"Yeah." Hearing Qingling's question, Long Xiaoze lowered his head and exclaimed, then he looked at Qingling and smiled awkwardly: "Hey, this is an egg on my body... It's just that the egg is broken, it's okay Son, it doesn't matter."

Looking at his strange fluorescent monster shape, Qingling was extremely curious about why he was dressed like this, and subconsciously wanted to ask, but when the words came to his lips, he said in a flat voice: "Oh."

After oh, Qing Ling turned around and jumped into the carriage, ready to leave just like that.

"Hey, wait." Seeing that Qingling was about to leave, Long Xiaoze couldn't stand still, he quickly stepped forward to hold her back: "Junior Junior Sister, I have something to tell you."

Qingling clenched her fists unconsciously, glanced sideways at the wrist held by Long Xiaoze, and then followed his arm to his face: "Whoever said that he would take a detour when we met, What else is there to say now? Let go, I'm going back."

"Don't, little junior sister, I was wrong, it's okay if I'm wrong." Long Xiaoze became anxious when he heard this, and he tightened Qingling's wrist: "I'm the bastard, the bastard words I told you , I didn’t realize my mistake, so I sincerely apologize to you?”

At the end, he asked extra cautiously: "Little Junior Sister... Shall we make up?"

Qingling's heart flashed a little moved, but his face was still cold: "It's not necessary, I think it's good for us to be strangers who just take a detour when we meet."

How did she know that Qing Ling would hold on to her bastard talk from that day? Long Xiaoze almost knelt down.

He who should not explain for a while, immediately thought of his current appearance: "Little sister, look at me first, and see what I am now."

Qingling snorted without looking sideways: "Whatever you are, don't look!"

It's hard to say, but Qingling still couldn't hold back her curiosity, and turned her head slightly to take a peek.

Aware of her stealthy gaze, Long Xiaoze walked around in a circle with some clumsiness, so that she could clearly see his current appearance at a glance.

Just now Long Xiaoze appeared too suddenly, when she pulled him up, it was also because of the emotions in her heart, Qing Ling didn't have the heart to pay attention to his monster appearance at all, now when she looked at him again, it was also because he was showing off his posture so vigorously, she Finally, he got a clear view of him up and down, back and forth.

Where is Long Xiaoze in front of him a "monster"? It is clearly a "big tortoise", and it is also a "thousand-year-old tortoise" that has become fine and glows.

No wonder he just fell and couldn't get up. With such a big tortoise shell of unknown structure on his back, it's strange to be able to get up.

Qingling is not the kind of petty little girl, she has always been carefree, her temper comes and goes quickly.

Seeing Long Xiaoze's funny tortoise at this moment, she immediately couldn't help laughing: "Long Xiaoze, are you out of your mind? You are not a good person, but you want to be a tortoise, and what's with the fluorescent light on the tortoise's shell?" What's the matter? Are you a genius?"

"As long as you're happy, I'm happy to be anything." Long Xiaoze acted like a fool, and danced on the spot while holding the cumbersome tortoise shell: "How is it? Did my tortoise catch your eyes? I feel cute." Da, fall in love at first sight?"

Also fell in love at a glance.

Qingling couldn't bear to look straight at him, she turned her face away, she couldn't see it.

Does this tease have to tease her like this while their relationship is still frozen?

How embarrassing it would be for her to be teased and compromised by him just like that.

Just when Qingling was thinking about how to put on a tough face again, Long Xiaoze, who was still flaunting his tortoise image, shuffled around and ran under her nose again: "Little Junior Sister , You said that we will meet again, whoever talks to you first is a tortoise bastard... So, in order to meet you, in order to say a word to you, I am willing to be a tortoise."

When did she say something like that?

Qingling didn't react for a while, but then she suddenly realized what she said to herself in Yeyu Tower that day, and she couldn't hold back her face: "Long Xiaoze, you actually followed me and eavesdropped on me. "

Fearing that the little girl who had finally managed to get better would explode again, Long Xiaoze quickly found a lame excuse: "I was not afraid that you would be unfamiliar with the place in the imperial city, so I wanted to protect you secretly." Well?"

Qingling snorted angrily: "Who used you to protect?"

Long Xiaoze nodded hastily: "Yes, yes, I don't need to protect you. I wonder who my little junior sister is. It's a sword attack. There is no one in the world. It's unparalleled. Any monsters and monsters will have to detour..."

Before Long Xiaoze could finish his sentence, Qingling waved his fist at him: "Long Xiaoze, are you saying that I am the living King of Hades? Believe it or not, I can hit you down to meet the real King of Hades with one punch now." !"

Oops, I accidentally exaggerated.

"Junior sister, don't be angry, listen to me first..." Long Xiaoze quickly changed the subject, he sniffed, and bitterly acted out the scene of grievance: "Actually, when I turned around in the carriage that day, I I regret it, I don't want to leave at all, but you think I'm a man, and I want to save face, how can I turn back when I turn around? So I just want to wait for you to call me, as long as you call me, I will I definitely won't leave, but wait, wait, until I leave alone, you still haven't made any movement..."

Hearing this, thinking that she was the one who was left alone that day, Qingling suddenly lost her temper, and she snorted softly: "You mean to blame me?"

