"Anyway, I'm really sorry for scaring everyone just now."

Ye Xuan smiled at the girls.

""Hahaha, it's okay, it's okay."

San Yueqi said with a smile.

However, she had already started to complain in her heart.

If you say it's an illusion, then it's an illusion. Who are you trying to fool?

Do you really think we're stupid?!

Will we really believe that this thing of yours is an illusion?!

Even if we believe it, so what? We still have the diary. Hehe, you think you can still hide your strength in front of us, but in fact, your strength has long been exposed.

Let you pretend in front of us——!

"Is this really an illusion? Why do I feel that the aura of your move just now is like it is really going to destroy the entire surface ecology of Yaliluo VI?"

At this time, the honest man Dan Heng asked Ye Xuan


Facing Dan Heng's question, Ye Xuan just smiled and said,"If you think so, then it is."


Hearing this, Dan Heng shook his head slightly. He must have thought too much.

Even if he used all his strength, it was impossible for him to destroy the ecosystem of a planet with a complete civilization with one move. No matter how strong Ye Xuan was, he couldn't do such a thing.

It seems that the move just now was really powerful, and it could even simulate the strength of the energy power.

But, no matter what, it was a fact that Ye Xuan's palm hit the entire destruction engine into the ground.

Dan Heng could at least be sure of one thing, that is, Ye Xuan's strength was definitely not weaker than when he released his full strength.

This feeling would definitely not be wrong!

This was Dan Heng's intuition as a strong man.


In the distance, Hua Huo, who was watching this, could not help but slightly raise the corners of her lips.

Originally, she thought that this battle would be very boring, just like the traditional script, Ye Xuan led his friends, shouting friendship, faith, pioneering, preservation and so on, rushing towards the destruction engine, and getting rid of Stepan.

Then, it was a happy ending...

She didn't dislike such an ending, but this kind of ending was too deliberate. She preferred the ending that developed naturally.

For example, now-!

The happy ending she thought of did not happen at all. Instead, Ye Xuan faced the villain and did not play the traditional protagonist's routine at all, but directly killed the villain with a palm.

Under normal circumstances, at the beginning of the fight, it is the protagonist who is killed by the villain.

Hua Huo likes the script like this, where the protagonist kills the villain right away.

Who said that the protagonist must be weaker than the villain, and then shout friendship, faith and so on to rush towards the villain, and finally burst into the power to defeat the villain?

In fact, the protagonist may also be hiding powerful strength like Ye Xuan. When the villain thinks he can treat the protagonist as an ant, he will treat the villain as an ant in return.

"Ye Xuan, how much power do you have hidden?"

At this moment, Hua Huo was also very curious.

She had traveled the universe and met many powerful people, and many of them were the protagonists arranged by her scripts. However, there was only one person like Ye Xuan who always surprised her and gave her unexpected surprises.

That was Ye Xuan himself.

"No... Impossible, I don't believe it, how could this happen——!!!"

The most desperate person at this moment is, of course, Stepan who was knocked down by Ye Xuan's destruction engine.

He worked so hard for so long, and finally revived the destruction engine, but it just came out and had no time to show its power, but was slapped to the ground by Ye Xuan, and he didn't react at all?!

"Who are you? What are you?——!!"

He climbed up from the ground trembling, staring at Ye Xuan fiercely with hatred in his eyes:

"Why, you gotta mind my business, if it weren't for you, Belloborg would be mine now——!"

"Who do you think you are? You said that Belloberg is yours, so it is yours? You are just a traitor who is causing trouble for Belloberg. Look at Belloberg, who will submit to you?——!"

Kokolia angrily said to Stepan:"When you bewitched the last Great Guardian, you should have thought that this day would come sooner or later.——!"


Hearing Kokolia's words, Stepan sneered and said:

"That idiot, she believed everything I said, she was really my good puppet, but it's a pity that you lowly people are so rebellious, I thought I could just let her go, but you murdered her so cruelly, forcing me to hide from the outside world from now on, do you know how I have been living these decades?!! If not, how could you get the position of a great guardian for nothing now?!"

"You deserve what you get today."

Bronya said:

"Stepan, just as Lord Ye Xuan said, if you didn't show up it would be fine, everyone would think you were dead, but now, if you dare to show up, do you know what will happen to you?"


