"It turns out that Huanlong's purpose is Jianmu——!!!"

Fu Xuan was dumbfounded when reading the contents of the diary.

Not to mention Fu Xuan was dumbfounded, anyone who knew what fate was would be dumbfounded when seeing this.

Although Ye Xuan had always written that Huanlong, as a Lord of Destruction, was greedy for life and afraid of death, they didn't take it too seriously at the time. They just thought that Ye Xuan was despising Huanlong's behavior.

But, they really didn't expect Huanlong to be serious--!!!

She came to the Immortal Boat to create an immortal body for herself?!!

As a Destruction Order, she was so afraid of death and even pursued the blessing of abundance...

This, I have to say, Huanlong is really a weirdo.

How did Nanook take a fancy to her?!!

【By now, Huanlong should have been lurking on the immortal boat Luofu for a long time, ready to disintegrate Luofu from the inside. The only thing she needs to wait for now is for someone to send her the star core.】

【After Huanlong obtains the star core, she will surely be eager to revive Jianmu and take away his immortal consciousness.】

【In fact, the plot of Xianzhou Luofu is not that complicated in a sense. It just uses Xianzhou Luofu as a stage to introduce a world view to the players. In this world view, when all the conspiracies of Huanlong are exposed, the story can almost end from the beginning.】

【Unfortunately, although I know the truth, I can't just go up and tell the people in Xianzhou Luofu that I know that everything was arranged by Huanlong behind the scenes. Huanlong replaced Tingyun and monitored the development of the situation openly. Let's just watch the show openly.】

【The people in Xianzhou will not believe me. Besides, Xianzhou is not a small place like Beloberg. If I talk nonsense there and cause unnecessary hostility from Xianzhou, it will be a big trouble for me.】

【The important thing is that Xianzhou also has a great director Jing Yuan, who has almost calculated everything, but he did not expect that Xianzhou actually sneaked into the Extinction Lord.……】

【The plot after the appearance of this Lord of Extinction is almost irrelevant to the plot before and after his appearance. If Huanlong himself did not show up, and I suddenly told Xianzhou that the Lord of Extinction had sneaked into Xianzhou, I'm afraid everyone in Xianzhou would laugh to death.】

【In short, the entire Xianzhou 19, everything is under the control of the great director Jing Yuan, so I don't have to be as nosy as I was in Beloberg. There is only one little sister Tingyun. If she really encounters danger, it would be a pity to die. I will save her then. 】

Tingyun: Then I really have to thank you for your pity, sir. If I am targeted by Huanlong, you must come to save me!

Yukong: What are you afraid of? Can't our people in Xianzhou save you?

Tingyun: Uh...

Although Tingyun really wants to say it, she has to give Yukong face.

She can only think in her heart that if the people in Xianzhou can save her, she will not die!

According to Ye Xuan, she must have died in the plot, right?!

【There is no way. The strength of the Xianzhou is indeed strong. In this crisis, the only place where the Xianzhou really relies on the train group is Dan Heng's strength. Others are just pendants in this pioneering mission. It doesn't matter whether I intervene or not. It's not bad for me to follow the train group as a tourist this time. 】

Bronya: So, we Beloberg should thank ourselves for being too weak, which gave Ye Xuan the opportunity to intervene. Otherwise, Ye Xuan would not intervene.

Ji Zi: Sometimes, if you want to meddle in other people's business, you really need to see who the target is. With Ye Xuan's strength, he can destroy Beloberg alone, so he can meddle in Beloberg's business. This is not a big problem for him. However, if he is facing the Xianzhou Luofu, if he is not careful, he is regarded as an enemy by the Xianzhou even though he is kind enough to help. For Ye Xuan, it is better for him not to take action from the beginning and sit on the sidelines.

Su Chang: Don't make it seem like our Xianzhou is a place that doesn't know what's good for you. We Xianzhou people are very reasonable.

Tingyun: That’s what he said, but if Master Ye suddenly said he wanted to help Xianzhou, Xianzhou might really suspect that he had ulterior motives, or even that he was in cahoots with others.

Fu Xuan:...He was telling the truth. Helping Xianzhou is something that requires constant consideration for anyone. If it’s not done well, it might even lead to misunderstandings from Xianzhou... Perhaps, it’s precisely because of this situation that the Starry Sky Train is still willing to help Xianzhou Luofu that their friendship is particularly precious. Presumably, this is also the reason why Xianzhou will form an alliance with the train group later.

Yukong: What? Xianzhou will form an alliance with the train group?! What does this mean?

Fu Xuan: Okay, don’t be shocked yet. If you have anything to say, come here and I’ll tell you slowly. Now, let’s discuss how to tell the general that Huanlong has sneaked into Xianzhou.

【Now that we are already in Xianzhou, I have a business that can make money.

Su Shang: Doing business? What does he want to do with us in Xianzhou?

