"What is this?——!!!"

The people from Beloberg naturally felt the horror here.

During this period, Beloberg was in trouble. Before they knew it, the world outside was changing.

They should have been used to it.

But this time, it was different from the last time...

Because this time, they saw a creature in the sky that they had never seen before.

It was a thing that looked like a snake, but it had horns and four legs and could fly in the sky.

"This... Could this be the legendary dragon?——!!!"

Pella and the Silver Mane Iron Guards also hurried over. Seeing the dragon circling in the sky, she couldn't help but widen her eyes.

Then, her heart suddenly jumped--!!

Could it be that Ye Xuan released the dragon written in his diary?!!

Damn it--!!!

The women who were looking at the diary screen couldn't help but think of this possibility. Could it be that Ye Xuan just released this dragon because he couldn't think straight just now, the dragon that Ye Xuan called a fairy beast?

Is he crazy?!!

If such a monster is released, the entire universe will be destroyed--!!!

Especially now, it is clear that this dragon has no good intentions towards Ye Xuan--!!!

Although Ye Xuan is very powerful, he is still far from being a real strong man in this universe. Isn't he looking for death by releasing this dragon now?

When they thought of this, even the women who were originally ladies couldn't help but burst into swearing.

Su Chang: Well, this dragon could be... the fairy dragon that Ye Xuan mentioned before? It seems to look different from the dragons of the Chi Ming tribe that I know of--!!!

Fu Xuan: This... this is not the appearance of the dragons in our world. Could it really be the fairy dragon mentioned in Ye Xuan's diary? Did Ye Xuan release it?!

Xing: Don't scare me!——!""Six, six, three"!!

At this time, Xing was holding Ye Xuan's sword in her hand, and had just received the double blessing of Cunhu. While embarking on the journey of Cunhu, her strength increased greatly, and she was just about to show off her skills.

However, just when she flew into the sky and looked at the hideous dragon, she was not afraid at all.

Suddenly, she saw in the diary that someone was suspecting that this dragon was the fairy dragon released by Ye Xuan. All of Xing's courage collapsed at this moment, and she almost fell from the sky.

Fortunately, this sword was spiritual and would automatically protect its master, so she didn't fall down because of a momentary loss of consciousness. Otherwise, Xing would probably become the first person in the world to fall to death from the state of flying a sword.


The black dragon, without any hesitation, pounced towards Xing in the air.

Ye Xuan raised his eyebrows. Although the black dragon's strength was far from the level of the Dragon Lord in this world, it was still much stronger than the current Xing.

Thinking of this, Ye Xuan used both hands to cast spells, and a series of binding spells turned into spiritual light, which bound the black dragon in the sky.

The black dragon was bound by Ye Xuan's magic, and its originally flexible and fierce offensive became sluggish at this moment. However, Ye Xuan could not use a stronger force than the black dragon, so his binding spell did not work for too long, and the black dragon was about to break the magic chain bit by bit. Seeing this, Ye Xuan said:

"Don't be afraid, I have already tied up this evil dragon. It's okay, just muster up your courage and go ahead.——!!!"

Although Ye Xuan didn't need to use a stronger force than the black dragon, the diary system didn't say that he couldn't ask for help.

Now that he has Xing and Sanyueqi as helpers, and there are so many people like Beloberg, wouldn't it be easy to get rewards?

Thinking of this, Ye Xuan also said to Pera and the others on the side:

"Please help me too. I have to restrain this black dragon now and I can't spare any hands.——!"

Ye Xuan's figure floated up in the air, and a fierce fairy light burst out from his body. Endless spiritual energy turned into a visible Dao Wenxuan chain behind Ye Xuan, flying out and restraining the black dragon's movements again.

Sanyueqi: Oh, I said it, how could this black dragon be so weak that it didn't swallow Xing in one bite.

Xing: You really hope that I will be swallowed in one bite, right?!!

Xingren made a speechless comment in the diary in the air.

Pera: It seems that Lord Ye Xuan used the binding spell to suppress the power of this black dragon--!!!

Fu Xuan: Hiss--!!! Could it be that Ye Xuan really has a way to suppress this fairy beast-level dragon?!!

Yukong: Although I don't know what's going on, but everyone, hurry up--!!!

Sushang: Don't worry, when we are chatting in the diary, the time outside is relatively still.

Tingyun: No, look carefully, the duration of this time stop has shortened. It should be that the power of this black dragon is too strong, which is completely beyond the special ability of the diary, so the relative time stop ability of the diary is consumed very quickly--!

