Pinocchio, the star of the event.

The golden hour was as lively and prosperous as usual, and the joy everywhere reflected the beautiful nature of dreams.

In contrast, there were lonely figures wandering on the streets.


From the moment she made up her mind, the girl set out here.

She wanted to find relevant traces about the boy to confirm her hypothesis.

But the results are somewhat unsatisfactory at present.

In the dream, the firefly went here first.

There live schools of fish that go upstream, and each of them represents a unique past.

In those two dreamlike months, she and Bai Heng used a lot of money to buy one, and put the experiences of this period into it, and also gave the fish a name. Firefly.

A simple and straightforward name.

As long as the fish is found, the hypothesis of the firefly can be confirmed.

But things don't go as planned. From the mouth of the staff, the firefly got such a news

"There are hundreds of millions of fish swimming upstream. Every fish released into the Memory Stream is like being released back into the sea. We cannot find them accurately with our current technology."

It's not just here.

Aideen Entertainment Park.

There are the most complete entertainment facilities in Pinocchio, and there are also super prizes that countless fans of Clock Boy dream of.

——The limited edition badge of the Watch Boy.

Every person who wins the super prize will have a record there.

In that story whose true or false is still unknown, Liuying is one of the few winners.

Finding this record can also prove the authenticity of that experience.


"Sorry, because the imitations of the limited edition badge of the Watch Boy have flooded the market recently, we had to change the grand prize, so the previous winning records are not kept."

Liu Ying still couldn't get the answer.

But she didn't give up.

Pursuing that memory, Liu Ying went to every place she had been to with the boy in those two months. The

Child's Dream, the Dream Bar, the Golden Theater, the Hot Sand Moment, the Dusk Moment, the Hamster Ball Park.......

Every time she went to a place, Liuying could feel the beauty coming from the depths of her memory, which was so real and unforgettable.

But the result she got was different from the previous two times.

Yes, it was not that there was nothing, but because of some malfunctions, temporary maintenance and other reasons, the records were lost or could not be viewed.

This gave Liuying a very strange feeling.

It was as if there was a pair of invisible big hands, deliberately blocking something. Although it was indeed blocked, the traces of the blockage were very obvious.

Dragging a somewhat tired body, Liuying came to the observation deck, which was the secret base between her and him in that story.

The familiar breeze blew, and looking at the scenery in the sky, Liuying's thoughts drifted away a little.

"I think it's time for you to give up, right?"

A blue pop-up window popped up, and a silver wolf chewing bubble gum appeared in the window.

"Even if it is confirmed that what happened in those two months is true, what does it matter? He is already dead, your actions are meaningless."

Silver Wolf was puzzled by Liuying's actions.

To confirm a sad thing, even if you know it really happened, what does it matter?

What should have happened has already happened, and those who should have left have already left. All you can get is a sorrow.

"meaningful...."Liuying retorted softly,"A person will experience three deaths in his life. The first death is biological death, which is the cessation of breathing and heartbeat."

"The second death is death understood from a social perspective. That is, at the funeral, relatives and friends bid farewell to the deceased, and their existence is erased from the social network, which means that the deceased no longer has a direct connection with this world."

"the third time.....It means that the last person in the world who remembers the deceased has passed away, or the deceased has completely forgotten......"

"This marks the complete disappearance of the dead from history."

"So I have to find him...."

"Even if he does leave, I will remember him, and...."

"Fulfill the promise with him."


At the moment when the girl's voice fell, in a clock tower somewhere, the second hand also completed its last circle, and the hour hand also took a step forward.

The time came to 12 o'clock in the middle of the night.

The next second.

Under the girl's stunned gaze, a meteor streaked across the night sky.

This phenomenon seemed a bit abnormal.

In order to ensure the guests' dream experience, Pinocchio's beautiful meteor will be turned off after 10 o'clock in the evening.

But now.....

Before the firefly got the answer, an even more beautiful scene appeared.

When the girl looked at the shooting star, green fireflies slowly appeared around her.

First one, then two, then three......

In just a few moments, the entire observation deck turned into a sea of fireflies!

Not just an observation deck!

Golden Hour, Chaolu Mansion, Audi Shopping Center, and Aideen Entertainment Park.....

At this moment, the entire Pinocchio seemed to be immersed in a fluorescent green ocean!

As if responding to the dazzling fluorescent ocean, countless meteors fell slowly like raindrops on the dark and dim sky curtain at a time when the meteor system should have been shut down!

Staring blankly at this extremely gorgeous scene, Liuying recalled.

On that May 13, the boy who stopped the dream builders from fighting each other left such an easter egg in this dream.

"At midnight, when no one is around, when a firefly in the garden watches a falling star, the sky will be filled with brilliant meteors, and the silent fireflies of the entire Pinocchio will also become brighter, ushering in a sleepless night.

"At this moment, as if the sorting button was pressed, the chaotic images in the girl's mind began to flash in an orderly manner, and they returned to where they should be in an orderly manner, perfectly piecing together all the details that happened in those two months.


A tear fell silently, and the girl, with a smile on her face, looked at the meteors flying across the sky and murmured:

"finally....I found you."

The sound of electricity coming from the communication line came to my ears, and Silver Wolf's voice sounded again:

"Well, no time for you to sigh."

"Maybe it's because you observed it, Elio was finally able to capture that person's fate"

"He is still alive, in Luofu Xianzhou."

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