""Fellow Daoist Minghe, long time no see!"

Zhu Jiuyin greeted Minghe with a smile.

But Minghe's face was not looking good.

He had met Zhu Jiuyin once before, when Zhu Jiuyin and other ancestor witches beat him up in the sea of blood, isolating the world.

Minghe had 1.8 billion blood sons, and in that battle, almost all of his blood sons were beaten to pieces by the ancestor witches.

That was the most vicious beating Minghe had received since he transformed.

"Where is Daoist Fellow Zhou Chao? Where will my Asura Legion defend?"

Minghe asked Zhu Jiuyin with a cold face.

Zhou Chao knew what Minghe was thinking when he saw Minghe's face. He did not give Zhu Jiuyin a chance to talk to Minghe. He directly told Minghe where to go.

"Emperor Jun is coming soon. Defense is important. I will take my leave now!"

Minghe said to Zhu Jiuyin with a cold face.

Zhu Jiuyin was still confronting Kunpeng, while Minghe and the Asura army just walked straight past Zhu Jiuyin.

"There is movement from Dijiang!"

While the Wu Clan was making intensive defenses, good news came from Shebishi.

Zhou Chao came to Pangu Palace and saw that Dijiang, whose cultivation had originally regressed to the level of Daluo Jinxian, was gradually getting stronger.

""Dijiang is about to wake up!"

Zhou Chao looked at Dijiang's condition, and his eyes also showed a gleam of surprise.

Dijiang woke up too timely. As long as Dijiang woke up, the ancestor witches could form the Twelve Heavenly Gods and Demons Formation again.

Zhou Chao really wanted to see the expressions of Dijun and the hundreds of millions of demon soldiers when they saw Dijiang. It would be very interesting.

Before, Dijiang had cultivated to the state of high-level quasi-saints. I don't know to what extent his cultivation can be improved after opening up the inner world this time.

Dijiang's aura is still fluctuating. Now he has reached the state of quasi-saints, and his aura is still increasing.

Quasi-saint primary, quasi-saint intermediate, now Dijiang's cultivation is the same as Zhou Chao.

Quasi-saint advanced……


The entire Pangu Palace was shaking continuously, and Dijiang's realm was pushed to an incredible level.

Zhou Chao had only felt such pressure from those saints, but Dijiang did not have any signs of becoming a saint.

"My inner world has finally been opened up!"

Di Jiang's eyes shot out two rays of divine light, and the restrictions of Pangu Palace could not cover up Di Jiang's aura at that moment.

"What a strong aura, it comes from the Pangu Temple of the Wu Clan!"

Laozi's eyes suddenly opened, and he looked in the direction of the Wu Clan.

I saw the battle between Zhu Jiuyin and Kunpeng, and even saw the Wu Clan 953 arranging their troops.

However, outside the Pangu Temple, there were restrictions from the original Pangu Temple and the restrictions from the twelve witch ancestors to prevent the saints from peeking. Even Laozi could not see the scene in the Pangu Temple across the infinite space.

"That aura was so strong, just like Zhunti's cultivation level falling from the realm of saints."

Yuanshi Tianzun's face was solemn. He didn't expect that after Zhunti, there would be someone in the prehistoric world who could reach such a realm.

Even those who achieved enlightenment by killing the three corpses didn't make it this far.

That is to say, Dijiang couldn't imprint the Heavenly Dao without the Hongmeng Purple Qi, otherwise Dijiang would be a Heavenly Dao Saint now!

Nuwa named this realm the Supreme Saint, which means that unless you obtain the Hongmeng Purple Qi, the path of cultivation for a Quasi-Saint ends here.

"What did the Wu Clan do to have such an amazing harvest?"

Tongtian was puzzled.

To cultivate to the level of Quasi-Sage, one can still do it by relying on one's own talents and unique cultivation methods.

But to cultivate to the level of Supreme Sage, there is no such path in the prehistoric world.

Zhunti reached it accidentally after falling from a Heavenly Dao Sage, while Dijiang achieved it by his own cultivation.

Dijiang opened up a cultivation path for the Wu Clan that can lead to the level of Supreme Sage!

