Ouyang Feiyu didn't even have a chance to catch his breath, and a dangerous sword light flashed in the air again like a thunderbolt.

The fierce and changeable sword light tore through the air and shot towards him violently.

Ouyang Feiyu dodged one trick, two tricks, three tricks...but the deadly sword lights that came shooting from all directions finally made him overwhelmed.

Long Xiaoyu's moves were fierce, and Ouyang Feiyu retreated steadily.

Anyone with a discerning eye could see that Long Xiaoyu's sword move was fatal, but he didn't use much force at all. The speed of his move alone was enough to make Ouyang Feiyu dodge almost to suffocation.

Not only Ouyang Feiyu, who was in danger, but also Yu Wenhao and others who were watching, could clearly feel that Long Xiaoyu's current strength was no longer what they used to know.

At this moment, he seems to be in no danger, but he seems so dangerous that people dare not approach him at all.

Chu Yao leaned close to Yu Wenhao's ear and asked in a low voice: "Brother Yuwen, haven't you been fighting with this King Jia Luoqi all the time? How strong is he? Why can't I see his ways?"

I have to say that what Chu Yao asked directly hit Yu Wenhao's heart.

He also wanted to know what kind of strength Long Xiaoyu was now.

"Let's just watch." Yu Wenhao responded casually, but he clenched his fists tightly and stared at the battle ahead with no suspense of winning or losing, feeling unwilling and resentful in his heart.

He and Long Xiaoyu have been fighting against each other for many years. From the beginning, they were evenly matched in strength, but in the past two or three years, the gap in strength between him and Long Xiaoyu seemed to be getting wider and wider.

It seemed that he had been walking on the same spot, and Long Xiaoyu had already ascended to the clouds. Until now, when he saw him, he still had a thought of losing to him.

Before he started fighting, he felt invincible, so let's not talk about old hatred, but just talk about the enmity that Yugong brought to Longyue Palace, is there any hope for Longyue Palace to avenge it?

Yu Wenhao suddenly darkened his eyes, the fundus of his eyes was obscure.

This is probably a long and long road to revenge.

Ao Lingyun, who was sitting in a wheelchair, was also in a dark mood.

He also never expected that the people they killed in their mission back then were so incomprehensible.

The speed of recruiting is so fast that even a landlord of a bird tower can't beat him.

Such a person would be difficult to deal with if his whole bird house poured out.

The battle continues.

Although Ouyang Feiyu was lucky enough to escape Long Xiaoyu's explosive attacks, his body was covered with large and small scars, and he didn't look very embarrassed.

He knew that if he continued like this, his little life would have to be played to death by Long Xiaoyu.

Ouyang Feiyu had nowhere to hide, and finally prepared to fight back.

But the thought of rebellion flashed across his mind for a moment, and he changed his mind.

Compared with the useless resistance, he suddenly wanted to take a gamble.


Little fox, will you just watch me die under Long Xiaoyu's sword?

Ouyang Feiyu slowly released the condensed palm prints between his palms, raised his head slightly, and glanced at the beautiful figure who had never moved on the pavilion with a smile.

Then he closed his eyes and stood quietly, waiting for the sword in Long Xiaoyu's hand to penetrate his heart.

Ouyang Feiyu didn't know at all, the glance he just glanced at the pavilion was simply accelerating the speed of his death.

Long Xiaoyu's cold eyes darkened again and again, and the sword in his hand shot towards Ouyang Feiyu with awe-inspiring momentum like an arrow that had left the string.

Unstoppable power, terrifying speed to the extreme, unstoppable, unavoidable.

Just when the few people who were watching the battle from afar were startling and booing that Ouyang Feiyu would be pierced by a sharp sword——

"call out--"

A majestic whip sounded, accompanied by the clang of a long sword falling to the ground.

In the nick of time, Ouyang Feiyu was in danger and escaped the sword.

He won the bet.

Before Ouyang Feiyu opened his closed eyes, the corners of his lips couldn't help curling up as if he could see the moon through the clouds.

Even if he died at this moment, he would die without regret.

Ouyang Feiyu slowly opened his eyes.

The little fox was standing in front of him, although it was just a back view, but he was also satisfied.

At least, she won't watch him die.

This is enough.

Long Xiaoyu's sword eyebrows were slightly condensed, and his cold and hostile eyes still remained. He stared at the little woman five meters away from him without blinking. No one knew what he was thinking in his heart at this moment.

The four eyes are facing each other.

No one spoke.

Mu Ziling clasped his hands tightly, dragged the Purple Shadow Golden Whip in his hand, and walked towards Long Xiaoyu step by step.

When she was only one step away from him, she stopped.

Mu Ziling raised her head slightly, quietly looking at the man in front of him who was still carrying a strong murderous intent, and said in an extremely calm voice: "Do you believe me?"

It was obvious that she was offended by Ouyang Feiyu.

She couldn't explain it, and she didn't want to.

If Long Xiaoyu believed her, she didn't need to explain at all, if he didn't believe her, no amount of explanation would be enough.

Long Xiaoyu stared fixedly at Mu Ziling, staring at the bottom of her clear eyes that seemed to break into pieces at the touch of a finger, his heart felt like it had been stabbed by something, and there was a sharp pain.

After waiting for a long time for his response, Mu Ziling's tightly clenched fists slightly relaxed.

She wanted to reach out to touch him, but she only lifted one finger before she retracted her hand.

She was afraid of being swung away by him.

She was afraid that if he waved her away, her world would collapse.

Aware of her small actions, the violent aura on Long Xiaoyu's body was immediately dispelled by the full of pity. He raised his hand and gently stroked her cheek: "Why don't you say it?"

His tone was very gentle, more gentle than ever before, like a trickle, slowly flowing into Mu Ziling's heart, bit by bit soothing her restless heart that had been tight all the time.

Mu Ziling pursed her lips and said nothing.

Long Xiaoyu rubbed her soft fingertips on her soft cheeks, and spoke again in a soft voice: "I was bullied, why didn't you say it?"

It turned out that he didn't distrust her, but he was feeling sorry for her and complaining about her... The uneasiness and fear in Mu Ziling's heart were instantly covered by his full tenderness, and replaced by a vague feeling Grievance floated in her heart.

At the beginning, he made a deal with Bai Yixue, let her give Bai Yixue Mei Yu Xin, and then she met Ouyang Feiyu, who fell in love with Yu Xin, by accident, who should she talk to?

Tell him?

It's too disgraceful for this dumb guy who threw a stone at his own foot.

Mu Ziling moved her lips wordlessly, and it took a long time before she uttered a word: "Scared."

I am afraid that you will misunderstand me, and that you will not want me.

Long Xiaoyu rubbed her head, as if he had nothing to do with her, and sighed softly: "Silly..."

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