The atmosphere was a little stiff.

Chu Yao stood up again and reminded in a low voice: "Brother Yuwen, please be safe and don't be impatient. This is not the time for internal strife. Let's put your family affairs aside first, the overall situation is the most important thing."

Yu Wenhao was overwhelmed, and was immediately a little annoyed by his bewildered behavior just now. He spat angrily, and then glared at Yue Linglong: "Remember that your trip still represents my long Moon Palace, don't let the owner of this palace follow you here to embarrass yourself."

Brother Hao, how could he say that?

Yue Linglong swayed unsteadily, her eyes instantly filled with mist, she was extremely wronged.

But Yu Wenhao didn't even look at her anymore, and walked aside with his sleeves, and continued to meditate.


Mu Ziling picked up the time, and when she woke up again, it was close to the moment when Lady Ming would appear.

After waking up, Mu Ziye and Murong Xing were not there, Mu Ziling asked Long Xiaoyu suspiciously: "Where are my brother and Xiaoxing?"

Long Xiaoyu raised his chin pointingly, and asked: "There is still a quarter of an hour, are you ready?"

"En." Mu Ziling nodded, looking down.

Mu Ziye was standing in front of a wall at the end of the street, thinking about something, and Murong Xing, who was wearing a red cloak hat, followed behind him, eating candied haws leisurely, as if all the dangers outside had nothing to do with her.

And Yu Wenhao's group of people is also ready to cast a net to catch the ghost.

Long Xiaoli, who was slapped away by Long Xiaoyu's palm earlier, was also included.

Long Xiaoli probably was injured enough that she couldn't even stand upright.

But even if he is not injured, Long Xiaoli will die soon.

Mu Ziling glanced lightly over Long Xiaoli who kept scratching her ears and cheeks, and then she glanced at Yue Linglong who was standing behind Yu Wenhao.

It has to be said that Yue Linglong has a strong sense of self-superiority.

Looking at her at this moment, she still looks holy and noble, as if the farce she directed and acted not long ago never happened.

Mu Ziling withdrew his gaze, and handed the bottle of medicine that was just refined in the star system to Long Xiaoyu: "Here."

"Huh?" Long Xiaoyu took the medicine bottle and looked at her puzzled.

Mu Ziling pursed her lips, and a meaningful narrowing flashed across her eyes: "I can't pry her mouth open for the anti-fetal medicine specially formulated for Yue Linglong, so I leave it to you."

"Inappropriate." Long Xiaoyu frowned slightly, obviously unwilling to do this.

He can rely on her and let her do anything, but this is not the case.

Now that the devil baby in Yue Linglong's belly is threatening her life, he can't tolerate the slightest mistake. If it becomes self-defeating, the consequences... He dare not even think about it.

Mu Ziling knew what he was worried about, so she approached him and gave him a reassuring look: "Don't worry, I already feel how much of a threat that freak in Yue Linglong's stomach is to me, so I won't take my life Just kidding, this is really just a tocolytic, not only will it not prompt her to give birth, but it also has a delaying effect, believe me."

Long Xiaoyu naturally believed her, but he was still a little worried.

Seeing that he was hesitant, Mu Ziling raised her hand to pinch his waist, gritted her teeth pretending to be angry and said: "Mother Ming will come soon, and the next fights and killings will be inevitable, if Yue Linglong doesn't An Antai, do you still want to 'protect' her secretly?"

Long Xiaoyu laughed angrily: "Who am I doing this for?"

Mu Ziling groaned ignorantly in the blessing: "I don't care, anyway, you are not allowed to protect her, what if she regains hope and shamelessly pesters you, what should I do? And what if she finds out You were protecting her in secret, and she jumped up excitedly, and let that freak out, so what should I do?"

"You, wait for me here." Long Xiaoyu pinched her pretty nose, which was humming angrily, and there was nothing he could do about her.


Long Xiaoyu didn't come to Yue Linglong face to face, nor did he get close to her, but just waited quietly in the distance in front of her for a while, and then when she opened her mouth to talk to others, she accurately shot the pill into her. mouth.

With his precise strength and speed, coupled with Mu Ziling's habit of refining colorless, tasteless, and melt-in-the-mouth pills, Yue Linglong took a mouthful of anti-abortion medicine without noticing it.

But as soon as the medicine entered her belly without her noticing, she had always suspected that she was pregnant with a stone belly, and there was even the slightest sign of fetal movement.

Ever since she was pregnant, Yue Linglong hated this evil creature in her stomach extremely, but the slightest movement of the fetus at this moment made her raise her hand and touch her stomach instinctively.

As soon as she touched it, she immediately felt that her big belly, which was already showing signs of giving birth, was like a leaky balloon at the moment, under the caress of her palm, it became thinner and thinner.

What followed was an unspeakable cramping pain.

Yue Linglong frowned tightly, feeling uncertain in her heart.

how so? !

Aunt Su clearly said that this evil seed in her stomach has been cultivated by the marrow curse, not only will it not bring her the slightest pain, but it will also help her resist all external dangers.

In other words, this evil seed is not only her revenge weapon, but also her life-saving talisman.

But how could this life-saving talisman work now... Yue Linglong couldn't figure it out, but before she could figure it out, the surrounding environment suddenly changed.

"Here we come!" Someone suddenly shouted.

A group of people who had already been ready and waiting stood outside the barrier they had set up, ready to fight.

Yue Linglong bit her lip, endured the cramping pain, regained her posture, and became vigilant.

Just when everyone was on guard and started counting down the seconds to wait for Ming Po to appear, a sweet and strange voice resounded in the eerie and gloomy air: "Big brother, I'm sleepy."

Hearing this, Mu Ziye's eyebrows twitched twice, he turned around, with a smile that almost ran away from the corner of his mouth: "Little one, are you trying to trouble me?"

Murong Xing yawned lazily, and blinked at him tiredly: "But I'm really sleepy, you carry me on your back, I'll be good and not move around."

Is it a question of whether to move or not?

This is clearly adding to the chaos!

Mu Ziye secretly gritted his back teeth, closed his eyes, and then said in a good voice: "Then you find a safe place to hide yourself, don't make trouble, and be obedient."

Murong Xing shook his sleeve robe: "The safest place is the most dangerous, big brother, just carry me on your back, I am obedient."


The voice of the two people talking was not loud, but it was particularly abrupt in this mysterious atmosphere. Every word and every sentence was enough for others to hear clearly, and at the same time, it also aroused their dissatisfaction.

Yu Wenhao glanced at Mu Ziye full of opinions: "Since your Excellency has no intention of cooperating with us, please don't let a yellow-haired girl come here to spoil our affairs."

At that moment, he saw that this person was extraordinary in appearance and skill, and with the belief that he had more people and more strength, he accidentally went up to chat for a few words, and wanted to win him over to fight together, but he never wanted to be ignored by the other party. Wait, he still has a fire in his heart.

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