Jizi picked up the textbook and looked at Hina, who was leaning her head against the wall, holding a reference book that was obviously unrelated to the class, with her eyes slightly narrowed, and obviously not listening to the class well.

And Kiana, who was already sleeping soundly in her seat before the class started, and it was obvious that she didn't intend to listen to the class well.

At this moment, Jizi felt a little headache.

Although Hina... read the materials for the doctoral exam in class all day, she skipped the physical education class.

But this girl's cultural level is the first in the whole college, and her future direction is to join the Tianming Research Institute and become a scientific research Valkyrie who doesn't have to participate in the war.

At the end of the semester, even if she missed the physical fitness test, she could pass the Valkyrie final exam with high scores in shooting and cultural subjects.

The one who really prevented the class from being evaluated for excellence was Kiana, a person with cultural difficulties!

Thinking of Kiana's transcript last semester, Jizi felt that her wrinkles had grown and sighed.

Suddenly, the communicator on Jizi's waist rang. She picked it up and saw that it was a number from the New North American branch.

Looking at the name note... oh, it's Perrin Griffin, the director of the New North American branch.

Why is this guy calling me? I don't know her well...

Jizi was a little confused. She wanted to call back after class, but... a branch director was calling long distance, so there might be something urgent...

After thinking about it, Jizi answered Perrin's call: "Hello, Director Perrin, what's the matter?"

"Hey... Jizi? I remember I called Theresa's number!" Perrin was stunned and slowly said in the communicator: "Forget it, it's the same if I call you. The thing is..."

After hanging up the call, Jizi waved to Hina and said: "Hina, go back and pack your luggage and get ready to go. Director Perrin of the new North American branch has helped you "gather" all the experts and professors who are selecting genetic doctors through his own connections. You can go to North America to take the exam in advance and defend your thesis in advance."

"Ah? Take the exam in advance?" Hina put down the information in her hand and was speechless for a moment, but after a brief thought, she still got up and left the classroom.

She had to take the exam sooner or later. Whether it was early or late, it didn't make any difference to her.

As soon as the plane landed, Xina was picked up by the people of the New North American Branch in a car and taken to the place for the exam.

The exam place prepared by Perrin for Xina was located on the top floor of a top hotel. Two rows of elegant waiters stood upright on both sides of the quiet corridor.

Even the black marble floor on the ground was wiped so that the bottom of the girl's skirt could be reflected... No, it was the upright figure of successful people and intellectuals.

"Here, this is it, do your best!" Perrin stood in front of a gold-carved door and opened a corner of the door for Xina.

"Well, thank you." Xina walked into the room with curiosity and saw a long table and more than a dozen scholars sitting beside the long table with different postures.

To be honest, this environment and atmosphere, if these dozen people were given ancient European clothes and a long hair style.

Then... even if she didn't go to the museum, she could appreciate the world-famous painting "The Last Supper"!

"Well... Miss Sheena Nash, is that right?" An old man sitting sideways in the backlight cast his deep eyes on Sheena, as if he was looking at this girl who dared to strive for a doctorate in her teens.

"Yes." Sheena nodded, walked slowly to the long table, pulled out a chair and sat down.

The next process was very boring. Sheena sat on the not-so-comfortable chair for a long time, waiting for the group of old men to ask questions and then she would give answers.

Finally, Sheena, who didn't want to sit and play the Q&A game anymore, reached into her pocket, pinched out a mung bean-sized seed, and directly used power to catalyze it to grow into a mature body, and secreted a kind of hallucinogenic spore, so that the dozen chattering old men thought they had finished asking questions.

She took the test questions from the table and answered them one by one. It only took three hours for Sheena to complete all the answers.

After Sheena handed in the paper, the hallucinogenic plant also completed its mission and withered into a small ball in a few seconds.

Without the hallucinogenic effect of plant spores, more than a dozen old scholars also came out of the hallucinogenic state one after another. They looked at each other's satisfied smiles on their wrinkled old faces and carefully studied the answers and annotated papers that Xina handed to them.

Finally, after reaching a consensus, they gave a very pertinent evaluation - this girl is indeed very talented, and she must be allowed to pass.

Xina stood up, bowed to the dozen old scholars, and chuckled: "Thank you professors for your recognition, I'll take my leave first!"


"Huh, it's finally over..."Walking out of the room, sighing, Hina saw Perrin dozing on the sofa at first sight: "Hey, Minister Perrin?"

"You came out? I slept for so long, is it already evening?"

Perrin wiped her face in a daze, sat up and looked at her watch, she swallowed in surprise, and said: "It's not even two o'clock in the afternoon yet? How come you came out so soon? Didn't you pass the exam?"

"No, I passed, they asked me to go back and wait for the certificate!" Hina took out a card signed by more than a dozen professors and shook it in her hand, it seems that she didn't take it seriously.

"Let me see!" Perrin took the card from Hina in disbelief and studied it carefully for a while: "I did pass, but...how did you come out so soon?"

"Maybe it's luck..."

"Luck..." Perrin smiled with the corners of her lips raised, but didn't say anything.

Based on Perrin's understanding of those ten or so stubborn old men, it was a very optimistic result that Hina would be able to come out before dinner since she went in for the exam at 8:30 in the morning.

If it weren't for this, she wouldn't have been so careless and just lay down to sleep...

But then again, it only took half a year for her to go from a primary school education slacker to a doctor. Such a genius... it seems reasonable that she passed the exam quickly.

After thinking about it, Perrin stretched herself with difficulty and teased, "Speaking of which, there is no lunch available at this time. Hina, little doctor, how about having afternoon tea together?!"

"Well, sure, I'll treat you." Hina smacked her lips. She felt that she had been talking nonsense with those old men for most of the day and didn't even have time to drink water during the period, so she happily agreed to Perrin's proposal.

"Then I'm going to eat you out of money today!" Perrin smiled and pulled Hina over and strode towards the elevator.

"Miss, goodbye!" The waiters on both sides bowed respectfully to the two people's backs. Xina looked at this group of extremely attentive waiters and couldn't help but sigh in her heart: "It's worthy of being a top hotel. They bow when passing through the corridor. How elegant."

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