Cocolia: Now Lord Ye Xuan can still suppress this black dragon, and everyone still has a chance. If we miss the opportunity and let this black dragon react, then we are finished. Everyone, come on, I will start the creation engine to help--!!

Xier: Although I don’t know what happened, if this black dragon escapes Lord Ye Xuan’s restraint, then the consequence is that the entire universe will be destroyed instantly. I will also--!!!

Jizi: Now is not the time to watch the show. I have asked Walter to come to support. I have already prepared the rail gun here--!

Because it is suspected that the black dragon that Ye Xuan is controlling now is the terrifying fairy dragon he wrote in the diary. All the diary copy holders felt the seriousness of the situation.

Therefore, they all came to support the battlefield without hesitation.

This fairy beast was just like Ye Xuan. Its aura was completely different from the system they practiced. They couldn't sense how much imaginary energy this fairy beast had. However, they could clearly feel the terrifying aura of this fairy beast.

"For the galaxy, for the universe——!!!"

Seeing that everyone was on their way to support her, Xing couldn't help but muster up her courage.

The protection she had just received gave her the courage to face difficulties, and her courage also made her protection stronger.

Looking at the black dragon bound by Ye Xuan, Xing strengthened her belief and rushed towards the black dragon.

The flying sword in her hand, called the Galaxy Bat, burst into a blazing flame.


While in the air, Xing slashed the black dragon's head with a sword.


The moment the flying sword touched the dragon's head, there was a sound of flesh being cut.

Xing's sword actually cut the skin on the dragon's head.

She couldn't believe that this terrifying creature that could destroy the universe was actually injured by her sword.

This is impossible, unless——!!!

Xing looked at Ye Xuan who was also floating in the air and constantly urging the magic Daowen Xuanlian to suppress the black dragon. Her eyes lit up.

Xing: I understand, Ye Xuan's binding spell not only suppressed the black dragon's movements, but also made it weaker. Don't be afraid, come with me, we have a chance——!!!

March 7: Do you need to say it, I'm already——!!!

At this time, San Yue Qi also held two swords in her hands and flew towards the black dragon's body. The two swords in her hands danced like lotus flowers, shuttling back and forth on the black dragon's body. In the blink of an eye, the black dragon was left with several scars visible to the naked eye.

Although she and Xing were as small as mice and ants in front of the black dragon, the scars they left on the black dragon were still very impressive.

"Don't be in a daze——!!!"

Pella quickly said to the people behind him:

"Help them——!!!"

Upon hearing this, the Silver Mane Iron Guards quickly raised their guns and fired at the sky.


Bullets flew through the air, and they could not help but make a big hole in the black dragon's body.

Although the guns used by Beloberg's people seemed to be very old and still used traditional bullets, the power of these bullets was not comparable to the bullets fired from the guns of ancient times.

In this world, many things that look ordinary are actually high-tech, which is really good.

Looking at this scene, Ye Xuan was also secretly amazed.

He wrote in his diary:

【Beloberg's Silver Mane Iron Guards are not as weak as they look. However, if I hadn't bound the black dragon with the magic chain and suppressed its strength, they would not have been able to cause any effective damage to the black dragon. 】

March Seven: You don't need to say that. It's already this time, and you still have time to write a diary!

March Seven couldn't help but complain. Now they are all trying desperately to defeat the black dragon and save the universe. (To read the violent novel, go to Fulu Novel Network!)

Ye Xuan, the main force, actually has time to write a diary. I'm really impressed.

Who doesn't know how terrifying this black dragon is?

If Ye Xuan wasn't here, let alone these Silver Mane Iron Guards, even if they, or even the Star God, came, they couldn't hurt this black dragon, right?

After all, this is the fairy beast in Xuanji.

I don't know what method Ye Xuan used to bind this fairy beast.

Even suppressed it so weak.


At this moment, Ye Xuan suddenly raised his head and saw a beam of light visible to the naked eye breaking through the air in the sky, instantly piercing through the atmosphere of this world. The terrifying power seemed to be about to penetrate the black dragon in the next moment. However

, at this moment, the black dragon suddenly turned over and twisted its body flexibly in the air. Although it did not break free from Ye Xuan's restraints, it avoided the bombardment of the beam falling from the sky.

That was Ji Zi's rail gun.——!


Sanyueqi and Xing were both dumbfounded.

No one expected that this huge black dragon would be so flexible when it moved. Under Ye Xuan's restraint, it could even turn away the bombardment of the railgun.

The women who were looking at the diary screen were also dumbfounded.

"Danheng, what are you waiting for?——!!!"

Looking at this scene, San Yue Qi couldn't help but exclaimed:

"Why don't you show your hidden power now?——!!!"


