Xing: That's right, there's something wrong with the diary screen. I'm wearing my clothes properly--!!!

Pera: What's going on? In the diary, our clothes seem to have become transparent?

At this moment, the girls who appeared in the diary screen couldn't help but blush.

Because they saw that they seemed to be naked in the diary screen.

Just when the girls were all surprised

【In the diary screen, the perspective suddenly zoomed out and spread out into the distance. At this moment, the entire Yalilo VI seemed to be in the diary screen.】

【Then, in the diary screen, somewhere, a faint light was being released, and the view kept zooming in on that place.】

【There, there is a ball of light suspended above the valley floor.】

"Star Core——!!!"

The girls who were looking at the diary immediately recognized that the thing was a star core!!!

There was no mistake, because a few days ago, they had just seen what a star core was in Ye Xuan's diary.���Things.

March 7: But... why did the star core suddenly appear in the diary screen?!!

Xing: Yes, this is too strange, how did the star core appear in the diary screen by itself?

Fu Xuan: Let me guess a possibility... Do you think it is possible that this is the power of Ye Xuan's consciousness?

Girls: What?!!

Fu Xuan: Ye Xuan's consciousness is to spread his sight like a perception ability, and see as much as possible what he wants to see within a limited range. This kind of sight can even penetrate all obstacles, even the clothes we wear... So, now it is not the star core that appears in the diary screen, but Ye Xuan's perspective that sees the star core.

March 7: Hiss--!!

Xing: Hiss--!!!

March 7: How long has the state of repeating lasted?

Silver Wolf: I knew it... I felt something was a little strange before. Logically, Ye Xuan's diary should record what Ye Xuan saw and felt. However, sometimes, the diary would suddenly expand the perspective and show things that Ye Xuan should not have been able to see. At that time, I thought it was the function of the diary itself, but now, I know that it was Ye Xuan's ability as a cultivator, his spiritual sense--!!!

Bronya: Ah... If this is Ye Xuan's vision, doesn't it mean that we are now naked in front of Ye Xuan? Cocolia:

Everyone calm down, don't adjust your expressions, don't let Ye Xuan see anything.

Pera: Uh... His ability is too powerful, he can even see through our clothes, then, what's the point of the clothes we wear in front of him?

Esta: Difficult, difficult... No wonder he doesn't usually use this spiritual sense. It turns out that when he uses his spiritual sense to the fullest, he can even see through people's clothes.

【Diary screen, the perspective instantly retracted and returned to Ye Xuan's main perspective】

【In the picture, the clothes on the women also reappeared.

Then, Ye Xuan said:

"I think I know where the star core is."


Hearing Ye Xuan's words, all the girls looked at Ye Xuan with astonishment on their faces.

This time, they were really surprised, not pretending.

Especially March Seven, she asked Ye Xuan in disbelief:

"Do you know where the core of a star is? How did you know?"

【Just now, I used my divine consciousness to cover the entire Yalilo VI in an instant. Something as obvious as a star core naturally has nowhere to hide. However, if I tell them about my divine consciousness, some of the smart ones among them will probably guess that I can see their naked bodies at any time if I want.】

【For the sake of my personal image, I'd better not let them know about this ability. 】

Girls: Uh...

Ye Xuan looked at San Yue Qi and said to her:"I can tell fortunes, don't you know? I can predict the past and the future."


Hearing Ye Xuan's words, San Yue Qi couldn't help but look strange, and then said to Ye Xuan:"Then can you calculate what I was like in the past?"

【Alas, if it was someone else's past, I would really know it. Unfortunately, your setting as March Seven is too mysterious. Before I traveled through the game, your identity and background had not been exposed. I only knew that you were a fool who was always happy.

March Seven: You are the fool who is always happy.

Estelle: Don't be angry, March. I apologize to you on behalf of my boyfriend. Moreover, the more mysterious your identity setting is, doesn't it mean that you are more powerful? Don't you think so?

March Seven: That's right!

March Seven was about to get excited, but suddenly, she felt something was wrong.

Then, she quickly commented in her diary.

March Seven: Great, Estelle, you are showing off to me how great your boyfriend is, Estelle, you have changed. You have become fond of talking about your boyfriend since I don't know when.

Estelle: Uh... no way.

Estelle, who was exposed by March Seven in the space station, couldn't help but blush at this moment.

But March 7 looked at Ye Xuan, waiting for his answer.