"Most Holy, that is the breath of the Most Holy!"

In the void, Di Jun suddenly stopped, and his face became extremely wonderful.

Ever since he saw Zhunti's cultivation called the Supreme Saint after falling from the Saint realm in Mount Xumi in the west, Di Jun and Donghuang Taiyi thought they had seen the way forward.

But they could not copy Zhunti's cultivation method, and they could only rely on themselves to find ways to improve.

Donghuang Taiyi entered a state of retreat after returning from the Western Church for many years, but he still didn't think of how to enter the realm of the Supreme Saint.

He only saw the magic power of the Supreme Saint, but he didn't know how to practice to the Supreme Saint.

In order not to affect Donghuang Taiyi's retreat, Di Jun didn't ask Donghuang Taiyi to come out of retreat during this battle with the Wu clan.

Di Jun wanted Donghuang Taiyi to reach the Supreme Saint as soon as possible, so that he could destroy the Twelve Dutian Gods and Demons of the Wu clan with a flip of his hand.

Donghuang Taiyi has not found the way to enter the Supreme Saint, and now he actually sensed it on the territory of the Wu clan.

There is no doubt that it must be that the unconscious Dijiang has woken up.

Although I don't know how those Wu clans did it, there is only this possibility now.

"Oh, Heaven, you are so unfair!"

Di Jun's eyes were bloodshot, and he looked up at the sky.

Although he did not roar at the sky, Bai Ze and other demon saints could feel Di Jun's rage at this time.

If Di Jiang became the Supreme Saint, the Wu Clan would not need to set up the Twelve Heavenly Gods and Demons Formation, and they could destroy all the demons.

This battle of the catastrophe has come to an end, and the demons have lost!

However, Di Jun is not a person who admits defeat so easily. If the demons are really powerless to save the situation, he will detonate the Sun Star and plunge the entire prehistoric world into darkness.

Although that would cause Di Jun's true spirit to be doomed, Di Jun no longer cares about anything.

"What happened? Just now, the Wu Clan released a very powerful aura. I have never felt such a terrible aura before."

Bai Ze looked in the direction of Pangu Temple. He seemed to be unintentionally asking Qin Yuan beside him loudly.

"That is the breath of the Supreme Saint. Di Jiang has broken through from Quasi-Saint to Supreme Saint!"

Di Jiang came back to his senses and said to Bai Ze solemnly

"Supreme Saint? Doesn't that realm only appear after falling from the Saint realm? How did the witch clan achieve it?"

Bai Ze also participated in the battle against the Western Religion. He also knew how powerless the demon clan was when facing Zhunti.

The Zhoutian Star Fighting Array had no power to fight back in front of Zhunti's Seven Treasures Wonderful Tree, and even Donghuang Taiyi's Donghuang Bell was almost taken away by Zhunti. Even

Di Jun and Donghuang Taiyi, the two strongest men in the Heavenly Court, were suppressed by the Supreme Saint.

Bai Ze originally thought that Zhunti was the only Supreme Saint, and there would never be a Supreme Saint in the future.

But now Di Jun said that the witch clan had an ancestor witch who had achieved this step. At this time, Bai Ze and other demon clans finally felt Di Jun's unwillingness.

If Di Jiang can really reach the Supreme Saint, then the demon clan is doomed to fail.

Unless the demon clan also has a Supreme Saint, but the probability of this is negligible.

""Do we still need to go to the Wu Clan?"

Bai Ze asked Di Jun.

If their guess is true, all the demons, including Di Jun, will probably die.

But if they don't distinguish the truth from the false, once they are deceived by the Wu Clan, they will become the laughing stock of the entire prehistoric world.

Before, Di Jun and Bai Ze thought that the initiative of this battle was in the hands of the demons.

But Di Jiang only revealed a trace of his breath, and the demons lost all the initiative.

"Could this be Zhou Chao's trick? Based on my understanding of Zhou Chao, he is definitely capable of doing such a thing."

Bai Ze asked Di Jun.

Bai Ze is the demon who has done the most in-depth research on Zhou Chao in the entire demon clan. If he were replaced by Zhou Chao, he felt that this would be the simplest and most effective way to make the demon clan retreat.

