Chapter 17, Harvest of Killings, Dukao’s Panic

Qilin swallowed hard

He knew how powerful Su Lun was, especially when he saw the other party’s fifth-level star-blasting combat power.

Looking at the battlefield full of wounds and the bloody corpses of the gluttons

She was still in deep shock!

Qilin shook her head hastily

Is this the terrifying combat power of a star-level boss?

For them, it would take a huge price in casualties to destroy the Taotie Army.

He couldn’t even hold out for more than ten minutes under Su Lun’s hands!

Is this really the most civilized glutton in the universe?

It’s just like killing a chicken, the Taotie is being slaughtered?

Bronya:”Is this the power of Infinite Dragon? It’s a bit too scary.”

Funina:”This, this, is this the boss? Killing Taotie is just like killing a chicken!”

Toosaka Rin:”I suddenly feel that compared to those heroic spirits who can destroy the world, Master Su Lun is still the most powerful!”

Bronya:”Did you notice that throughout the entire battle, every time Boss Su Lun fired, he accurately killed a Taotie! No matter how mobile the opponent was, every shot could kill one, without a single empty shot!”

Qilin:”That’s true, it’s incredible, is this the power of the boss?”

Funina:”This is the power of technology”

Qilin stared blankly at the Iron Dragon

The latter noticed her gaze, looked at her and said

“Qilin, is there anything else I can help you with?”

Qilin shook her head:”Boss Su Lun, no more, no more”

The Iron Dragon nodded in response to her.

As for Qilin’s nervous and helpless look

Su Lun saw it at a glance, what was she thinking?

Why is it so cruel?

Su Lun has long been accustomed to this method of fighting

The Infinite Dragon Beast has an eternal fortress-like defense, and its body is covered with deadly super-heavy weapons.

These things add up to a single attack and defense

Su Lun was destined to take the battle route of a heavy-armored warrior and mobile fortress.

Bring despair to the opponent with eternal defense, and bring new life with destructive artillery fire

Relying on the advantages of size and firepower to crush all invading enemies

As for the name”stupid, big, black and thick”, Su Lun adheres to the principle that the bigger the caliber, the better.

As long as you can kill the enemy, everything is worth it.

What’s more, this is the version in Su Lun’s hand that can continue to strengthen the infinite dragon beast.

In this round of slaughter, Su Lun gained a lot.

The number of Taotie is not large. For Su Lun, it is just a small thing to fill the gap between teeth, but the quality and uniqueness cannot be ignored.

This was the first time he killed an enemy since he came to this other world.

The system panel shows its accurate kill numbers

【Kill Taotie soldiers: 500】

【Get 5000 kill points】

【To open the next powerful boss panel, you need (10 million/6.72 million)】

Su Lun nodded with satisfaction. He really didn’t expect that the head of Taotie would bring such a high killing value.

It is higher than the ordinary insects of the universe locusts

Most of the common bugs of the universe locusts are transformed by splitting, and the killing value they provide is relatively low

Ordinary bugs are worth 1 kill point, and bugs that are higher than the miscellaneous bugs have different kill points.

These millions of kill points were earned by Su Lun bit by bit through fighting over the past five years!

Now the battle has been cleared and the crisis has been resolved

Normally, the surviving warriors witnessed the conversation between the Iron Dragon and Qilin.

Only then did I realize that the other party was one of my own and I heaved a sigh of relief

Qilin stood there and began to help others clean up the mess.

Seeing people around me being respectful to me, even my former colleagues who used to be able to talk to me became restrained.

The giant steel dragon stood in front of her, motionless and silent. With her full deterrent power, no one dared to underestimate her and the giant steel dragon.

Qilin breathed a sigh of relief and looked at the helicopters flying in the distance with a complicated look.

The reinforcements finally arrived.

But the battle is over

The next question is how to explain the matter of Boss Su Lun.

Think of this

Qilin had a headache and felt that she was destined to be away from a peaceful life.


Super Seminary

Countless people sat in the command room, watching the video

Dukao watched the replay in the operations command room

Watching the video of the Iron Dragon crushing and killing the Taotie from beginning to end

I was sweating profusely

He couldn’t figure out how there could be such a powerful person in the known universe!

Just based on this terrifying firepower, even gods will be unable to escape!

Especially when I saw that he knew Qilin and they were on good terms.

Dukao fell into deep doubt

According to the investigation on Qilin’s life

There is no way the other party knows the existence of this powerful person.

What on earth does a strong man like this want to do?

What went wrong?

Dukao fell into deep doubt

Now that Taotie is about to be completed, the Hero Company has not yet grown up, and the angels and demons are paying attention to it.

Lieyang also wants to intervene, Dukao is in a state of panic, it is really a troubled time

Just as he was in doubt, Ling Feng walked in quickly, looking a little unnatural and said

“Lao Du, something happened.”

Seeing his panic, Dukao said seriously:

“Lingfeng, calm down. If you have anything to say, tell me slowly.”

Ling Feng shook his head and said excitedly

“Oh no, that giant iron dragon is back with Qilin?”


At this moment, there was a loud noise outside the house.

The dull footsteps shook the entire academy

When they went out to find out the facts

I saw a steel dragon hundreds of meters high holding Qilin in its hand and walking towards the Super Seminary.

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