Chapter 32: Two major god-making projects are completed, and good news keeps coming!

Private cave

Su Lun didn’t know that Teng Xiao had prepared a big gift for him.

Even if he knew, he would just laugh it off.

After officially confirming his relationship with Bai Heng, Su Lun was in a very good mood.

Bai Heng is not at home now, Su Lun is running the data center

Currently, various technologies are being steadily advanced

As for truly combining super gene technology with drugs, it is possible to truly limit the side effects of the demonic body within a framework.

Only one step away, Su Lun roughly estimated after testing that within the next two days

This technology can be completely completed

When the time comes, I’ll report this to Teng Xiao so that he can make a lot of money out of his gold coins!

As he spoke, Su Lun looked at the various weapons and supplies that Xianzhou had specially sent over, and simply sorted them out.

Sent to Qilin in the form of a red envelope

Su Lun:”Qilin, I sent the stuff over, please sign for it.”

Qilin:”Okay, I understand, sir!”

In the Super God World, Qilin watched as the large playground was piled high with supplies, and the major military regions were eager to load up the supplies and prepare to flee.

And the members of the Xiongbinglian who were stunned beside them

My heart was filled with joy!

Now that the Taotie army has arrived, the earth doesn’t want to leave anymore!

With this brave soldier, there is no need to fight

Qilin is confident that after this batch of equipment is equipped to various armies

All of them will make the gluttons pay the price!

Let these cosmic bumpkins!

Taste the technological heavy hammer of the famous interstellar civilization Xianzhou Alliance in the other world!!

I told you to use high-tech equipment to suppress us!

Qilin:”Brother Su Lun, the equipment has arrived. The higher-ups are so happy. We speculate that the Taotie will attack us soon. With this batch of equipment, as long as their battleships dare to come down, we will dare to bomb them!”

Su Lun:”It’s good to have this spirit, but don’t be careless. After all, it’s a space civilization, and it has the support of the Death God Carl in the background.”

Qilin:”I understand! Thank you, Brother Su Lun, for the equipment. If you come to my world, I will treat you to a good trip.”

Bronya:”Bronya wants one too. I haven’t had time to thank Brother Su Lun yet. If Brother Su Lun wants to go to the group friend world, he should come to Bronya’s world first!”

Bronya:”Since taking the medicine, Teacher Jizi has quickly recovered the injured parts of her body. Except for some necrotic parts, her body has at least recovered to half of its peak state!”

Bronya:”Principal Theresa and Kiana are all shocked!”

Toosaka Rin:”Really? This thing is kind of cruel.”

Furninna:”Why don’t I buy some too? But I’m not sick. Should I buy some for Violet?””

Qilin:”Funingna, why don’t you buy some of these little brains and keep some medicine on hand, it will be good for you.”

Bronya:”Yes, after experiencing it personally, the user feedback is 5 stars. Teacher Ji Zi is now full of energy. She doesn’t drink much at night and sleeps well at night. Next, we are more confident to explore Jiuyou.”

Bronya:”If possible, Mr. Jizi and we would like to thank you in person.”

Fu Nina:”Wow, he’s fine, that’s great. Although what Qilin said above made me angry, I feel warm inside that the group members can help the people in the group by chatting about the products in the group.”

Su Lun:”Hahaha, I will definitely do that next time. By the way, Qilin, after Dukao received the goods, did he tell you that he would give you the other things he didn’t give you?”

Qilin:”Ah, it seems that he didn’t say that. I’ll go and ask you.”

【Qilin gave Su Lun a red envelope】

Qilin:”The bosses are all here. Fortunately, you mentioned it, Brother Su Lun. If you hadn’t mentioned it, he would have kept dragging you to tell me.”

Qilin:”I don’t know what he is thinking. Is it really that serious?””

Su Lun:”This old guy, don’t you really think that I value the two god-making projects of Galaxy Power and No Star War God so much?”

Su Lun sneered and opened the red envelope.

What comes into view are two experimental tubes containing blood samples.

