Although the guests at the wedding banquet began to disperse one after another, there were also a few old courtiers who had been working in the court all year round.

Generally, old courtiers like this are the ones who know how to observe words and expressions.

At first, these old courtiers also thought that Long Xiaonan had not moved away for a long time because he wanted to support his aunt, who was finally married today, but judging from the current situation, it seems that it is not that simple.

And this not-so-simple spearhead seems to be referring to the seat on the lower left side of the Dragon Seat, which is also where King Qi and Princess Qi are sitting.

The couple did not leave the table, and King Qi patiently and caringly served Princess Qi's meals from beginning to end, completely treating others as nothing.

A few old courtiers had heard about it a while ago. Some time ago, after their new emperor and King Qi had been in the imperial study for a while, Longyan suddenly became furious and threw a tantrum in the imperial study.

No one knew how King Qi offended the new emperor, who had always been known for his benevolence and benevolence, but everyone knew that after that incident, King Qi and the emperor had some kind of bad relationship.

If the seat on the lower left side of the Dragon Seat is someone with status and status, the old courtiers might still fulfill their duty as a courtier to accompany Long Xiaonan to the end because Long Xiaonan has not left the seat for a long time, but the person sitting there is Qi Wang, whom no one dares to provoke easily, no matter in the world or in the court.

Ever since, in order to avoid being treated as innocent later, several old courtiers who had realized their intentions soon bowed out like other well-fed guests.

Seeing that all the guests at the table had left cleanly, Mu Ziling put down the chopsticks in his hand, turned to Long Xiaoyu beside him, and said in a low voice, "Aren't we leaving? It's getting dark, and if I wait until dark to go to my little aunt, then I'm going to make trouble in the bridal chamber, which is not very good."

During the banquet just now, Mu Ziling didn't find an opportunity to say blessings to Long Jiayi in person, but before Long Jiayi was sent to the bridal sedan chair, she sent someone to inform her that she would be invited to the Eldest Princess' Mansion.

Because the blessings were not delivered at the banquet just now, Mu Ziling didn't decline, and directly agreed to go.

And just when Mu Ziling and Long Xiaoyu whispered, Long Xiaonan on the dragon seat finally stood up. He first glanced at Mu Ziling who was wiping his mouth with a brocade handkerchief, and then looked at Long Xiaoyu. His tone of voice was a little less refined than usual, and a little more majestic: "Prayer King, what did I ask you to think about last time, how did you think about it?"

Long Xiaoyu ignored it, his gaze was completely on the little woman beside him: "Have you eaten enough?"

Mu Ziling nodded silently, but secretly rolled her eyes in her heart.

If he dared to ignore the emperor's question, there would be only this monstrous man in front of him in the whole world.

How can he hold his face when the majestic king of a country is ignored like this?

Long Xiaonan's dignified tone turned a little bit colder: "Pray for the king! I'm asking you something."

Long Xiaoyu raised his hand to straighten the broken hair on Mu Ziling's forehead, and said as if no one else was there: "Let's go before it's dark."

"You're not together?" Mu Ziling asked knowingly.

While speaking, she calmly glanced at Long Xiaonan, who was already looking a little ugly.

She is not a fool, when Long Xiaonan hung her portrait in the secret room, she would not have simply thought that he hung her portrait in that place, and really worshiped her like a bodhisattva.

She is not blind either, from the time they attended the banquet today to the end of the show, Long Xiaonan looked at them countless times, although he seemed to glance over every time, but that casual look always made her feel inexplicably uncomfortable.

Maybe it's because of becoming the emperor, Long Xiaonan standing in front of them is no longer the humble and gentle fifth prince of the past... Just like the aloof imperial prestige he posed just now, it is obvious that he intends to target Long Xiaoyu.

Although he knew that Long Xiaoyu's status in Jia Luo was already deeply ingrained and difficult to shake, but after all, he was facing the mighty king of a country, Mu Ziling was still a little worried: "Why don't I wait for you?"

Long Xiaoyu stretched out his hand and rubbed her head: "You go first, I'll look for you later, huh?"

"Alright then." After Long Xiaoyu had said that, Mu Ziling couldn't say anything more, she got up, gave Long Xiaonan a symbolic blessing, and turned around to leave.

When Mu Ziling's eyes met Long Xiaonan's, he never took his eyes off her.

Looking at the beautiful figure of the woman leaving at this moment, Long Xiaonan seemed to have returned to the former fifth prince who had nothing to do with the world, he had lost all the imperial prestige, and his eyes were full of kindness and elegance.

No wonder he couldn't remember her face, couldn't draw her appearance, so she was still the same as before, but she was no longer what she was before.

She has changed, she has become more beautiful than before, so beautiful that even her back now is full of surprise in his eyes.

Looking at Mu Ziling's leaving back, Long Xiaonan was a little lost.

Just when Long Xiaonan seemed to be calling to stop Mu Ziling who was drifting away, Long Xiaoyu, whose face was already icy cold, suddenly said, "As you wish."

Although it was a sudden and simple word, Long Xiaonan still heard it clearly, and instantly understood the deep meaning of it.

