Li Zhan?

Seeing Li Zhan lying motionless under the old tree from a distance, Mu Ziling's heart skipped a beat, and he left Long Xiaoyu and ran over.

"Little uncle, wake up! Wake up!" Mu Ziling, who had come to Li Zhan's side in the blink of an eye, squatted down in front of him, shaking his body vigorously, trying to wake him up.

However, Li Zhan didn't move at all, his limp body almost fell to the ground because of her shaking.

Mu Ziling hurriedly helped Li Zhan's body which had almost collapsed, then shook it desperately, and shouted in high pitch: "Li Zhan! Li Zhan! Wake up, wake up! It's me, wake up..."

Mu Ziling yelled for a long time before finally hearing Li Zhan's voice, which was mixed with gnashing of teeth: "Troublesome girl, stop shaking, if you keep shaking like this, your little uncle and I will shake my iron body to pieces."

"Li Zhan, are you awake?" Mu Ziling was excited, and shook Li Zhan's arm twice: "How is it? Are you okay?"

Li Zhan's drooping eyelids twitched twice before he quietly opened them. While rubbing his blunt and painful temples, he said, "I was fine at first, but now my head hurts."

Mu Ziling blurted out a very unconscionable question: "Are Su Yin called?"

His head hurts, what's the matter with that crazy woman?

Li Zhan was taken aback for a moment, and then he gritted his teeth: "I made you a troublesome girl, get away from me quickly, every day, no matter where you go, you can't get rid of your little tail?"

Mu Ziling has long been used to Li Zhan's bad-tempered and aggressive attitude when he sees her. With a very good attitude and thick skin, she giggled twice, and asked directly, "Did you fight with Su Yin last night?"

As she asked, she glanced around the messy forest, full of curiosity: "Look at this scene, you fought fiercely, which one of you won in the end? Seeing that you are all down here, did Su Yin win? What about her?"

Mu Ziling asked a series of questions, Li Zhan picked his ears, and only lazily threw out two words: "Run away."

"Run away?" Mu Ziling's pupils narrowed slightly, and subconsciously asked, "Where did she go?"

"How would I know?" Li Zhan rolled his eyes at her directly: "I want to know where she went, why not let you, a troublesome little tail, wrap her around?"

Mu Ziling curled her lips: "Isn't it because I know that you will get hurt if you fight with Su Yin, and that's why I'm worried about coming here to find you."

Hearing this, Li Zhan's heart was undoubtedly ironed, but he showed a ungrateful expression on his face: "As long as you don't bother me, it will be the greatest comfort to me."

As he said that, as if he had just thought of something, Li Zhan suddenly changed his face, and said angrily: "I said you little girl, didn't I warn you not to go to that crazy woman, and you went again? Otherwise, how did you know you came here?"

This person's reflex arc is too long, isn't it? Only now did she realize that she went to find Su Yin.

Mu Ziling was thinking inwardly, but she had an obedient expression on her face. She said in a serious manner, "I'm going, but I'll listen to you, this time I went in a fair manner, but how would I know, thanks to your old age, we not only failed to enter Mu's residence, this time we even lost sight of Su Yin."

How could Li Zhan fail to hear the yin and yang ambiguity mixed in the little girl's well-behaved pronunciation? He snorted, and was about to say a few words.

At this moment, Long Xiaoyu, who had just been left far away by Mu Ziling, walked over with a dark face, and directly pulled her up from Li Zhan's body.

Caught off guard and being pulled up, Mu Ziling felt a little depressed: "What are you doing?"

Long Xiaoyu said with a sullen face: "Speak as you speak, don't move your hands or feet."

Mu Ziling was speechless: "He is my little uncle, not someone else."

Long Xiaoyu: "That's not allowed."

Mu Ziling was suddenly annoyed: "You are unreasonable."


Seeing the two flirting and cursing in front of him like this, Li Zhan had a sour face. He leaned his back against the tree stump, changed into a lazy posture, and interrupted the two of them angrily: "Okay, you two, did you come here all the way to show your love and quarrel for me? It's really annoying."

Mu Zi glared at Long Xiaoyu spiritedly, and then she turned her eyes to Li Zhan: "So little uncle, did you get injured in the battle with Su Yin last night?"

"What do you think?" Li Zhan, who was doubted about his ability, gave Mu Ziling a supercilious look without hesitation, and then his eyes glanced at Long Xiaoyu intentionally or unintentionally.

He hadn't felt the aura of this person's arrival just now, but now he still can't feel the slightest aura of his presence.

Li Zhan's eyes flickered, and there was a hint of surprise in the depths of his eyes, followed by joy.

This boy was indeed sent by heaven to match his little girl.

Thinking about it, Li Zhan snorted at Mu Ziling and said, "Little girl, if you really care about your little uncle, hurry up and get some water from the river over there. Is it dirty to see your little uncle and my prosperous face? Hurry up and fetch water for me to wash my face."

Hearing this, three black lines immediately hung on Mu Ziling's forehead.

