During the past few days when Mu Ziling was neglected, Long Xiaoyu's mood never cleared up for a single moment. Every day, it seemed that there was a dark cloud over his head, and his whole body was extremely gloomy.

Because these days, his little girl not only keeps him cold, but also deliberately keeps a long distance from him "different from men and women" all the time, leaving him to eat and sleep outside the carriage alone.

But even so, Long Xiaoyu still thought about it, and used various methods to coax his little girl, even though the end result was either being ignored by love, or being put on a hot face and a cold ass.

Compared to Long Xiaoyu's sad and difficult days of being neglected, nothing is more sad than walking with them, simply following the ghosts who came to explore the way.

These days, ghosts are sandwiched between the two masters who are in a cold war. Either they are somehow used as a mouthpiece, or they are innocently used as an invisible punching bag.

Successfully transformed from a pathfinder to a ghost with a mouthpiece and a punching bag. While suffering and tired in my heart, I couldn't imagine——

In their eyes, he has always been a lofty and noble master, one day he will completely lower his figure, even throw away his face and integrity, just to coax a woman.

What ghosts can't even imagine is that a master who can make countless women fall in love with his soft eyes, tried his best to coax his wife, but she still ignored him, let alone showed signs of forgiving him.

Women are terrible creatures that cannot be offended, this is indeed true.

I don’t know how many times I have delivered a message for a terrifying creature that I can’t afford to offend, and then I was killed by my master with a look, and the ghost, who was so frightened and fled away, is hiding on a tall tree branch, watching The full moon in the sky looked up and sighed.

When will the days of "sandwich cakes" where people are not human inside and outside be able to be big?

The ghost was moaning and sighing, when suddenly a colorful butterfly with dazzling lights flew across the sky in front of his eyes.

Feather butterfly?

The ghost jumped up from the tree branch and sat up, then looked towards the direction of the feather butterfly with a prayerful gaze.

Before the fire.

Long Xiaoyu handed the carefully roasted game to Mu Ziling: "This time I put your favorite seasoning..."

Mu Ziling, who was meditating with her eyes closed, opened her eyes, and naturally ignored the meaty game in front of her eyes. She reached out and took out a pack of dry food from the star system, and then ate it slowly.

Long Xiaoyu, who was ignored, stared at the tasteless dry food in Mu Ziling's hand, frowned, then he raised his hand and tore off a small piece of roast meat, tasted it himself, then handed it back to Zongyi without saying a word. Mu Ziling stuffed dry food into his mouth: "It tastes very good, you can eat it."

What responded to him was the sound of Mu Ziling pouring the water bag into his mouth.

"This thing is dry, choking and unpalatable, let's not eat it..."

Before Long Xiaoyu finished speaking, Mu Ziling, who had just gulped down the water, stuffed another mouthful of dry food into her mouth, then she touched her belly and burped as if she was full. He continued to meditate.

Long Xiaoyu: "..."

The piercing night wind blew Long Xiaoyu's whole body into a layer of loneliness, and the loneliness was mixed with such a small desolation.

In fact, after these days, Mu Ziling's anger has long since dissipated, and even at certain moments, she was softened by his sincere attitude of admitting his mistakes, and wanted to forgive him just like that.

But when he thought about the sudden divorce letter, and when Long Xiaoyu either kept things from her, or killed them first, Mu Ziling wanted to rectify his identity in his heart.

She also knew that whether he kept things from her or played it off beforehand, it was all for her own good, but she didn't want such a good thing at all, and she didn't want to do that at all. But if something happened, she wasn't kept in the dark, Be the last to know.

They are husband and wife, people who want to help each other for a lifetime.

She asked herself that she was not weak now, and she already had the ability to fight side by side with him.

All she wanted was to share misfortune with him on the unknown road in the future, instead of being blindly protected by him.

God knows what tribulations and obstacles will be waiting for them in this prosperous age of the Central Committee?

She didn't want to experience that powerless and helpless feeling like the last time he took the rare blood ginseng and watched his life disappear little by little in front of her.

These days, he has been persistently trying to get her forgiveness, and it's not like she didn't notice it.

From an outsider's point of view, the cold attitude she has been holding is either acting out or being too ignorant of good and evil, but it is a matter of principle, and the prosperous age of the central government is coming soon, so she cannot easily make concessions.

So it doesn't matter if she doesn't know good or bad, if she doesn't take this opportunity to correct her attitude, then she would rather go alone in this trip to the Central Prosperity.

And it was because she knew that he would never let her take risks alone, so she still had to be upright in her attitude, and she had to do what she should do.

As for whether to forgive him...

At this moment, although Mu Ziling closed her eyes and pretended to be meditating, she still listened attentively to the outside world with her ears upright.

