Many users are not used to paying attention to the new song list. Seeing so many covers at this time is a bit strange. After curiously clicking in, they are a bit shocked.

"Up sings really well. This song "The Wind Rises" is really nice."

"I like "Fleeting Years", which is said to be a new song this month."

"I went to the new song list to see it, and it's true, and it's the fourth new song! I listened to it and it's really good. I downloaded it."

"Good +1, download +1!"


In an instant, many singers on the new song list found that the download volume of their songs suddenly began to increase again.

This situation is very wrong. Generally speaking, by the end of the month, the data on the new song list should be stable and there will be no major changes.

But now everyone has indeed found that their data is ready to move again, and even a few of the top ten have changed their rankings.

What happened?

This is a question that all singers have in mind.

But they soon found the answer to the question.

On those short video platforms on the Internet, even including Weike, a large number of cover videos have appeared at some point, singing all kinds of songs, and the cover singers have gradually become diversified from the Internet singers at the beginning.

Although the original intention of cover was to attract the attention of the composer of the song, as things develop, it has now become an activity. Fans see that other ups are covering songs, so they frantically @ their own ups and ask them to sing as well.

So one person spreads ten, ten spreads a hundred, and any up with some fan base, no matter what they originally did, is pulled out to sing. A Geng up who specializes in handicrafts said with tears in his eyes: "I didn't expect that I would also post a cover video one day."

In fact, most of the ups are not professional, and their cover videos are often a scene of car overturning, with all kinds of ghosts crying and wolves howling.

But fans just love to watch it, and even give crazy rewards and cheer.

This further encouraged the trend of cover songs, which indirectly affected the download volume of the new song list.

Bai Qianqu never dreamed that just an unintentional comment of his would cause such a storm on the Internet.

As the initiator, he was preparing to participate in a live broadcast held by Changkong TV.

Of course, he was still working on the anti-entropy, but there would be a live connection and he would need to say a few words.

As long as he was not facing the camera, Bai Qianqu would not be so nervous.

Soon the program started. This was a program called "Face to Face with Lyrics and Music", which mainly interviewed some lyricists and composers, and was very popular with the audience.

Because most lyricists and composers are behind the scenes and rarely appear in the audience's field of vision, they have a kind of mystery, and this program allows the audience to see the behind-the-scenes workers who are usually invisible, and there is a sense of expectation of unveiling the veil.

Moreover, this program suddenly added an announcement yesterday, saying that the recently popular teacher Qu Yin will also participate in the program, which makes many viewers look forward to it. Even many people who never watch this program have been waiting in front of the TV early, such as Barbara, Ying, Kong, and Mei.

When Mei learned that Qu Yin was going to participate in the program, she was very surprised. After all, she was rejected last time she asked to meet.

Mei stared at the TV, the lens reflected: "This time I want to see what you look like, so that Anti-Entropy can hide it like a treasure."

Soon the TV program started, and the two hosts, a man and a woman, appeared as usual.

"Hello everyone, welcome to the program "Face to Face with Lyrics and Music" broadcast by Changkong TV."

With the voices of the two, the program officially started. Of course, there is more than one Qu Yin participating in the program this time, there are also some other lyricists and composers, but Qu Yin was arranged to be the last one, which can be regarded as the finale arranged by the program team.

Finally, after the previous program ended, the female host said mysteriously: "Today our last guest is a composer with a very mysterious identity. He won the first place on the new song list when he debuted in September, and even entered the fourth place on the new song list in October! The strength he showed surprised many people, and even on the Internet, he was compared with A-level composers."

The male host took over the conversation: "Yes, I believe everyone knows who he is, he is Qu Yin from Anti-Entropy! Welcome Teacher Qu Yin!"

Barbara's eyes widened unconsciously,

Mei took off her glasses to see more carefully. Ying and Kong looked at each other and smiled inexplicably.

Several guests in the live broadcast room also showed expectations, and they also knew that Qu Yin would come.

But no one walked into the live broadcast room. Instead, a speaker-shaped icon appeared on the big screen of the live broadcast room, and then two obviously changed voices came from it.

"It's started! Teacher Qu Yin, wake up! Don't sleep!"

"Ah? Oh."

All the audience and guests froze, as if they understood something.

The female host also smiled awkwardly: "Yes, Teacher Qu Yin did not come to the scene in person, but met us through the phone connection. And Teacher Qu Yin did not want to reveal her true identity, so she chose to change her voice. I hope everyone understands."

The male host quickly said: "Although Teacher Qu Yin did not come in person, the one on the other end of the phone is indeed the real Teacher Qu Yin! Teacher Qu Yin will answer all our questions one by one."

It must be said that professional program hosts are still very capable. Although the audience and guests were a little disappointed, they didn't say much after listening to them.

After all, it is not the first time that the program has connected with songwriters by phone, but Qu Yin is the only one who uses a voice changer.

Seeing that everyone's emotions have stabilized, the female host continued to speak: "Hello, Teacher Qu Yin, can you hear clearly?"

After a rustling sound, a sharper voice came from the screen: "I can hear clearly, hello host, hello everyone."

Barbara showed a disappointed look, but she was re-energized after hearing Bai Qianqu's greeting.

Although she was using a voice changer, this was the first time she heard Qu Yin speak alive!

Mei had the same idea. She put on her glasses again and muttered to herself, "Sure enough, Anti-Entropy won't expose Qu Yin directly. But even if she hides, how long can she hide? She's in the entertainment industry, and she'll show up sooner or later."

Ying and Kong had already laughed their heads off. They had seen Bai Qianqu before, and they could imagine Bai Qianqu's sleepy face.

She can still doze off while participating in a TV show. I can only say that she is worthy of being Teacher Qu Yin!

PS: It's the 100th chapter! Sprinkle flowers! ❤

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