Sure enough, no matter when and where, this fellow cherishes his face just like cherishing his life, it can't be sloppy at all.

Although he knew that Li Zhanxi's face was the same as his life, but at this moment it was obvious that he was deliberately looking for an excuse to distract himself, Mu Ziling said "Oh" unwillingly, then pricked up his ears, and walked as slowly as he wanted, towards the direction of the river.

It's just that Mu Ziling walked for a short distance with her ears pricked up, but she didn't hear any movement from the two people behind her. She was afraid that she might not be able to hear anything after she walked too far away, so she simply started on the spot and didn't take a step forward.

Unexpectedly, before Mu Ziling took a few steps on the same spot, Li Zhan suddenly heard from behind her, imitating her eccentric tone just now, and said faintly: "Little girl, do you always have bad legs? Why are you hanging around after walking for so long? Do you want my little uncle to wave your sleeves to see you off?"

"No need!" Mu Ziling snorted, and walked away with big strides.

Seeing Mu Ziling's back gradually drifting away, Li Zhan shook his head and sighed faintly: "I'm afraid the little girl will still have a difficult time."

Long Xiaoyu narrowed his eyes slightly: "Su Yin?"

"It's her or it's not her." Li Zhan's words were somewhat ambiguous.

Long Xiaoyu didn't ask any more questions, he directly took out a transparent vial from his arms: "Isn't that what you're looking for Su Yin for?"

Inside the bottle is a mass of green slag full of green vitality, which looks like a mutated brain, thumping and jumping in the airtight bottle, a small mass, but it is so fresh that it makes one's hair stand on end.

Seeing the contents in the bottle, Li Zhan, who was leaning against the tree stump weakly, stood up from the ground and snatched the bottle from Long Xiaoyu's hand.

Li Zhan held the bottle in front of his eyes and looked at it for a long time, then his soft eyes became sharper: "Marrow Curse! This curse is the most extreme kind of witchcraft. The crazy woman really hit it hard this time."

As he said that, he looked at Long Xiaoyu again: "Since you can find this thing, you should also know who the person who made that crazy woman cast this marrow curse?"

Knowing Li Zhan's identity, Long Xiaoyu didn't hide it: "I heard from Mumu that Su Yin used this object to conceive and raise a fetus. Before that, she was haunted by a nightmare... When the baby came out, the stars died out."

"As soon as the celestial baby comes out, the stars die..." Li Zhan chewed on the deep meaning of this sentence, and after he understood it, he immediately couldn't hold back his violent temper: "Crazy, crazy, that crazy woman is really crazy, and Jun Lintian, you said he caused the peach blossom debt, why let my little girl pay it?"

Long Xiaoyu frowned, and interrupted him with a cold voice: "Why?"

When he first got this bottle of marrow curse from Mu Ziling, Long Xiaoyu searched all relevant ancient books, but in the end he found nothing. The only thing he found was that the witch curse originated from the hand of a witch named Long Snake Old Man in Brahma Ancient Land.

The Brahma Ancient Domain was both familiar and unfamiliar to Long Xiaoyu.

Because of Bai Xiaosheng and Qiu Zhirou, although his understanding of Brahma Ancient Realm is relatively deep, it is still not as deep as the Mingyue Continent where he has lived for more than 20 years.

That's why Long Xiaoyu thought of asking Li Zhan directly if there was a way to break the curse.

How could he know that Li Zhan was so angry that his teeth were itching right now. Seeing Jun Lintian's precious apprentice standing in front of him, he sneered grumpily: "Solution? You only want to solve it now. Why don't you ask Jun Lintian to kill that crazy woman Su Yin, or let him follow her, so nothing will happen?"

When Li Zhan was free to make sarcastic remarks here, Long Xiaoyu didn't have the patience to listen. He glanced up and down at Li Zhan, then snorted coldly: "It's nice to say, the battle with Su Yin last night may not show how capable you are, so let someone run away."

Li Zhan was dazed again and again, and then realized that Long Xiaoyu had said something unreasonable. He raised his fingers trembling with anger: "You! What are you talking about!"

I never expected that a troublesome brat just left, but now there is another sharp and venomous tongue.

Li Zhan felt depressed and burst into tears.

What crime did he do? How come one or two little boys I met are so annoying and irritating?

However, no matter how depressed Li Zhan was in his heart, under Long Xiaoyu's calm and unwavering gaze, he still let go of his mouth helplessly: "To untie the bell, you need someone to tie the bell. You must find the old man Long Snake to completely destroy the pregnant woman who was cast with the marrow curse. Otherwise, there is no solution, and the little girl will definitely not be able to escape this difficulty."

After a pause, he instructed again: "Now you just need to protect the little girl and keep an eye on the pregnant woman. As for finding the old man Longshe..."

At this point, Li Zhan turned his eyes to the distant sky, looking at the blue sky, a touch of coolness flashed across his deep eyes: "You don't need to worry about this matter."

Hearing this, Long Xiaoyu's eyes flashed with confusion, but he didn't say anything.

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