Ye Xuan shook his head slightly and said,"What I can calculate is limited. Not everything can be calculated. I just can't calculate your past."


San Yueqi was obviously a little disappointed, then she forced a smile and asked Ye Xuan:

"Where is the core of the star?"

"Over there."

Ye Xuan pointed in a direction and said:

"If you are interested, you can go with me to have a look."

"Do you want to fly over?!"

Sanyueqi said to Ye Xuan:"Just like before, you disappeared in a flash and reappeared in a flash, but we can't catch up with you."

"That's right."

Xing also said:"We can't fly either, unless you teach us how to fly to the sky."


Dan Heng remained silent. If he released the power of Dragon Lord, he would be able to fly. However, now, he would not use the power of Dragon Lord unless it was necessary. That was the past he wanted to escape from.

"It's easy to take you there."

Ye Xuan said

"Autumn Water, Unsheathed——!!!"

Following Ye Xuan's light shout, the next moment, a flying sword flew out from Ye Xuan's fingertips, and one sword turned into thousands, spinning in the air.

At this moment, the sky was densely packed with a sea of swords...

Everyone in Beloberg stared at the scene in the sky in amazement, and couldn't help but be dumbfounded.

"This...what is this?——!!!"

In their lives, have they ever seen such a scene?!!


Ye Xuan gave an order, and countless flying swords fell from the sky and landed at the feet of everyone.

"If you want to see what a star core looks like, then step on the sword."

Ye Xuan said to everyone present

"This... let us step on this sword? This sword is so small, if we step on it, won't we fall down and die? I won't go——!!!"

Although the means that Ye Xuan has now displayed are really quite magical to everyone present, they dare not stand on such a sword. Who is not afraid of falling to death suddenly?

Looking at the pictures, the girls with diaries can't help but feel depressed.

Hook: It's rare to have such an interesting experience. These people are so timid that they dare not go up. If I am given a chance, I must experience the feeling of flying on the sword.

Clara: If I step on the sword barefoot, will my feet be cut?

Silver Wolf: It seems to be very interesting.

Su Chang: Flying with a sword... Oh my God, this is the legendary flying with a sword. This is the plot that we Xianzhou sword cultivators dream of. Is there really anyone who can do such a thing?

March Seven: This... Ye Xuan, can your sword really be stepped on?

Looking at the sword energy floating beside him, March Seven asked excitedly

"Of course."

Ye Xuan said:"But if you are afraid, you don't have to come up——!"(To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Ye Xuan gently raised his foot and stepped on a flying sword.

"I'm afraid. I'm just worried that you'll suddenly accelerate like a train and make me fall. I'll just get on.——!"

Sanyueqi bravely stepped on the sword energy beside her.

And Xing immediately stepped on the sword energy beside her.


Cocolia, with a bit of curiosity, also stepped on the flying sword.

After that, Bronya, Pera, Silva, Jeppard... several brave people in Beloberg followed and stepped on Ye Xuan's flying sword, but most people did not have the courage.

After all, stepping on a flying sword was really a test of their courage.

What if they suddenly fell off the flying sword?

"It seems that no one is willing to come up."

Ye Xuan said:"Then please get ready and do it.——!!!"

After all, Beloberg was a civilization before the end of the world. In this civilization, there were some people with amazing courage. After being invited by Ye Xuan, these people bravely stepped on the flying sword.

The next moment——!!!

I saw thousands of sword lights breaking through the air, and the air sword carrying people behind them also instantly soared into the sky and flew away.

Only those who didn’t have the courage to step on the flying sword before were left, stunned as they watched the flying sword carrying people away.

"Oh my god——!!!"

"He, his flying sword, really carried someone on it?!!"

"So many people, this sword can actually carry so many people at once?!!"

"That's too exaggerated.——!!!"

"I... I suddenly regretted it. If I had followed them on the flying sword, would I have been able to fly in the sky like them?"

Someone regretted not stepping on the flying sword.

"The sword was flying so fast, if it suddenly fell, it would surely kill the person, right?"

Some people regretted it, but now they can only say that the grapes are sour.

However, his words were immediately refuted.

"You didn't even take a good look. Just now the sword suddenly flew so fast and everyone was standing on it steadily. How could anyone fall from it?"

"What kind of divine power is this?!!"


At this moment, all the Beloberg people standing on the flying sword felt their hearts twitch violently.