Upon hearing this, Stepan sneered:

"Little girl, you want to scare me with the idea of a life worse than death. You are too naive. Do you really think that I am not prepared for failure? I am an old man. If I succeed, I can enjoy myself before I die. But if I fail, I have also prepared a backup plan. If you want to do something with my corpse, please do as you please. Hahahaha, I am already dead anyway.——!"

As he said this, Stepan suddenly burst into laughter.

"Stop Him——!!"

Cocolia seemed to understand something and quickly said to Cocolia.

Bronya raised the gun in her hand, pointed it at Stepan and fired, obviously trying to stop Stepan from committing suicide. She shot through Stepan's hand with one shot.

However, since Stepan had thought about the fate of failing and falling into Cocolia's hands, the suicide method he prepared was naturally not something Bronya could stop.

Although Bronya's shot shot through his hand, he did not panic, but endured the pain in his arm and stared fiercely at Ye Xuan on the side:

"Boy, from what you said just now, it seems that I have a grudge against you? Let me think, what is your grudge against me? Was it your parents or relatives who died in my hands, or was it one of your women who fell into my hands? Hahahaha, it's a pity, I only have one life, and now I'm about to die. You want revenge, but you have no chance.——!"

Ye Xuan was the one who caused him to fail, so he naturally hated Ye Xuan to the bone. Now that he was dying, he also wanted to disgust Ye Xuan.

Anyway, he would not feel anything after he died, and Ye Xuan could only look at his corpse helplessly and furiously, and could do nothing to him.

When Stepan thought of this, he felt very happy.


There seemed to be some poison in his body, and he fell to the ground.

"What nonsense did this guy say before he died?——!!!"

San Yue Qi was afraid that Ye Xuan would be angry with Stepan, so he quickly said to Ye Xuan:

"Ye Xuan, don't take it to heart"

"Yes, you can't have any hatred with him, right?"

Xing Ye said to Ye Xuan.

Ye Xuan was just a traveler from this world, so he shouldn't have any hatred with the former Minister of the Interior of Beloberg, who had never been there.

"Of course not."

Ye Xuan said:"Besides, I can't be mad at him because of his little tricks, so you can rest assured."

"That's good."

March 7 said

【Because, even if he dies, he can't escape from my palm. He's playing the game of being tough in front of the immortal cultivators? He probably doesn't know how powerful the immortal cultivators are.】

Girls: Huh?!!

Ye Xuan's newly written diary made the girls feel something was wrong.

What did Ye Xuan mean by this?

What does it mean that even if he dies, he can't escape from his palm?!! (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

At this moment, the girls felt that the diary had another scene.

【In the diary, Ye Xuan glanced at Stepan's body on the ground with contempt, and then looked at the empty space on the side. He saw another Stepan standing there with a blank face, looking at his hands, as if he was surprised by something. Moreover, his body looked like a phantom, and his feet were light and had no entity.

Through the diary, the girls shared Ye Xuan's perspective and saw things that only Ye Xuan could see.


At this moment, all the women felt dumbfounded.[]

Su Chang: What is this... What is this? This isn't a ghost, is it? It isn't a ghost, is it?!!

San Yue Qi: This... How could there be ghosts in this world? This is definitely not a ghost.���It must be some trick of Stepan that Ye Xuan saw through. He must want to use this skill to escape from our sight, right, Xing?

Xing: Ah, yes, yes, yes... that must be the case.

Obviously, the scene seen through Ye Xuan's perspective is beyond the cognition of many people, especially some girls who are usually afraid of ghosts. Seeing this scene, they feel a chill on their backs.

Especially, Su Chang was directly scared to death.

She can still post diary comments now because... the diary can keep a person's consciousness awake. This is a very magical state. To put it bluntly, a person faints, but the consciousness is still functioning.

However, this is a special state given to her by the diary, so she can't rely on the special state given to her by the diary to regain consciousness. Her body will still faint.


In the Black Tower laboratory, the Black Tower body finally couldn't sit still at this moment. She stood up suddenly, her eyes fixed on the scene in the diary.

Kafka and Silver Wolf looked at the diary screen and couldn't help but look at each other in amazement, unable to believe what they saw in front of them.

"This...are there really ghosts in this world?!!"

Silver Wolf unconsciously tightened his body and asked Kafka.

This world looks like a fantasy world, but in fact, it is a technological world. No one in this world believes in the existence of ghosts, gods, and the like.

The so-called star gods, to them, are just a group of beings who are at the farthest point of their destiny. Although the power of destiny is magical, it can also be explained by science.