He withdrew his gaze from Mu Ziling's back, and saw that surprise flashed across Long Xiaoyu's eyes, followed by an easy-going smile: "Brother Sanhuang really did not disappoint me."

After a pause, Long Xiaonan shook off his sleeve robe, and said again: "I have already prepared things for you, let's go, follow me to the imperial study."

When Mu Ziling left the palace, the sky had already dimmed.

Outside the palace gate, the carriage they came in was still there.

Qingling's petite figure could be vaguely seen on the shaft, curled up and hugging each other, her head buried in her knees, motionless.

As early as during the banquet in the afternoon, Qing Ling used an excuse to tell Mu Ziling that the palace banquet was really boring and she wanted to go back first, but she didn't expect that the little girl didn't go back at all, and was still waiting for them in the carriage until now.

In fact, how could Mu Ziling not know that Qing Ling would follow to attend the palace banquet today, but left the banquet in the middle of the abnormal behavior?

Where does Qingling want to join in the fun? It was clear that he was looking for someone, but the person hadn't been found, so he couldn't even arouse such a lively banquet, and lost his heart.

Looking at the petite figure on the shaft, Mu Ziling frowned, and then she turned to the little eunuch who had just led the way and brought her out: "Did Long Xiaoze come to the banquet today? Why didn't you see him?"

"You mean Little Sixth Prince? He's here, but he came during the celebration banquet this morning..." Mentioning Long Xiaoze, the little eunuch's eyes flashed with admiration.

"Princess Wangfei, you don't know that in the battle of the Four Kingdoms, the Little Sixth Prince made the most outstanding contributions. No, when the reward was awarded this morning, the first one awarded by the emperor was the Little Sixth Prince. He was granted the title of king and land, as well as all kinds of gold, silver and jewels."

"Oh, that's right, the emperor also appointed all the new batch of beautiful girls to be concubines in Prince Xiaoliu's mansion, but Prince Xiaoliu directly declined this reward... All in all, Prince Xiaoliu this morning is not to mention how attractive he is."

This little eunuch who was often "tortured" by Long Xiaoze in the palace in the past, when he mentioned the little devil who bullied them in the past, he had a look of pride and pride, as if he wanted to hug his thigh.

Mu Ziling twitched the corners of her lips, instead of continuing to listen to the little eunuch's hype, she went straight to the carriage.

And just when Mu Ziling was about to approach the carriage, out of the corner of his eye, he suddenly caught a glimpse of a person hiding furtively in the corner of the palace wall.

At this time, the sky was already a little dark, and Mu Ziling couldn't see that person's face clearly, but she could probably guess who that person was by seeing that person's dodging figure.

Mu Ziling cast a glance at Qingling who was still nestled on the shaft of the car, then turned and walked towards the person who was looking into the corner of the palace wall.

The man seemed to notice that Mu Ziling was walking towards him, and subconsciously turned around, trying to slip away.

Mu Ziling dodged and came directly behind that person.

She folded her arms around her chest, lazily leaning against the palace wall, and said unhurriedly: "Hey, isn't this Young Master Long whom we made king and land this morning? What's the matter? Our Young Master Long has become so successful, so we're going to turn around and deny him?"

"How can it be." Long Xiaoze scratched his head and turned around, his face full of sneering: "Sister-in-law three, how do you know I'm here?"

Mu Ziling rolled her eyes angrily: "If I didn't see you just now, did you plan to keep hiding? Come on, what's going on with you and Qingling?"

Long Xiaoze directly pretended to be stupid: "What's going on? We are all fine, nothing...ah~"

Before Long Xiaoze finished speaking, Mu Ziling gave Mu Ziling a head shudder: "How dare you say it's okay? You haven't been seen for two days, and you're a very lively girl on weekdays. For two days in a row, you don't think about food and tea, and you're always in a daze. It's like losing your soul. Tell me you're okay?"

"Really?" Long Xiaoze grasped the key point, his eyes brightened, and he asked excitedly: "Little junior sister really doesn't think about tea or food because of me?"

"Fake." Seeing that this fellow really deserves a beating, Mu Ziling directly rewarded him with another chestnut, and then warned: "I don't care what you guys are doing, anyway, I warn you, if you dare to bully Qingling, I will be the first to spare you."

Long Xiaoze, who was in a state of excitement, immediately raised three fingers: "Don't dare! Absolutely dare not! I can't bully my junior sister even if I bully anyone, and it's too late for me to love her."

Mu Ziling rolled her eyes in contempt: "What's the use of telling me? Go tell Qing Ling, do you know that she didn't even eat two bites at the banquet today, and she just came out, why did she wait until now?"

"I know." Long Xiaoze nodded, and said truthfully: "Actually, I have been waiting for you to come all day today. After you came, I have been sneaking behind my junior sister, but I didn't let her find out."

Saying that, Long Xiaoze leaned closer to Mu Ziling's ear again, and said in a low voice: "Sister-in-law, let me tell you secretly, in fact, I have deliberately avoided my junior sister for the past two days, and I also deliberately did not show up today, do you want to know why?"

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