"Let's put her here first and let her rest for a while."

Esther led Ye Xuan to where she usually rested and said to Ye Xuan who was holding Xing.


Ye Xuan nodded and put the star in the lounge.

Then, Ye Xuan and Ester came out.

At this time, the entire space station was in a state of desolation. The officers who were attacked were all in fear.

Looking at their appearance, Ester also had a headache.

This was the first time that the Black Tower Space Station encountered such a situation.

For most officers who had no combat ability, the morale blow they suffered after the attack was indeed extremely huge.

Ester also had to find a way to comfort these frightened officers.……

【In the game plot, because I didn't intervene, many people were injured in the space station, and some even died. Fortunately, I am in the space station now, and I managed to save some people. I just don't know if anyone else died in the space station this time.】


Esta was originally worried about how to talk to Ye Xuan, but when she saw the contents of the diary, her eyes lit up.

Then, she said to Ye Xuan:

"This time the space station was suddenly attacked. Thanks to you. If it weren't for your timely help, there would be many casualties. Although it caused chaos this time, fortunately there were no casualties."

"Oh? Really?!"

Hearing this, Ye Xuan was a little surprised.

It seems that the defense of the space station is indeed not bad at all. It is only because of the few virtual soldiers he killed that all the personnel were spared from casualties.

Of course, his action was the key to avoiding these casualties. Ye Xuan also knew this.

This time, several people in the space station did survive because of him.

"Ye Xuan... You are so powerful, why didn't you let anyone know about it before?"

Esther asked Ye Xuan with a curious look.

She was really curious...

Even if Ye Xuan hid the fact that he blew a Doomsday Beast to death in one breath, the strength that Ye Xuan showed before was strong enough.


How else could Ye Xuan explain?

Could he say that he was just a rookie before?

Then how could he explain that he was so powerful now?

So, he could only say jokingly:

"I just wanted to give you a surprise. How about it? Are you surprised?!"


Hearing Ye Xuan's words, Estelle's pretty face immediately turned red.

Surprise, what surprise, why did he want to give her a surprise?

【Is Esta shy? No way, I was just joking with her, she reacted so strongly... Haha, she looks so cute when she's shy, I really want to do something to her】

【However, if I really do something to this shy girl now, she will definitely be embarrassed and angry, right? For example, tease her again, or hug her? 】

Esther couldn't help but tense up. What does he want to do?!! Want to hug her?!

What should I do?

Should I let him hug me?!!

But, he and I are not that familiar with each other.

He should not do anything rash.

But he really helped a lot this time, should I thank him?

Give him a hug as a thank you, he will be very happy, right?

Thinking of this, Esther reached out and hugged Ye Xuan.

Ye Xuan:? ?!!!

How could Ye Xuan have thought that Esther would suddenly do this to him?!!

He was stunned for a moment, and only felt the warmth and body fragrance of a girl in his arms


Esta finally realized what she had done just now.

She actually took the initiative to hug Ye Xuan.

Her face immediately turned red and she wanted to get out of Ye Xuan's arms.

But at this moment, Ye Xuan's hands hugged her.

"You must be very scared, it's okay, it's all over."

Ye Xuan whispered to Esta

【Oh, it's really difficult for Esta. She was originally just a simple and innocent girl. Her dream was just to count the stars and fall asleep every night. However, the position of the stationmaster of the space station fell on her shoulders.】

【If she doesn't work hard at the space station, she will have to accept the tragic fate of returning to inherit the family business.……】

【But now, something like this has happened in the space station, she must be very panicked, right?】

【I was really guilty just now. When she was so flustered, I just wanted to hug her and take advantage of her.】

【What a sin! Look, she is shaking with fear now.】

Girls: ? ?!!!

Ye Xuan, do you want to see what you wrote in your diary?!!

The position of the stationmaster is on her shoulders?

Why, is there no one else willing to be the stationmaster except her?!

Also, going back to inherit the family business is a tragic fate? Otherwise, give this tragic fate to those who need it?

For example, me?!

I know you like Esta, but you don’t have to be so partial to her. If your diary is made public, you will be beaten to death.


Seeing that Ye Xuan hugged her because he was worried that she was scared, Esta felt embarrassed and flustered. Did he misunderstand?

That's good, otherwise, I really don't know how to explain it.

However, his embrace is so warm, I am a little reluctant to leave his arms, what should I do?


At the corner, San Yue Qi came over with a silly smile on her face, and then saw Esta being held in Ye Xuan's arms.

She was completely stunned.

"You, you guys……"

San Yueqi cried out unconsciously, and Estelle finally reacted and quickly got out of Ye Xuan's arms.

"It's not what you think, don't get me wrong.——!!!"

Estelle quickly explained to March 7


Sanyueqi smiled mischievously and teased Estelle:

"You two are developing really fast. Bless you guys.——!!!"


After hearing what San Yue Qi said, Ye Xuan glanced at the shy Estelle, but did not explain.

After all, if you rush to explain some misunderstandings, it would be disrespectful to the beautiful woman.

Instead, he smiled at San Yue Qi and said:

"What's the matter? Are you envious? If you are, you can use my arms."

He originally wanted to tease Sanyueqi and tell her not to bully Ester.

However, he didn't expect that Sanyueqi's face suddenly turned red. She stared at Ye Xuan and said:

"Who is so jealous? I don't like a playboy like you.——!!!"


Seeing Sanyueqi's reaction, Ye Xuan was also a little dumbfounded.

What the hell?

Could it be that Sanyueqi fell in love with him?

When did it happen?

He and Sanyueqi seemed to have only met for the first time.

How could he be so charming? Maybe he was overthinking it?

Thinking of this, Ye Xuan shook his head and threw the unrealistic idea aside.

However, Ye Xuan did not do anything, but continued to write in his diary:

【Hahahaha, March is still the same as in the game, usually looking carefree and silly.

March 7: You are the silly one.——!!!

【It's a pity that the theme of this game world is adventure, so although I know the plot, I don't know what March 7's love will be like.】

【Otherwise, find a way to get her to be your girlfriend, and bully her every day, it must be fun. 】

March 7: You want to get me to be your girlfriend, just to bully me for fun?!! That's too much!!!


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