In a word, in this world, there are only strong people, no ghosts and gods.


Now, looking at this scene in front of them, looking at the scene in the diary screen, the Stepan who is floating on the side with a green body and a bit of cold air, the girls feel that their worldview really needs to be reshaped.

This, this is simply a ghost--!!!

At this moment, all the girls, whether it is Cocolia, Bronya, March 7, or Xing, feel that their backs are constantly getting cold.

They silently moved a few steps away from the direction of Stepan's ghost, as if they had something to say in secret.

But Ye Xuan's eyes were fixed on the direction of Stepan.

"Ha ha ha ha——!!!"

Stepan seemed to have finally accepted the fact that he was dead.

Instead of despairing, he laughed triumphantly:

"I always thought that there would be nothing after death, and I was very afraid of death. I didn't expect that people would really become ghosts after death? So, even if I die, I can still do whatever I want?"

He suddenly looked at Ye Xuan and noticed that Ye Xuan was staring at his direction. He was startled, then turned around and saw that there was nothing behind him.

He was shocked:

"You, can you see me?"

Ye Xuan raised the corner of his lips slightly and raised his hand slightly. Suddenly, a faint green flame condensed from his fingertips.

"Impossible, impossible, I am a ghost now, how can you see me——!!!"

Stepan was horrified. In this world, no one believed in the existence of ghosts, so he had never heard of anyone being able to see ghosts.

Ghosts seemed to exist only in the legends of this world.

But now...

Stepan discovered that Ye Xuan in front of him seemed to... really be able to see him, and he seemed to be preparing to use some means to deal with him.


Ye Xuan didn't waste any more time and directly shot the ghost fire in his hand towards Stepan's soul.


Stepan turned around and tried to escape, but unfortunately, Ye Xuan's ghost fire seemed to be locked on him, and no matter how he tried to escape, he couldn't.

The next moment, the ghost fire fell on Stepan, and then Stepan's spirit body began to burn.


As soon as the ghost fire touched his body, Stepan couldn't help but scream and fell to the ground, rolling on the ground.

This feeling of pain was a thousand times stronger than the pain of being burned by the flames. If an ordinary person encountered this kind of pain, he would have fainted long ago. However, Stepan found that after he was burned, his consciousness became clearer and the feeling of pain became more and more intense.

"No, no...ah, spare me, spare me——!!!"

He rolled on the ground in pain, and after a moment, he could no longer hold back and begged Ye Xuan for mercy, wanting Ye Xuan to let him go.

However, he was already dead... How could Ye Xuan spare his life?!

【Immortal cultivators practice the legendary way of immortals... How could ghosts think that immortal cultivators can't see them?】

【Isn’t it common sense that immortals can deal with ghosts?! ]

Ye Xuan wrote this in his diary.

The girls: What the hell is common sense --!!!

We talked to you about technology, but now you are talking to us about metaphysics?!!

In the past, the girls never understood what Ye Xuan meant by cultivating immortals in his diary. They thought that what Ye Xuan cultivated was just a way to become stronger.

This method seemed to be no different from how they embarked on their destiny to gain power.

But now, my goodness --!!!

It turns out that the immortals that Ye Xuan cultivated were the kind of immortals in metaphysics?!!

In fact, through Ye Xuan’s eyes, they saw for the first time that there really are ghosts in this world?!! At this moment, no matter who the girls who had the diary were, they felt that their outlook on life collapsed --!!!

It turns out that there are really ghosts in this world, and these ghosts are not so-called plasma consciousness or something like that, but are completely beyond their so-called scientific explanation?!!

However, this ghost seemed to be a bit unlucky. The first time he became a ghost, he met Ye Xuan, who was practicing Taoism and becoming an immortal. It seemed that his fate would not be good after falling into Ye Xuan's hands.

The fire that Ye Xuan threw out could not be seen by ordinary people, but it seemed that it would never go out when it burned on Stepan's ghost.

The painful look on his face showed that Stepan was a scumbag, and the girls could not help but feel their scalps tingling for him.

【Even if a cultivator meets another cultivator, after losing, they dare not be too stubborn, for fear that their opponent will use some soul-refining techniques to torture them.】

【No matter who they are, once they fall into the hands of a hostile cultivator, they have no other choice but to try their best to please the other party.】

【Stepan is a mortal, but he is pretending in front of me and wants to disgust me before he dies? No one told him that I am an immortal cultivator. Even if he dies, he will never die peacefully?】

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