Mu Ziling shook his head without thinking: "I can't."

How powerful is Pluto? If it was so easy to catch, why did they wait until now?

Long Xiaoyu continued to be persuasive: "Do you still remember when we came to Ming Street last time?"

"It seems to be the 1st of January..." Mu Ziling thought for a while, and suddenly realized: "This can't be used to catch Mrs. Ming?"

Long Xiaoyu raised his eyebrows slightly, and his deep starry eyes contained a little bit of starlight: "What do you think?"

Mu Ziling rubbed his chin, and guessed thoughtfully: "When we came last time, in the entire Hades Street, apart from the King of Hades, only the aura of the Lady Hades seemed human and not human. The Street of Hades is so big that it still confuses people everywhere." The weirdness of vision, if there is no accurate purpose, let alone find Pluto, it is difficult to find an ordinary person."

"...And since we entered Hades Street, you have led me all the way to the end, so I think, to find the location of Hades, you must be led by Lady Ming, and the place where Lady Hades will appear is here. "

Long Xiaoyu scratched her pretty nose, and a fond smile flashed across his eyes: "My silly Mumu is not too stupid, you can guess everything."

Mu Ziling stretched out his hand and felt the cotton-like enchantment in front of him, and analyzed: "If Mingpo only appears on January 1st, there is no difference between day and night here, but according to the time after we entered Mingjie Counting, there should be five or six hours left, which is the first of January, and you said that these barriers are paper, so should we strengthen them again?"

Long Xiaoyu glanced at her calmly: "Is there nowhere to use your strength?"

Mu Ziling pursed her lips: "Isn't it just to be on the safe side?"

"The people below are enough." Long Xiaoyu glanced down, then pulled Mu Ziling to sit on another bench, and let her lie in his arms: "After driving for a few days, I didn't take a good rest, so I still have some time to take a good rest and get enough energy, huh?"

It was said to be resting, but in this environment and at the critical moment, Mu Ziling didn't have any leisurely mood to rest.

The place where they were sitting happened to be able to see all the group of people meditating under the pavilion.

Mu Ziling leaned lazily in Long Xiaoyu's arms, lowered her eyes, and looked calmly at Yue Linglong who was meditating below.

Among the group of men who were meditating, Yue Linglong still had a pure and pure appearance, but her swollen belly revealed her inconsistency.

I still remember that when I saw her last time, her lower abdomen was only slightly bulged, but now that belly is so big that there is a sense of instant sight that it may be ripe at any time.

What kind of child did Yue Linglong raise?

With a slight movement of Mu Ziling's mind, he activated the star system and probed towards Yue Linglong's belly.

After only a moment of detection, Mu Ziling felt a brutal and terrifying force attacking towards her running consciousness.

Heart palpitations, panic, and the sense of fear that seemed to be crushed all of a sudden filled her whole heart.

Mu Ziling hurriedly stopped the detection, and secretly suppressed her mind, but she still couldn't resist the shock of the sequelae brought about by that moment.

Before she could stabilize her mind, she felt a surge of energy and blood in her heart, and a fishy sweetness almost burst out of her throat.

Long Xiaoyu was keenly aware of the strangeness of the little woman in his arms, and he lowered his eyes to look at her: "What's wrong?"

Mu Ziling swallowed the fishy sweetness welling up in his throat calmly, and shook his head calmly: "No..."

Long Xiaoyu didn't seem to believe that she was fine, he held her small face in his hands and stared at her fixedly.

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