and take a closer look, how will you know that I'm fine?"

"I don't want to stick my face to you any more—" Mu Ziling didn't finish speaking, as if she just realized something, she suddenly turned her head, and met the prosperous face who was only two centimeters away from her.

He still had a cold face, still so shockingly cold and touching, but Mu Ziling, who was completely immune to him, stared at him with sneer.

She saw herself reflected in his eyes, and also saw the constant indifference in his eyes.

It's not right, and it shouldn't be.

Even if he is angry with her again, why is it that he still doesn't have any slow-moving emotions? Not to mention the expression on his face, how come even the breath on his body is still cold?

Mu Ziling blinked suspiciously, and then blinked again.

After a while, she finally became anxious.


Before Mu Ziling could figure out why "you", suddenly another unbelievable scene appeared in front of him.

One second, her face appeared in Long Xiaoyu's pitch-black pupils like a mirror, and then it disappeared completely, replaced by a lively phantom dragon, as if his starry eyes as deep as the sea instantly became a vast world, allowing the phantom dragon to fly freely in it.

"Dragon... Dragon Shadow..." Mu Ziling's eyes widened into Cheng Liang, and her mouth was so wide that she could stuff an egg, she almost screamed out: "The soul of the dragon shadow is in your eyes! How could this happen?! I didn't really believe that Xiao Xing said she messed up things before, but now... is it really a failure? How did it get into your eyes? Are you okay? Please let me go, I want to see."

The more Mu Ziling spoke, the more anxious he became, the more panicked he became.

Afraid that the vision in his eyes would frighten her, Long Xiaoyu knocked his eyelids, and his eyes immediately became clear again. He said, "The original power in Nougaty's body is indeed powerful, but without the traction and stimulation of her original power, the latent source of the Dragon Shadow Soul would not be awakened, and naturally it would not be able to fuse with my own power... Although her original attack was really annoying, the result is good. Now the power in my body is slowly merging with it. It won't be too long, it's okay. , don't worry."

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