"But if Dijiang really reaches the Supreme Saint realm, we may not even have a chance to escape."

The other demon saints looked very solemn.

This choice was very important to them. If they made the wrong choice, they would die. They had no choice but to be cautious.

"Keep going. If I can't be sure whether Di Jiang has reached the Supreme Saint realm, I will not be willing to die!"

After a short thought, Di Jun made up his mind.

If the Wu clan really has a Supreme Saint, even if he doesn't attack the demon clan now, he may launch an attack on the demon clan tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.

The battle power of the quasi-saints in the Heavenly Court is not as good as that of the Wu clan. At that time, the demon clan will definitely be destroyed.

Anyway, they will be destroyed, so why not let yourself die with a clear mind?

Di Jun was unwilling to accept it. He didn't believe that those reckless men who only believed in muscles could reach the Supreme Saint.

He didn't believe that his talent was not as good as those ancient witches who didn't cultivate their primordial spirits.

"Keep going!"

Di Jun took a deep breath and adjusted his shattered Dao Heart.

At least on the surface, it was back to normal.

"Zhu Jiuyin, what was that breath just now?"

Kunpeng felt the breath that made him tremble just now, and he asked Zhu Jiuyin with an uncertain expression.

He had also felt that kind of breath, but he didn't know how strong the Supreme Saint was.

At that time, Kunpeng was still guarding the Heavenly Palace, and he did not participate in the battle with the Western Church (bicd)

"Dijiang, are you awake?"

Zhu Jiuyin used his divine sense to ask Dijiang in Pangu Temple. (To read the novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Although Zhu Jiuyin also felt it, the breath was fleeting, and Zhu Jiuyin was not sure whether Dijiang had woken up or not.

"Well, my inner world has been opened up, and I have awakened!"

Di Jiang's answer made Zhu Jiuyin overjoyed.

He could feel Di Jiang's power, which was just like the feeling when they first used the Twelve Heavenly Gods and Demons Formation to summon Pangu's phantom to face Hongjun Taoist.

At that time, Hongjun Taoist felt the same as Di Jiang gave Zhu Jiuyin.

It seems that Zhou Chao's method of imitating the Father God Pangu's opening up of the world is really effective.

Although it can't make them saints, it can make Di Jiang's aura so much stronger, which means that this method is correct.

"Kunpeng, I won't tell you, guess it!"

Zhu Jiuyin got Dijiang's definite answer, and his heart settled down. He even had the leisure to joke with Kunpeng.


Kunpeng's face was gloomy, and he turned into a big roc and flew away into the void.

The breath emitted by Dijiang just now made him feel a tingling sensation on his scalp. If Dijiang really came out of seclusion, then Kunpeng would be the best target for establishing his authority.

The strongest and a demon master in the demon clan, is there a better target for sacrifice than this?

Kunpeng is an old man who has lived through countless Yuanhui, and he would not gamble his life on Dijiang's cultivation.

Kunpeng was afraid that he would run too slowly, so he also used all his cultivation. He just flapped his wings twice, and Kunpeng disappeared from the territory of the Wu clan.

Kunpeng was afraid that if he ran too slowly, the Wu clan would use him, the demon master, as a sacrifice to boost the morale of the Wu clan.

"How can the demon master be so panicked?"

As Kunpeng was fleeing, Dijun's stern voice came into Kunpeng's ears. Kunpeng then realized that he had already met Dijun and most of the demon tribe.

The demon tribe had dispatched hundreds of millions of people this time, and the whole sky was filled with their warships.[]

No matter where Kunpeng escapes from, he will encounter a large group of demons.

"I am really terrified that I have lost my manners in front of the army, but I have something important to report!"

Kunpeng acted very terrified and said to Emperor Jun.

"What could have caused the demon master to lose his composure while circling the city?"

Di Jun asked in a deep voice.

"Di Jiang has awakened from his retreat, and his realm has broken through to an incredible level!"

Kun Peng said to Di Jun

"It is indeed this matter."

Di Jun had long guessed that it was Di Jiang's matter, and the result was just as he expected.

