"?", Perrin saw that Hina was silent, and couldn't help but ask: "What are you thinking about!?"

"Nothing, I just thought of something happy..." Hina laughed and let the matter go.

"Huh? Are all geniuses like you?", Perrin's mouth twitched, and he said with a smile: "Forget it, you have to catch a plane tomorrow, so you should go back to bed early!"

After saying that, Perrin put a hand on Hina's shoulder, turned around, and walked slowly out the door.

At noon the next day, Hina came to the airport with a bunch of souvenirs. Before she passed the airport security check, a masked man in black who didn't look like a good person blocked her way like a wall.

Buddy! You are dressed like this in broad daylight, didn't Foboler check you?

After muttering a few words in her heart, Hina stared at the person impatiently and teased him in Kiana's tone: "Hey, what do you want to do by blocking my way?"

"Our master invites you, please follow me!" The man in black explained his purpose in a deep voice without any rhythm, and turned and walked away without caring whether Hina agreed or not.

Hina: "?", What a joke, I have to go if you ask me to? Who are you looking down on!

If the person standing here was really Kiana with a straightforward character, maybe Kiana would really follow this person of unknown origin so stupidly.

But... Dr. Hina is standing here today, and she refuses to follow the rhythm of others.

For this unreasonable request of the mysterious man who hides his head and shows his tail and thinks he is in control of the overall situation, Miss Hina chose to bravely say: No! !


After saying that, Hina rolled her eyes at the man in black, walked around him directly, and walked towards the security check.

"Miss Nash, I advise you to cooperate." The man in black put his hand heavily on Xina's shoulder, and his tone was heavy and unquestionable.

"..." Xina felt the gun barrel against her waist, frowned, raised her hands silently, and smiled: "Okay, okay, then I can take something!"

"What?" The man in black took a step back, watching Xina unzip her bag and touch something, and couldn't help asking.

"Of course I'll whip you with something! Dare to point a gun at your aunt, I think you are an eagle burping - the chicken has eaten too much!"

Pulling out a long whip from the bag, Xina immediately turned into a farmer repairing the striking farm tools, whipping the man in black three times a second.

Until those Fobolers who always failed at the critical moment came to her, she put down the whip and sighed comfortably.

Don't mention it, it's really comfortable to act wild occasionally and vent your anger.

"Miss, please put down the dangerous weapon!" As if he didn't see the peanut launcher in the black-clothed man's hand, Fobol surrounded Xina in a semicircular formation and pointed the black muzzle of the gun at Xina's head.

Don't catch the gunman, catch me?

Something's wrong, something's really wrong!

There must be a demon behind these guys!

After a short thought, Xina had three plans.

Throwing the whip aside, Sina tore her clothes into tatters, sat on the ground and rolled over:

"Help! Someone, come! It's unjust! Foboler wants to kill a helpless little girl like me, please help me! Woohoo! Wow wow wow!"

It must be said that crying, making a scene and threatening to commit suicide are quite effective in North America. With just a few words, Sina attracted countless surprised eyes from passers-by.

The onlookers pointed at Foboler with condemning eyes, and some even recorded the video with their mobile phones and posted it on Twitter.

At this speed of transmission, the Valkyrie in the New North American branch will be able to see the news of her accident on the website in at most five minutes.

By then, let fate take care of these bastards!

Strangely enough, this group of Fobolers seemed to have no burden of being poked in the back. They went straight forward and twisted Xina's hands and sent her to a small room for interrogating dangerous elements.

And this just confirmed Xina's guess.

Not long after, a woman wearing a one-piece hooded sweatshirt walked into the small room and greeted Xina with her back to her: "Ms. Xina, I..."

"I am very young, please don't call me Ms., of course, I allow you to call me Doctor!" Xina argued with this mysterious woman with the mentality of stalling time and waiting for someone sent by destiny.

And, she enjoyed it.


The mysterious woman was silent for a long time, turned around silently, and revealed her true face: "Okay, Dr. Xina, introduce myself, I am Einstein!"

"I know you, are you an anti-entropy person, orSenior executives, tell me, why do you want to see me?" Xina took out a small file from her pocket and said nonchalantly while trimming her nails.

Xina actually guessed the identity of this group of people a long time ago. The reason why she made such a big fuss was just to see if it was Cocolia or someone else who came to block her.

To be honest, after confirming that the person who came was not Cocolia, Xina was a little disappointed.

She always wanted to give that annoying Cocolia a righteous beating from the self-disciplined person!

"Here." Einstein took out a stack of documents from the folder and slid them over the smooth surface of the table between the two of them.

"What is this? ", Hina took the document, flipped through it briefly, and was immediately attracted by the content on it.

[Honkai endurance experiment, death soldier transformation experiment, human and Honkai beast fusion experiment...]

Wow, Tianming is playing so many tricks in private!

Looking at the professional terms and experimental results of various experiments on it, Hina was amazed at the ability of humans to harm their own kind.

"As a doctor of biology, I think you should be able to understand it!", Einstein pointed to the cover of the document and said slowly: "For decades, Bishop Otto of Tianming has been committed to human experiments. At the same time, this is also the cause of the second Honkai."

"So what do you want to tell me? Even if Otto brought the second Honkai, I remember that the cause of the Honkai in Changkong City and Singapore was your Anti-Entropy!"

"Tianming is a jerk, but is your Anti-Entropy a good thing?", Hina flipped through the document in her hand expressionlessly, silently raising the possibility that the Second Herrscher was controlled by Tianming.

"Of course not. ", Einstein shook his head and said with a wry smile: "Although this may seem like an attempt to distance himself from the matter, these events... were indeed planned by Cocolia."

"Stop, I'm not interested in your internal struggle against entropy. If you want to bribe me, please tell me your price!", Xina said while looking at the documents.

In her opinion, it would be better to pay money directly than to talk to her about human nature and sentiment.

Although... money is meaningless to the Herrscher, it is definitely more valuable than the illusory sentiment.

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