Fu Xuan: I am afraid that the business that Ye Xuan specifically mentioned is not a small business.

【Everyone who has practiced Taoism knows that what Taoism seeks is immortality.】


Seeing the contents of Ye Xuan's new diary, Fu Xuan, Su Shang, Yu Kong, and Ting Yun were all dumbfounded.

Ye Xuan actually said that the immortal cultivators pursue immortality?!!

He, he still wants to cooperate with the people of Xianzhou?!!

He is afraid that���——!!!

Now everyone knows that in the whole world, if we talk about which force hates Changsheng the most, it is the Xianzhou Alliance——!!!

The former Xianzhou Alliance was badly harmed by Changsheng, so that the people of Xianzhou are afraid of the ropes for ten years after being bitten by a snake. If anyone mentions Changsheng in front of the Xianzhou people, it is no different from killing the parents and families of most of the Xianzhou people. They will be arrested by the Xianzhou people in an instant.

At the lightest, they will be educated ideologically, and at the worst, they will be directly thrown into prison to reflect on themselves...

If they refuse to repent, they may even be treated as criminals and severely punished by the Xianzhou people.

Over the years, Xianzhou has been kind and kind to the entire universe. No matter who comes to Xianzhou for medical treatment, Xianzhou will try its best to satisfy those people.

However, if anyone dares to mention seeking immortality in Xianzhou, he will be arrested by Xianzhou Yunqi immediately.

But now, Ye Xuan actually said that the purpose of his cultivation is also to seek immortality?

What is the difference between letting the Xianzhou people see this content and seeing someone say that he is a criminal in public?

Tingyun: This Mr. Ye Xuan, he wouldn't want to... cooperate with our Xianzhou, and let us Xianzhou give him immortality, right?

Yukong: No matter who he is, if he really dares to have such an idea, I'm afraid that if he dares to come to Xianzhou, he will definitely regret it.

Sushang: Yes, how can he pursue immortality? Immortality is an evil way--!!!

Fu Xuan: Ye Xuan... Could it be that he has such a mysterious power, if he is so powerful, he can't escape the pursuit of immortality in the end?!

To be honest, for the people of Xianzhou, the idea of pursuing immortality is as outrageous as ordinary people suddenly saying that they want to become immortals.

Immortality, for Xianzhou, has long been a disaster.

Even if Ye Xuan has shocked Fu Xuan and Sushang with his strength many times in his diary before, if Ye Xuan is a person who wants to seek immortality through Xianzhou, then they will definitely look down on Ye Xuan in their hearts. (To read the exciting novels, go to Flylu Novel Network!)

Fu Xuan: Ye Xuan, if his purpose of coming to the Immortal Boat is to pursue immortality, then he is too disappointing.

Sanyueqi: Huh?! What's wrong with pursuing immortality? Why are you so disappointed when Ye Xuan comes to your Immortal Boat to seek immortality?

Xing: Yes, is there any problem with that?! Heita

: Hehe, mentioning immortality in front of the people of the Immortal Boat, this is really...

Cocolia: If immortality is something that can really be achieved, I'm afraid everyone will yearn for it, right? []

Bronya: Does the Immortal Boat have a way to achieve immortality?

Ester: In this world, except for the Star God, there should be no one else who can achieve immortality, right? Even intelligent mechanical creatures will eventually decay. Yukong

: Although it may be a bit rude to say this, I still want to warn all of you not to pursue immortality. Immortality is not a blessing, but an eternal curse. Sanyueqi:

Why do you say that?

Xing: Isn't immortality good?!

Fu Xuan: It seems that many outsiders don't know what kind of curse immortality is.

Well, let me���Let me explain to you what harm immortality will bring.

First of all, it is class solidification.

The poor will always be poor, and the rich will always be rich.

For the poor, immortality means eternal torture.

Then, there is the problem of resources.

If people can live forever, they will not die.

As long as they don't die, they will continue to reproduce.

One person will give birth to ten, and ten will give birth to a hundred.

It won't be long before the whole world will fall into permanent disputes due to lack of resources.

And this is just the disaster caused by others.

The problem of immortality has a more serious problem than you think, that is, your If your body is immortal, it means that the bacteria and viruses in your body will also be immortal.

You can't see anything in the short term.

As your body coexists with those bacteria and viruses, your body will definitely be transformed into a monster over time.

More importantly, people have limited memory.

Over time, only some memories that are very impressive to people will remain in their memory, and these memories are often not very good.

After a long period of accumulation, endless pain and the torture of memory, the immortal species will enter the devil's body and become paranoid and crazy, and only know how to hurt others.

Yukong: Fu Taibu is right. This is the disaster that immortality will bring. Therefore, no matter who is in this universe, immortality is definitely not a good thing. From the moment you become an immortal species, it is destined that one day you will lose your own humanity. Those family affections, friendships, and love that you once cared about will become permanent torture in the end--!