""Master, did you see what happened to Dijiang with your own eyes?"

Bai Ze asked Kunpeng with a serious expression.

The news Kunpeng brought was too valuable. If he saw it with his own eyes, they wouldn't need to go to Pangu Palace.

"No, never, if I see Dijiang, you���You can't see me anymore!"

Kunpeng's old face turned red, and then he said confidently.

Bai Ze and other demon saints exchanged glances with each other, and they all felt speechless.

Originally, they thought that Kunpeng saw Dijiang, but they didn't expect that Kunpeng was just relying on his own guess.

"Tell me what you know!"

Emperor Jun asked Kunpeng.

"I was originally fighting with Zhu Jiuyin, but then I felt an extremely terrifying aura emanating from Pangu Palace."

"It felt like I was facing a saint.

Kunpeng recalled that feeling, and he could still feel the trembling of his soul.

"So you didn't see Dijiang with your own eyes either?"

Di Jun thought deeply.

"No, the Pangu Palace is surrounded by restrictions set up by the ancient witches. I am afraid that even the saints cannot predict what happened inside."

Kunpeng said again.

He also tried to use his divine sense to see what happened in the Pangu Palace, but his divine sense could not see it at all.

"Keep going forward!"

After listening to Kunpeng's description, Di Jun was silent for a moment, and then he gave the order to the demons again.

Watching the demons flying past him in silence, Kunpeng gritted his teeth and turned back.

"Just now, that person who was not a saint but was not weaker than a saint, which ancestor witch was that?"

On the twelfth-grade karmic fire red lotus, Minghe felt the momentum of Emperor Jiang's explosion, and his eyes were full of shock.

He thought that his cultivation among quasi-saints had reached the limit, but he didn't expect that a quasi-saint could still cultivate to this level.

"How did Emperor Jiang cultivate? Could it be that the witch ancestors' collection of spiritual herbs and natural treasures throughout the prehistoric world was related to this kind of thing?"

Minghe recalled the strange behavior of the witch ancestors before, and he immediately linked the two things together.

However, he did not rush to ask, because he knew that as long as Emperor Jun did not retreat, Emperor Jiang would definitely take action.

At that time, he would always be able to see the clues of Emperor Jiang.

He was still an extra-official witch of the witch clan, and the witch ancestors would definitely reveal some cultivation methods to him, right?

"If this breath is real, then it seems that the witch tribe will not be in danger, but the monster tribe will be in danger."

On the land billions of miles away from Pangu Palace, Zhen Yuanzi also felt this terrifying fluctuation.

If Zhou Chao had not lied, Di Jiang, the ancestor witch, could have competed with the monster tribe's Zhoutian Xingdou formation, and the monster tribe would have been defeated.

Originally, Zhen Yuanzi came to help Zhou Chao and get back the place where he was calculated by the Heavenly Court.

But looking at the scene today, perhaps Di Jun will die in the witch tribe.

Di Jun is the soul of the monster tribe. Once he dies, the entire monster tribe will fall apart.

Zhen Yuanzi originally came to help the witch tribe, but he didn't expect that he would witness the destruction of the witch tribe.

At this time, according to his divine sense, Di Jun has not retreated, he is still rushing towards Pangu Palace.

""Di Jun, what are you doing? Why don't you retreat?"

In the Heavenly Palace, Fuxi looked at Di Jun who was still moving forward, and he began to worry.

Di Jun gambled too much this time. If his guess was wrong, the entire demon clan might be gone at this moment.

In the Nuwa Palace, Nuwa was also watching this scene.

She also wanted to figure out whether this was a trick of the witch clan to provoke an attack, or whether Wu Dijiang really had the strength of a saint.

If it was the former, it would be fine, but if it was the latter, I'm afraid the cruelty of the witch and demon calamity would be beyond Nuwa's imagination.

The ancestors of the witch clan are all saints, so perhaps even they, the saints of the heavenly way, will have to get involved.

""The Great Zhoutian Star Array, start!"

When Emperor Jun was still tens of millions of miles away from the Wu Clan, he ordered the Yao Clan to activate the Great Zhoutian Star Array.

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