"My girl is here." Tianjizi swished and disappeared in place.

"Little boy, stop, that's my precious apprentice." Di Yangzi put on his mask and chased after him.


A carriage slowly drove into the Central Prosperity.

It seemed that everything around was still except for the movement of the carriage slowly moving forward. It was so quiet that it was unusual.

In the carriage, Mu Ziling lifted the curtains and was about to look out.


A shadowless and formless gust of wind surged between the sky and the earth, but it carried a rock-shattering force.

This strong wind was like a tornado, sweeping up the entire carriage aggressively.

The moment the carriage rolled up into the sky, Long Xiaoyu hugged Mu Ziling in one hand and broke out with the Martian girl in the other.

As soon as the three of them landed on the ground, before they recovered their senses, they saw that fierce wind suddenly turned into countless rains of wind blades and swords, and shot towards them again violently.

The speed of the gang wind is like a fast wind and thunder, coming very fast, Mu Ziling suddenly turned around, broke away from Long Xiaoyu's arms, sacrificed the purple shadow golden whip, and carried a purple afterimage wrapped around him, towards the A rain of wind, blade and sword struck head-on.

"Mumu!" Long Xiaoyu was slightly startled.

Before he could fly towards Mu Ziling, a rain of wind blades and swords shot towards him.

There was still a brown candy in his hand, and Long Xiaoyu had no time to separate himself. He glanced at Mu Ziling with a condensed expression, and suddenly raised his palm to condense his energy, and defeated the wind blade and sword rain that was close at hand.

On the other side, Mu Ziling's whole body was completely wrapped into a big ball by the wind blade sword rain.

The moment Long Xiaoyu returned to silence, he threw the Martian girl to a safe place and raised his palm again.

But at this moment, there was a loud shout in the big ball hovering in the wind blade sword rain.


Accompanied by Mu Ziling's bursting shout, a series of dizzying purple lights, with her shout as the center, swept out wave after wave in all directions like a big wave washing sand.

Countless rain of wind blades and swords exploded in all directions in an instant.

After a while—

The smoke dissipated, and everything was safe and sound.


In the sky, bursts of treacherous laughter suddenly sounded, and the sound waves continued to expand one after another.

Soon, the voice changed again.


The sound is sharp and piercing, as if every sound is lingering at the soul of the person.

That's right, the wind blade sword rain just now and the current magic sound piercing the ears are exactly the special skills of Tianjizi and Diyangzi. If they can break it, it means that the martial arts cultivation of the person who cracked it has reached the peak realm.

The magic sound gradually became smaller, and then from small to none.

Mu Ziling was holding the whip, while looking at the surrounding open sky, and was about to call out the two cheap masters who had finished testing her but hadn't shown up yet.

But before she could yell, there was an uncontrollable roar.

With a dark face, Long Xiaoyu stared at the calm and calm little woman not far away, and roared angrily: "Mu Ziling! Come here!"

Mu Ziling's body trembled from being yelled at, she quietly turned her head, looked at the violent man, but didn't dare to move.

Long Xiaoyu walked up to her in stride, and raised his hand angrily.

Mu Ziling thought he was going to hit her, she subconsciously took two steps back as if dodging, and took the lead: "Long Xiaoyu, it's fine if you don't trust me, you still want domestic violence, you want to hit me... "

Long Xiaoyu, who was full of anger, suddenly laughed angrily.

My heart, liver, spleen, lungs, and kidneys hurt from anger.

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