March 7: Ah... This, so immortality is really terrible--!

Xing: But are there any exceptions? Maybe some people are more powerful. After becoming immortal, their minds and bodies are different from others, and they can always maintain their rationality?

Fu Xuan: Even if there are exceptions, what if he is an exception? He can only watch the family, friendship and love that he once cherished, leaving him little by little, especially for a lustful person like Ye Xuan.

If one day the women he likes die one by one and leave him, or turn into monsters in front of him and fall into the devil, then, is such immortality still useful to him? It is just endless torture for himself.

Let me put it more extremely.

If he and his lovers can also become immortal, then how can he guarantee that his lovers don’t care about people and things except him? If a person can live forever, he will naturally like his relatives, friends, family, lovers, and everything he cares about to live forever.

Then, one day, he will see with his own eyes that his descendants fight for resources and finally start an endless war.

Bronya: This... if immortality is like this, then it is indeed eternal torture for a person. Yukong

: Do you understand now? This mysterious diary owner may know a lot, but if he really wants to pursue immortality,���If you are reading this, I hope those of you who are close to him can persuade him not to think about pursuing immortality, and cherish the present, which is what he should do in this life.

Su Shang: You are right, what is the point of living so long, just live every day happily.

Ting Yun: The torture of immortality is not something that everyone can withstand.

San Yue Qi: If this is true, then I really have to persuade Ye Xuan.

Xing: I never thought that immortality would have so many things to consider. If this is true, then it is really too torturous.

【Of course, all the powers and special abilities that people who practice immortal cultivation have obtained are just byproducts of the process of pursuing immortality. The real ability that people who practice immortal cultivation have obtained is actually immortality. 】

All women: ? ?!!!

What do you mean?!!

Fu Xuan: I... I thought Ye Xuan wanted to seek immortality through the immortal boat, but now, it seems that he can obtain immortality by himself?!

Yukong: So far, I have not heard of anyone who can obtain immortality by himself. Heita

: Although you cannot obtain immortality, you can regain youth. I have personally verified my theory of rejuvenation, which is a feasible method.

Tingyun: I have also heard of Ms. Heita's theory of rejuvenation, but the price is probably not ordinary, otherwise Ms. Heita would not have promoted this method. Heita

: It is always much better than the immortality of you people in the immortal boat.

March 7: So, does that mean that Ye Xuan wants to ask the immortal people for the method of immortality?

Yukong: Perhaps, the immortality that Ye Xuan talked about is just similar to the method of rejuvenation that Ms. Heita talked about. It can only extend one's life by a few decades.……

【For a cultivator, every time his cultivation level is improved, his life span will increase by more than ten times, and the increase will only get bigger and bigger. So, when I was in the foundation-building stage, my life span was less than two hundred years, but as soon as I entered the golden elixir stage, my life span instantly increased by more than ten times, and I suddenly had a life span of at least three thousand years. 】

All women: ??? ???!!!!!!

Yukong: Uh... three... three thousand years?!!! Fu Xuan

: Three thousand years of life? Ye Xuan has already lived for three thousand years?!

Su Shang: I... I remember now, Ye Xuan is a cultivator. Isn't the most basic ability of the legendary cultivator immortal?!! Yukong

: I wanted to ask just now, he said he was a cultivator, what's the situation?!

Tingyun: Cultivator? I also want to ask, this mysterious diary owner, who calls himself a cultivator, is he really the kind of immortal cultivator in the legend?

Yukong: Impossible. The legendary immortal cultivators are just rumors left by our ancestors in the process of pursuing immortality. Immortal cultivators do not exist at all.

Fu Xuan: It is entirely possible.

Yukong: ? ? ?!! Fu Taibu, do you know what you are talking about? You said he is the legendary immortal cultivator?

Fu Xuan: I have seen Ye Xuan's ability with my own eyes. It is not necessarily true to say that he is the legendary immortal cultivator. However, Ye Xuan has already demonstrated many of the abilities that the legendary immortal cultivators have. Unfortunately, your diary seems to be different from ours, and we cannot see what he wrote before.

Yukong: Uh... just based on the content of the diary?

Fu Xuan: Of course not. Although I have not seen it with my own eyes, they have all witnessed the immortal miracles created by Ye Xuan.

Bronya: Yes, at least, I don't know what your legendary immortal cultivator is, but what is written in Ye Xuan's diary has never been false! He said that he has a lifespan of 3,000 years now, so I believe that he must have a lifespan of 3,000 years.

Kokolia: I believe it too.

Shiluwa: I believe it too... three thousand years.

Yukong looked at the diary and couldn't help but gasp.

She didn't believe what the girls said, but she was willing to believe what Fu Xuan said. If Fu Xuan didn't show any doubt about their words, then, doesn't it mean that Fu Xuan also believed that Ye Xuan had a lifespan of three thousand years?

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