And it is equipped with two major god-making projects

There is also a storage device for knowledge about how to cultivate void and anti-void.

Su Lun absorbed the knowledge in the storage device and threw it aside.

The two things above, in addition to blood, there is also knowledge of void and anti-void that is somewhat useful.

How to successfully construct the super soldier’s body? He has already thought of a better way.

After absorbing the technology of super genes, Su Lun combined it with the localized imaginary energy.

Considerable progress has been made in the development of super genes

Su Lun has completely gone his own way!

If it is just at the stage of being acquired, it may be of some use, but now it can only be used as a reference

The life walker blessed by imaginary energy, plus the strong body and specialized skills created by super genes

It is definitely stronger than the first and second generation super warriors in the super god world!

The super warriors in the super god world are nothing more than the blessing of pure scientific and technological genetic technology.

The super soldiers after the third generation are the so-called gods. They have extremely strong defenses and do not need to eat. They can survive as long as they have enough energy.

You can mobilize powerful computing power and cooperate with algorithms to achieve more powerful power!

But there is one bad thing, in Super God’s system, it is basically computing power, algorithms, and even the engine that determines everything!

Once you encounter a higher level than yourself, with stronger computing power and algorithms

It is easy to interrupt the battle and limit yourself

In the plot, Ge Xiaolun said that the Xiongxin can be closed when he says so, and the big sword can be broken when he says so. This is the reason.

After realizing this, Su Lun decided not to take the path of pure technology.

If you simply go with super gene technology, the upper limit will be locked by the technology. Without corresponding upgrades in technology and resources, there is basically no room for improvement.

And combined with the localized imaginary energy, at least when facing an enemy stronger than oneself, no counterattack will be impossible.

At the same time, you can also practice to enhance the power of the Life Walker, and then combine it with super gene technology to increase the power to the point where one plus one is greater than two.

As for the subsequent development and strengthening, Su Lun also thought of corresponding means

If possible, he intends to extract the anti-void power of the Galaxy Force and the God-killing power of the No Star Wars for universal use.

Use these new technologies to build his warriors

But no matter what he said, he still had to say it in the group.

Su Lun:”I also received Qilin’s things. I will give you the energy technology later. Dukao is really not nice, but I remember that your Shenhe sniper’s super gene is the second generation. If you want to continue to upgrade, you lack energy and knowledge.”

Su Lun:”If you are willing, I will be responsible for your subsequent upgrades and strive to upgrade you to the fourth generation body in your universe. How about that?”

Qilin:”Really? That’s great. It turns out that following Su Lun’s boss means you get to eat meat! I don’t know how to thank Brother Su Lun!””

Bronya:”Qilin, why don’t you give yourself to me?””

Toosaka Rin:”I think it’s okay, Sister Qilin, I remember that you like being with Brother Su Lun very much. When we chatted privately, you always said good things about Brother Su Lun to me.”

Funina:”Ah, there is such an operation, it’s so interesting, eating melons.JPG”

Qilin:”You two guys, I…I don’t know what to say!”

Qilin’s face turned red!

I typed a lot of words on the screen, but deleted them repeatedly. I don’t know what to say.

You like it, of course you like it, and it’s not just the instigation of everyone in the group, just talk about it

If possible, I will definitely confess my feelings to Brother Su Lun in private!!

Su Lun:”Ahem, let’s stop here for now. I have something to do and I’ll leave first.”

After Su Lun turned off the screen, he saw the entry application from outside the cave.

Bai Heng had the authority he authorized and could come and go freely, but now the person who sent him the message was Teng Xiao.

After a second of hesitation, Su Lun agreed to let the other party in.

And when Teng Xiao saw him, he just burst out laughing and said!

“Mr. Su Lun, you don’t know what happened today, but I have some good news for you that will definitely surprise you!”

Su Lun smiled and replied mysteriously:

“Oh, really? Speaking of which, I have some good news that will surprise you.”

The two smiled at each other, and began to communicate with each other in a tacit understanding, looking forward to each other’s good news.


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