According to the usual practice these days, if Long Xiaoyu sees that she doesn't want to eat the food he prepared, he will start busy again and prepare it for her in different ways until she eats it.

But this time, Mu Ziling listened for a long time with his ears upright, but there was no sound other than the chirping of the burning fire.

Waited for a while, waited for a while...

Mu Ziling, who barely ate a few mouthfuls of dry food and wasn't full at all, didn't hear that Long Xiaoyu made her another delicious meal for a long time. She frowned, and then couldn't help but secretly opened the A slit.

Long Xiaoyu was still sitting in front of the fire.

But he was not feeding her barbecue again, but spread his left hand and stared at the palm.

There was a beautiful colorful glare on his open palm.

Mu Ziling recognized the colorful glare at a glance, her half-opened and half-closed eyelids popped wide, from peeking to staring openly.

Then she saw that Long Xiaoyu looked at Yudie on his palm, and his expression suddenly became not so good, even a little cold.

After Long Xiaoyu read the message on Yudie, he raised his hand to erase it.

And just when his palms were about to stick together, Mu Ziling said with some hesitation: "Long Xiaoyu..."

After the divorce letter that day, she never took the initiative to speak to him again.

Hearing her voice suddenly, Long Xiaoyu felt like hearing the sounds of heaven, he raised his head almost reflexively.

Seeing that the little woman was finally willing to talk to him, Xu Shi saw that the moment he looked at her, there was an almost imperceptible gleam in his eyes.

Catching his line of sight, Mu Ziling bit the corner of her lips, stared at him without making a sound.

Long Xiaoyu waited patiently for a while, and then asked tentatively, "Are you hungry?"

Hungry is hungry, but instead of eating, she now wants to know what information Yudie brought that made him look so bad just now.

Thinking about it, Mu Ziling gave a faint "hmm" on his face, but turned his gaze to his left hand that was still glowing with feathers and butterflies.

Who would have known that it was good if she didn't look away, but when she did, Long Xiaoyu's still stiff hands clasped together, and then touched his palms together, and then the colorful glare on his palms disappeared without a trace.

Mu Ziling: "..." Damn, did this man do it on purpose?

Looking at the man in front of him who had wiped all the messages on Yudie, and still had a face of not knowing why, Mu Ziling closed his eyes angrily, and suddenly felt a stomach ache.

Not hungry, but angry.

She decided that not only these days, but also for a long time to come, she would never talk to him again.

Just as Mu Ziling was secretly extending Long Xiaoyu's cold war sentence in her heart, her breath suddenly wafted into her nostrils a burst of food aroma that made her index finger move.

The bursts of barbecue smell seemed to have some kind of irresistible magic power, and it penetrated into her stomach from her breath in an instant, forcing her to swallow a mouthful of saliva in a mysterious way.

Mu Ziling looked down.


Long Xiaoyu has already handed the delicious barbecue to her mouth, and now she can eat it as long as she opens her mouth.

Mu Ziling regards herself as a person who sticks to principles and has a lot of backbone. She will never compromise because of a piece of barbecue that is all in her mouth.

This time, if Long Xiaoyu didn't face up to where he was really wrong, she would never eat a piece of his grilled meat again, no matter how delicious it was.

As soon as the thoughts in Mu Ziling's mind were settled, Long Xiaoyu seemed to have seen through the little Jiujiu in her heart: "The news from Master, you should eat first, and when you are finished eating, what do you want to eat?" I'll tell you everything I know."

Mu Ziling, who was still full of pride in her heart, pursed her lips and did not move.

The little girl who had neglected her for a few days finally took the initiative to talk to her. It is conceivable that Long Xiaoyu was overwhelmed with flattery. He patiently found her another step down: "Later, if you are not satisfied with what I said, then I'm still up to you to vent your anger and continue to punish me, but now you've treated yourself so badly for no reason, it's not worth the gain, isn't it?"

Thinking about it, Mu Ziling silently took the barbecue from Long Xiaoyu's hand.

As soon as Mu Ziling chewed the barbecued meat in her mouth, she felt as if she had been slapped twice by an invisible big hand on the left and right sides of her face, and then two vividly appeared on her cheeks. Big characters: really fragrant.

Seeing her eating well, Long Xiaoyu's heart, which had been tense all along, finally relaxed a little.

"Long Xiaoyu..." Mu Ziling, who was eating, suddenly uttered again inappropriately.

Long Xiaoyu raised his eyes to meet hers.

Seeing that she was staring at him seriously and earnestly, he relaxed his heart, and raised it all at once.

"Just what you said..." Mu Ziling looked at him, organized his words, and then said: "You will tell me everything I want to know, so in other words, will you not know anything in the future? Lie to me again?"

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