In fact, the acceleration of the flying sword taking off suddenly was too fast. They only felt as if they were lifted up and thrown into the sky in an instant, and the whole person seemed to fall from the sky at the next moment. That feeling was really too scary.

However, when they reacted from their fear and found that they were just standing on the flying sword, following this magical alien, stepping on the sword and flying rapidly towards the distance, the original fear in their hearts suddenly turned into excitement.

This exciting feeling conquered all of them at once.

"Wa hahaha——!!!"


"So exciting——!!!"

San Yue Qi followed Ye Xuan, feeling the freedom and the feeling of flying in the sky. She couldn't help but shout to Ye Xuan:

"It turns out that flying in the sky is so much fun——!!!"

"So interesting——!!!"

Xing also controlled his flying sword and followed Ye Xuan.

Ye Xuan didn't say much, just smiled, put his hands behind his back, and flew the sword in front.

The people behind him, although they can control the flying sword freely, can only fly within a certain range behind him.

Hook: This... this is too interesting, is this called flying with a sword?

Su Chang: Yes, this is flying with a sword. In the legend of our Luofu Fairy Boat, if someone can practice swordsmanship to a certain level, he can become one with the sword and fly with the sword. I didn't expect that this kind of thing is actually true.

Hook: Wow, I also want to fly with a sword. Those people just now were too stupid. They didn't dare to go up with such an interesting thing?!

Clara: Yes, Clara also wants to fly with a sword.

Xier: I want to too. These people in the upper class are just timid. Bronya: What are you talking about? Some people in the upper class are timid, but not everyone is timid. Look, aren't there so many of us coming up?

At this time, Bronya was on Ye Xuan's flying sword, feeling the cold wind whistling past her ears, and expressing dissatisfaction with Xi'er's comments.


In the sky, Ye Xuan led everyone to fly three thousand flying swords, breaking through the air. In the blink of an eye, they had flown over the thousands of mountains and landed in that valley.

The next moment, countless streams of light shot down from the sky and landed on the ground.

Until the streams of light dissipated, everyone was still in the clouds and dreaming, and they didn't react for a long time.

"Sorry, everyone, the journey is temporarily over."

Just when everyone hadn't reacted yet, Ye Xuan called out and everyone came back to their senses.


San Yueqi finally reacted and couldn't help but exclaimed. She quickly said,"Ye Xuan, what was that just now? What was that? It was so cool, so cool. I will never allow myself to never have the chance to experience that feeling again!!!"

"That one."

Ye Xuan said:"That's called flying with a sword.——!"

"Flying Sword——!!!"

Hearing Ye Xuan's words, San Yue Qi's eyes widened.

On the other side of the fairy boat, Su Chang looked at the diary in front of her and listened to Ye Xuan saying that the move he had just used was called flying with a sword. She was so excited that she almost fainted.

"Flying with a sword, it's really flying with a sword, oh my god——!!!"

Su Shang couldn't help but exclaimed:

"He really called that move"Sword Flying"——!!!"

No one would understand why the people of Xianzhou are so obsessed with swords, especially the strong men of Xianzhou Luofu, who basically respect swords.

Even the cloud riders of Xianzhou all use the appearance of retro weapons...

In the final analysis, it is because the people of Xianzhou have a retro heart. There are even rumors that the swords of Xianzhou are all high-tech weapons, but they are deliberately made to look like swords.

Of course, whether this rumor is true or not, no one from Xianzhou has come out to refute it.

However, there is indeed a hammer. Yukong’s bow is a high-tech weapon made in the shape of a bow. Her bow action is actually firing artillery fire...

In short, in the eyes of the people of Xianzhou, this is really cool!!!

And now, Ye Xuan not only used a sword-controlling move similar to the legend of Xianzhou, but also flew with so many people on board. What's more, Ye Xuan still cares about this move.���Flying on the sword, Su Chang was so excited that she almost fainted.

She felt as if she had really seen the protagonist in the fairy tale novels she had read.


"No, when I have the chance, I will definitely worship Ye Xuan as my master, and I also want to learn how to fly with a sword.——!!!"

Su Shang was so excited that she almost jumped up

"Ye Xuan, when we have a chance in the future, you must let me experience the feeling of flying with a sword again. Next time, I want to experience it properly. Just now, you flew too fast.——!!!"

On Ye Xuan's side, March 7 excitedly said to him

"And I——!!!"

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