Long Xiaoze hurriedly waved his hands: "No, no, how dare I?"

Thinking of the failure of the bitter love scene again, he straightened his face, and immediately played the emotional card again: "After being separated from you these few days, I have also figured it out. No face, no self-esteem is as important as you. I know, that day you If you refuse to accept me, it must be that I am not good enough, but I will not give up, little junior sister, I am here today to tell you that I will work hard in the future, try to be the best you can imagine, and strive to pursue you , until you promise to marry me."

Qingling crossed her arms and looked at him with a look of "where did you get the confidence?" "What if I don't agree?"

This made Long Xiaoze into trouble.

He can't listen to good words, nor can soft words, boasting is even more useless, bitter dramas, and emotional cards are all useless, what can he do with this?

Long Xiaoze is not someone who is easily defeated, and in a flash, he had another idea.

Although this idea may be very dangerous, and it may cause him to start over inadvertently, or even lose the chance to start over, but life is a gamble. will win?

What's more, after these few days, he was even more certain that Qingling had him in his heart.

Thinking about it, Long Xiaoze gritted his teeth, and decided to take a gamble: "It's okay if you don't agree. At the celebration banquet this morning, Fifth Brother gave me a discussion. The meritorious deeds are rewarded. Recently, a new batch of showmen have entered the palace. Daughter, fifth brother said that he would bring everything into the mansion for me, so he doesn't worry that I will live a lonely life in the future, on the contrary, in the days to come, I will have wives and concubines in groups, hugging left and right, living happily like a fairy."

As soon as Long Xiaoze's words fell, Qing Ling punched him directly, hitting him head and face: "Fuck your happiness like a fairy! You double-faced philandering radish, turtle bastard!"

It was expected that Qing Ling heard that he said what three wives and four concubines would be married, and he might get started directly to the dragon Xiaoshi, who couldn't get rid of the magnificent punch of Qingling.

Long Xiaoze's avoidance is undoubtedly adding fuel to the flames, Qingling immediately raised his foot again.

Just when Qing Ling was about to kick Long Xiaoze's handsome face with a roundabout kick, Long Xiaoze quickly hugged her kicked leg with sharp eyesight and hands.

Qing Ling, who was only standing on one leg, suddenly lost her balance and fell down on the shaft of the car.

Seeing Qingling's jealous flames that could be rekindled at any time, Long Xiaoze was excited and a little uncertain in his heart, fearing that the last agitation would be too much.

I saw him restraining Qingling's feet that might kick him away at any time, while lowering his "turtle head" humbly, and then lowered his voice several points: "Little Junior Sister, calm down, don't be angry!" Broken body... I know I'm not good enough, you look down on me, but we are still friends anyway, if you don't agree to marry me, you can't let me be a bachelor for the rest of your life, right?"

Qingling was on fire, and choked without thinking: "Which eye of yours sees that I don't like you?"

"What did you say?" Long Xiaoze didn't seem to hear clearly, but there was a flash of excitement in his eyes.

Qingling turned away angrily: "You already have a group of wives and concubines, what do I say?"

Hearing this, Long Xiaoze's reaction could not be described as unpleasant, and he immediately confessed the truth: "No, I didn't want a group of wives and concubines. It is true that Fifth Brother wanted to get me some three wives and four concubines this morning, but I immediately refused. There will never be any three wives and four concubines...Little junior sister, if you are willing to marry me, from now on, in my life, Long Xiaoze, you, Qingling, will be the only one, but if you are not willing, then I will really kill you. A lifetime bachelor..."

Before Long Xiaoze finished speaking, Qing Ling suddenly raised his index finger to seal his mouth, and looked at him fixedly: "You have said so much, now let me say it."

Under Qing Ling's unblinking gaze, Long Xiaoze's heart was thumping unbelievably, beating faster and faster: "Say it."

Qing Ling just looked at him, and didn't make a sound for a long time.

Just when Long Xiaoze felt that his heart was about to jump out of his throat, Qing Ling finally spoke: "Long Xiaoze, if you remain committed to me, I will definitely accompany you to the end."

Her words were always as clear as her temperament, but it sounded like Long Xiaoze had an earth-shattering dream, which shocked him like a fool and remained motionless.

Qingling raised her hand and waved in front of his eyes: "Stupid?"

Long Xiaoze was shocked suddenly, his eyes were full of unconcealable excitement and disbelief, he put his ear in front of Qingling without thinking, "The night wind is too strong, I can't hear what you said clearly, let's talk once."

Qingling clung to his ear, raised her voice, and changed the topic: "Long Xiaoze, if you dare to cheat, I will definitely break your leg!"

Long Xiaoze's ears were ringing from Qing Ling's voice, but he was enjoying it, he was so happy that he almost flew up: "I would like to follow my lady's teaching, I will definitely remember it in my heart."

"Shameless, who is your wife?"

"It will be soon."

"Wonderful thinking, this girl is not so easy to marry..."

"Up to the mountain of swords and down to the sea of ​​fire, I am determined to marry, Qingling, I, Long Xiaoze, have only you in my life, and I will never change my mind."


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