Until the end, Mu Ziye couldn't take care of the corner of her sister's clothes.

Until the end, Mu Ziling couldn't enjoy the warm embrace from his brother.

Because someone who has been soaking in vinegar for a long time only gave Mu Ziling time to vent his emotions and beat Mu Ziye, and when she couldn't help but start to become emotional, he pulled her away .

Mu Ziye stood where he was, quietly looking at the two figures walking in front of him, with a happy smile on his lips.

Murong Xing, who was still licking candied haws, approached Mu Ziye innocently: "Big brother, are you a fool?" You laughed so happily after being beaten?

The smile on Mu Ziye's face faded away, his head hurt so much that he didn't want to say anything, and left.

Murong Xing hurriedly followed.

"Big brother, you see my little sister-in-law is protected by my villainous brother, so you can protect me from now on? It's fairer."

"You don't need protection."

"Big brother, do you think I'm amazing?"

"Well, it's great."

"Then let me protect you?"


"Big brother, you can't stay one meter away from me in the future, otherwise I won't be able to protect you."



The four of them kept walking along Mingjie Street.

When the walk was almost at the end, Long Xiaoyu's ears suddenly moved slightly, he grabbed Mu Ziling's slender waist, and flew onto the nearby building.

Seeing this, Mu Ziye narrowed his eyes and glanced at the green and deserted street in front of him, subconsciously wanting to fly up.

But his sleeve robe was tightly held by a small hand, making it difficult for him to move an inch.

Mu Ziye's gaze followed the little hand holding his sleeve robe, floating upwards, and directly met a pitiful little face.

"Big brother, I can't go up, you hug me." Murong Xing opened his arms towards him with his mouth flattened, looking weak and unable to take care of himself.

hug? !

Are you sure this little girl wasn't sent by heaven to torment him?

Mu Ziye closed her eyes with some headaches, took a deep breath, and then reached out and hugged the little girl under the creaking nest as if resigned to her fate, and flew up to the roof.

Long Xiaoyu led Mu Ziling to fly over the eaves and walls, and finally came to a high pavilion at the end of the street.

Standing on a high place, Mu Ziling looked around, a little confused: "What's wrong? Did something happen just now?"

"Take two steps forward and feel it." Long Xiaoyu raised his chin, motioning for her.

Mu Ziling took two steps forward, then suddenly stepped back.

It wasn't that she retreated by herself, but there seemed to be an invisible force in front of her that blocked her back.

"It's an enchantment." Mu Ziling probed forward again, a little surprised: "It seems that there is more than one?"

"There are six." Long Xiaoyu raised his palm to condense his breath, touched it forward, and said: "... there are barely two."

Not everyone who practices martial arts has the strength to set up a barrier, but those who can set up a barrier must have extraordinary strength, and to set up a complete barrier, not only must have extraordinary strength, It also takes a lot of energy.

But it's good for this mighty master. The six barriers that he set up so hard for others were reduced to two, which is still barely two.

Although there are obvious differences in the power of the six barriers at present, but when the six are gathered together, the power is still enormous, which cannot be underestimated at all.

Mu Ziling glanced at Long Xiaoyu speechlessly: "Who would lay such a net here?"

"Who else could it be?" Mu Ziye brought Murong Xing and flew down to the pavilion, involuntarily pouted towards the pavilion, "Isn't it just those few?"

Mu Ziling followed the trend and looked down.

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