Looking at this scene, Dan Heng was a little surprised, but also a little confused.

This black dragon is strong, but it is not to the extent that he needs to use his hidden strength...........[]

So, he said directly:

"You should come first."


Hearing Dan Heng's words, San Yue Qi almost vomited blood.

How could I have any hidden power?……

"Slashing Stars and Breaking the Universe——!!!"

Sanyueqi knew that Danheng didn't have a diary, so he didn't know the seriousness of the current situation. At this time, she could only rely on herself, Xing and the others from Beloberg.

The black dragon was suppressed so weakly. If Danheng was willing to go all out, it would definitely be easy to solve it--!!!

Damn it, if the world was destroyed because of this, then even if she turned into a ghost, she would scold Danheng severely and make him hide his power. Now, it's all over--!!!

Now, she can only hope that Walter Yang will come quickly.

"Large Glazed Sword——!!!"

At this critical moment, San Yue Qi held two swords and did not care about hiding her strength. She used the trick she had been secretly developing before.

The sword passed through the air and cut a huge wound on the black dragon.

"hold head high——!!!"

The black dragon roared, turned around and blew a puff of black smoke at Sanyueqi.

Sanyueqi couldn't avoid it, Ye Xuan frowned, cast a spell, and pulled Sanyueqi away from the range covered by the smoke.

The next moment, the black smoke seemed to corrode the space wherever it passed, falling piece by piece, and burning a large area of the land.

Seeing this scene, Sanyueqi couldn't help but sweat coldly.

Good guy, it's worthy of being a mythical creature, this attack power is too exaggerated, right?!!

"Look at me, bastard.——!!!"

At this moment, Xing suddenly used her taunting skill and slashed at the black dragon's head again.

She flew up and used the heavy sword in her hand to cut another scar on the black dragon.

The black dragon was furious and pounced on Xing.

Xing was in the air, holding the sword in both hands, urging her strength to form a huge barrier to block the black dragon.

At this moment, Ye Xuan had ended the control of the binding chain at some point and implanted it on the hills of this planet.

The black dragon was angered by Xing and was desperately attacking Xing's defense circle, and did not notice this.

"Everyone attack with all their strength——!!!"

Pera ordered the Silver Mane Iron Guard.

Jeppard tried his best to protect Xing, but the black dragon just hit the shield released by Jeppard, and Jeppard felt a huge recoil force, his chest was stuffy, the corners of his mouth were sweet, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

It was not until then that he knew what kind of power Xing in the sky was facing.

Although the bullet attack of the Silver Mane Iron Guard could hurt the black dragon, it was still not enough.

Looking at this scene, the women couldn't help but feel a little desperate.

Even the black dragon that had been bound and suppressed by Ye Xuan was so strong. If it fully exerted the power of the fairy beast, wouldn't the entire universe be over?!

"I will never give up——!!!"

However, at this moment, while in the air, a powerful flame erupted from Xing's body.

She stared at the black dragon in front of her and said:

"No matter what difficulties 3.3 faces, no matter if the next moment is destruction or not, until the moment before destruction, I will never give up, exploration, dream, preservation, friendship, everything I have experienced, I will never be willing to stop at this moment, even if I really have to face destruction in the next moment, I will try my best until the last moment, and then, with a smile, greet the last moment with everyone, ah——!!!"

As Xing's blood boiled, the sword in her hand burst into flames.

"Me too——!!"

Sanyueqi also had a determined look on her face. The glow of passion on their bodies seemed to be visible to the naked eye. Xing was in the front bearing the hatred of the black dragon, while Sanyueqi relied on her flexible mobility to fly back and forth in the air, constantly causing some injuries to the black dragon's body.

The passion of the two of them infected the already desperate Beloberg people.

That's right, how could they give up?!

This is at their doorstep. If they, the Silver Mane Iron Guard, give up, then the millions of people behind them will be in danger.���What about the lights?!

They will never give up!!!

Then, the Silver Mane Iron Guards were full of enthusiasm and launched an attack on the black dragon again.


Seeing this scene, Ye Xuan, who was quietly preparing to slay the dragon, couldn't help but complain...

No, why are you all so excited?

Although this dragon is powerful, it is not impossible to fight with all the power of Beloberg now, right?

After all, this dragon only looks like a dragon, but it is actually just a monster...

However, no matter what, thanks to their passionate attacks, the black dragon's attention was completely attracted.

Otherwise, it would not be easy for Ye Xuan, a beginner in the cultivation world, to defeat this monster from the cultivation world with a power that is not stronger than this monster.

Now, Ye Xuan knew that his chance had come.——!

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